ExO its me again xD
I have others bug to report before V4.1 please =)
1- The paladin's Guardian of Ancient Kings its complete bug, the guardian doesn't appear with any specialition talent, this guardian its to much important for palandins =)
2- I think I have a little clue about what causes the worldserver crash when we are in raids or dungeon, and the problem its Jeeves, when somebody summon Jeeves all its normal.... but around 5 minutes later the worldserver chash, cuz when I use jeeves in Baradin Hold like GM and then I use .npc del in jeeves and the worldserver crashed, yesterday I used in dungeon and after this I use .npc del, and worldserver crashed again.... And today un End of times I summon Jevees like GM and we used.... but this time I dont remember if I use .npc del in jeeves y the worldserver crashed again....
3- When the worldserver crash... and after the server is online again, nobody is in group.... I mean if I'm in Baradin Hold with my friends and the world server crash, and after the server is online again, and I login my character, the server teleport my character where I born, in mi case (human), I appear near from stormwind (elwynn forest)... and the same with my friends.... and nobody appear in party or raid
4- The ship (or boat) of "Strand of the Ancients" bg, its bug, cuz qhen I enter to this bg, the characters falls to the water.... and when the first part of this bg ends and somebody is in a "car" (I dont know how say in english those "big cars" xD), the characters stay bug, dont can move no other part...
5- All jewelcrafting daily quest are bug, I mean, we can take the mision, but when I have alll to complete the mision, the mision icon in the npc still in grey color, and dont appears the worlds "quest complete" on the screen...
6-Arqueology... when I complete anything with arqueology, it gives to me 1p, but should gives me 5p...
7-The Death Grip of DK's its bug too...
8-the portal in dk's sometimes its bug
9-Well of Eternity the portals are bug
10- The guild seller (?)... dont sell reliquies (?)
11-In dragon soul the portals doesn't works, and Ultraxion its in the ship, but I think she was to be in other part, and in the ship have to be "Warmaster Blackhorn".... but in this moment he is next to "Hagara the Stormbinder" (other boss)
12- Expose Armor "improved" (?)*.... The talent of Rogue of Expose Armor its bug, cuz dont back the combo points (?)*
13- The war's talent "select improved" (?)* its bug too...
Thank's, I just want to do a feedback for help you =)
* (?) = Means I dont know how say it in english xD