Hello everyone. I am proud to present the announcement for an upcoming progressive Vanilla through WotLK 3.3.5 server.
• What is Crypt WoW?
Crypt WoW is an upcoming WotLK server emulating Vanilla on a 3.3.5 client. Once Vanilla is fully progressed, we're moving onto TBC and then WotLK. Most of the content will be progressively released, as it was in Vanilla. Rates will be kept on 1x, but you'll have an ability to level with RDF & BGs as well. We plan to add a few additions to help balance the game and add extra content - such as: heroic difficulty to some dungeons, buff the raids, nerf certain classes, r14 gear with arena points and more.
• Why are we launching a server?:
At this stage, majority of the community is hyped for Classic WoW. We're giving our players a glimpse of the end-game content that Vanilla brings, through the Wrath client. The Wrath client brings plenty of QoL changes, but we wish to keep the Vanilla feel. The leveling will be slightly faster than Vanilla, but we'll try to keep the difficulty.
• Is this another Primal?
No. There is plenty of differences between us and Primal. I'll name a few:
1.) Primal is a PvE server, we're a PvP server.
2.) Primal is currently emulating TBC, not Vanilla.
3.) Primal locked their talents and spells, we won't. We'll let players use 51 points and get all the new abilities, to allow a different PvP and PvE experience.
4.) Once Primal progresses to the new expansion, you can't play the old one. Not the case here - info below.
5.) Primal locked Blood Elves & Draenei. We plan to enable them, to help faction balance and let people play any race from the get-go.
6.) Primal keeps their current expansion for 1-2 years, we'll have a slightly sped-up progression.
• What happens when you get to TBC?
Once the Vanilla content has fully progressed we plan to keep the realm up. TBC realm will launch and players will be able to copy their already existing Vanilla characters on the new TBC realm. They'll still be able to play both realms (60 & 70 chars). Same goes for WotLK once it's available.
• Aim of the server:
Our aim is to create an enjoyable and well-scripted server where players can play with their friends or meet new people and progress through the content of arguably the 3 best installments of the game. The server will in no way be P2W. There will be a vote/donate shop for vanity items, to help us keep the server up. Even though population is a massive factor on a server, we are more focused on having a nice community. As long as we have a stable playerbase filled with people which are having fun and are pleased with the outcome, we're happy.
• But this server isn't exactly Blizzlike?
Technically, it isn't. Because we're doing Vanilla content on 3.3.5 with final talents available. However, it's a change. We're willing to increase the difficulty and add extra features to keep our players entertained. It all depends on the feedback. In terms of PvE/PvP, leveling and such, we wish to keep the blizzlike feel. This is a great way to warm yourself up for Classic and also try something different.
• Team Recruitment:
We're still recruiting new developers, GMs & a GFX/VFX editor. These positions aren't paid as we're doing this for the love of the game, not as a job.
• Discord Server: https://discord.gg/bhw58B7 < Make sure to join for more information and if you have any questions, tips or suggestions.
• What is Crypt WoW?
Crypt WoW is an upcoming WotLK server emulating Vanilla on a 3.3.5 client. Once Vanilla is fully progressed, we're moving onto TBC and then WotLK. Most of the content will be progressively released, as it was in Vanilla. Rates will be kept on 1x, but you'll have an ability to level with RDF & BGs as well. We plan to add a few additions to help balance the game and add extra content - such as: heroic difficulty to some dungeons, buff the raids, nerf certain classes, r14 gear with arena points and more.
• Why are we launching a server?:
At this stage, majority of the community is hyped for Classic WoW. We're giving our players a glimpse of the end-game content that Vanilla brings, through the Wrath client. The Wrath client brings plenty of QoL changes, but we wish to keep the Vanilla feel. The leveling will be slightly faster than Vanilla, but we'll try to keep the difficulty.
• Is this another Primal?
No. There is plenty of differences between us and Primal. I'll name a few:
1.) Primal is a PvE server, we're a PvP server.
2.) Primal is currently emulating TBC, not Vanilla.
3.) Primal locked their talents and spells, we won't. We'll let players use 51 points and get all the new abilities, to allow a different PvP and PvE experience.
4.) Once Primal progresses to the new expansion, you can't play the old one. Not the case here - info below.
5.) Primal locked Blood Elves & Draenei. We plan to enable them, to help faction balance and let people play any race from the get-go.
6.) Primal keeps their current expansion for 1-2 years, we'll have a slightly sped-up progression.
• What happens when you get to TBC?
Once the Vanilla content has fully progressed we plan to keep the realm up. TBC realm will launch and players will be able to copy their already existing Vanilla characters on the new TBC realm. They'll still be able to play both realms (60 & 70 chars). Same goes for WotLK once it's available.
• Aim of the server:
Our aim is to create an enjoyable and well-scripted server where players can play with their friends or meet new people and progress through the content of arguably the 3 best installments of the game. The server will in no way be P2W. There will be a vote/donate shop for vanity items, to help us keep the server up. Even though population is a massive factor on a server, we are more focused on having a nice community. As long as we have a stable playerbase filled with people which are having fun and are pleased with the outcome, we're happy.
• But this server isn't exactly Blizzlike?
Technically, it isn't. Because we're doing Vanilla content on 3.3.5 with final talents available. However, it's a change. We're willing to increase the difficulty and add extra features to keep our players entertained. It all depends on the feedback. In terms of PvE/PvP, leveling and such, we wish to keep the blizzlike feel. This is a great way to warm yourself up for Classic and also try something different.
• Team Recruitment:
We're still recruiting new developers, GMs & a GFX/VFX editor. These positions aren't paid as we're doing this for the love of the game, not as a job.
• Discord Server: https://discord.gg/bhw58B7 < Make sure to join for more information and if you have any questions, tips or suggestions.