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Crash Report - VIP 8.0 [IMPORTANT]


Gold Supporter
Senior User
So.. my server just got crazy. every 5 minutes it crahses out of nowhere ,

World Thread hangs, kicking out server!

And then the crash report ._.
Just bugged out of nowhere, i tried installing the world database from scrach but din't change a thing.
Maybe its my Character database?
Please help [MENTION=3658]eyerobot[/MENTION] or [MENTION=1]ExO[/MENTION]


I don't have time for a fix atm but from what I can see many of the crashes are caused by a person/group crashing it, either un-intended or on purpose from well of eternity:
From this entry:

Not all the crashes are caused by this, but a lot are.

If you can contain any information it also helps (if some players report this)

Temp fix to avoid this particular crash until it's proper fixed
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `scriptname` = '' where `entry` = 55532;

This should fix most of these crashes that happens straight after each other.
Happens because the instance is not complete yet.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
I don't have time for a fix atm but from what I can see many of the crashes are caused by a person/group crashing it, either un-intended or on purpose from well of eternity:
From this entry:

Not all the crashes are caused by this, but a lot are.

If you can contain any information it also helps (if some players report this)

Temp fix to avoid this particular crash until it's proper fixed
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `scriptname` = '' where `entry` = 55532;

This should fix most of these crashes that happens straight after each other.
Happens because the instance is not complete yet.

Ok exo, done. will wait and give more reports.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Send me (new) crashlog again and I'll check if it's the same kind of crash being abused.

Its not =/ i was on the server alone.. and then crash, again, again, again. I Reinstalled everything, same thing. used fresh new world DB, crash.

So, i was testing some things to see if it would fix, and then i put

# GridUnload
# Description: Unload grids to save memory. Can be disabled if enough memory is available
# to speed up moving players to new grids.
# Default: 1 - (enable, Unload grids)
# 0 - (disable, Do not unload grids)

GridUnload = 0

And then, the crashes stopped. everything is fine by now. if crashes again i will send you crash report.


Its not =/ i was on the server alone.. and then crash, again, again, again. I Reinstalled everything, same thing. used fresh new world DB, crash.

So, i was testing some things to see if it would fix, and then i put

And then, the crashes stopped. everything is fine by now. if crashes again i will send you crash report.

Interesting buddy. I have an idea what causes this, but nice catch!

+1 for that. Keep me updated of how it goes :)


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Interesting buddy. I have an idea what causes this, but nice catch!

+1 for that. Keep me updated of how it goes :)

Also i have some info for you, before the server crashed, GM of my server morphed into illidan, idk the id tho. after that the server started crashing.


Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
pull up a list of illidan's using truice or whatever, and try them all, If nothing happens then you know that wasn't it. There are bound to be things like this, that we never ran into on the test server. Mostly because nobody did a particular thing that could cause those problems. I hope you get it figured out. That's a rough way to go when you have actual players. At my house it's just me and my wife playing. And i can make her go play something else while i figure it out hehe.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Interesting buddy. I have an idea what causes this, but nice catch!

+1 for that. Keep me updated of how it goes :)

Hi exo , server crashed 2 times today.

here you go.
Revision: EmuZealotNW ver. 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived) (Win32, RelWithDebInfo)
Date 1:12:2017. Time 14:23
*** Hardware ***
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3250 CPU @ 3.50GHz
Number Of Processors: 4
Physical Memory: 4194303 KB (Available: 1617428 KB)
Commit Charge Limit: 4194303 KB

*** Operation System ***
Windows 8 Professional (Version 6.2, Build 9200)

Exception code: E06D7363
Fault address: 76FCAA12 01:000D9A12 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll

SS:ESP:002B:03BD1148 EBP:03BD11A0
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B


Couldn't initialize the symbol handler for process.

Error [(null)].

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
76FCAA12 00000000 0001:000D9A12 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
72939339 00000000 0001:00018339 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR120.dll
7297DA6A 00000000 0001:0005CA6A C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR120.dll
004719FB 00000000 0001:000809FB E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
010D6CBD 00000000 0001:00CE5CBD E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
0090B1E7 00000000 0001:0051A1E7 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
0090B892 00000000 0001:0051A892 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
009081DA 00000000 0001:005171DA E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
00907FC4 00000000 0001:00516FC4 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
0090A36B 00000000 0001:0051936B E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
0090A2DA 00000000 0001:005192DA E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
00B0C1BC 00000000 0001:0071B1BC E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
00B0BDE2 00000000 0001:0071ADE2 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
00A79DC1 00000000 0001:00688DC1 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
00A75A12 00000000 0001:00684A12 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
0092CB9E 00000000 0001:0053BB9E E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
00B27770 00000000 0001:00736770 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
00B2868E 00000000 0001:0073768E E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
00B27DCE 00000000 0001:00736DCE E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
00B281B8 00000000 0001:007371B8 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
00908435 00000000 0001:00517435 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
009B895C 00000000 0001:005C795C E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
009B88DC 00000000 0001:005C78DC E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
009BB4BA 00000000 0001:005CA4BA E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
008FEDDE 00000000 0001:0050DDDE E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
008FEDF0 00000000 0001:0050DDF0 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
0090D6EB 00000000 0001:0051C6EB E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
009105C2 00000000 0001:0051F5C2 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
0097EAAE 00000000 0001:0058DAAE E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe
61F6E653 00000000 0001:000BD653 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\ace.dll
61F6E56E 00000000 0001:000BD56E E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\ace.dll
7294C01D 00000000 0001:0002B01D C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR120.dll
7294C001 00000000 0001:0002B001 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR120.dll
75BE62C4 00000000 0001:000062C4 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL
77260F79 00000000 0001:0005FF79 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
77260F44 00000000 0001:0005FF44 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
Local Variables And Parameters

Call stack:
Address Frame Function SourceFile
76FCAA12 00000000 0001:000D9A12 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll

72939339 00000000 0001:00018339 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR120.dll

7297DA6A 00000000 0001:0005CA6A C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR120.dll

004719FB 00000000 0001:000809FB E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

010D6CBD 00000000 0001:00CE5CBD E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

0090B1E7 00000000 0001:0051A1E7 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

0090B892 00000000 0001:0051A892 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

009081DA 00000000 0001:005171DA E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

00907FC4 00000000 0001:00516FC4 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

0090A36B 00000000 0001:0051936B E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

0090A2DA 00000000 0001:005192DA E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

00B0C1BC 00000000 0001:0071B1BC E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

00B0BDE2 00000000 0001:0071ADE2 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

00A79DC1 00000000 0001:00688DC1 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

00A75A12 00000000 0001:00684A12 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

0092CB9E 00000000 0001:0053BB9E E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

00B27770 00000000 0001:00736770 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

00B2868E 00000000 0001:0073768E E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

00B27DCE 00000000 0001:00736DCE E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

00B281B8 00000000 0001:007371B8 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

00908435 00000000 0001:00517435 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

009B895C 00000000 0001:005C795C E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

009B88DC 00000000 0001:005C78DC E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

009BB4BA 00000000 0001:005CA4BA E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

008FEDDE 00000000 0001:0050DDDE E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

008FEDF0 00000000 0001:0050DDF0 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

0090D6EB 00000000 0001:0051C6EB E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

009105C2 00000000 0001:0051F5C2 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

0097EAAE 00000000 0001:0058DAAE E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\worldserver.exe

61F6E653 00000000 0001:000BD653 E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\ace.dll

61F6E56E 00000000 0001:000BD56E E:\server\Emucoach - RelWithDebugInfo (V8_VIP)\ace.dll

7294C01D 00000000 0001:0002B01D C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR120.dll

7294C001 00000000 0001:0002B001 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCR120.dll

75BE62C4 00000000 0001:000062C4 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL

77260F79 00000000 0001:0005FF79 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

77260F44 00000000 0001:0005FF44 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

Global Variables


Verified Member
Looks like that have nothing to do with the repack for me.


Couldn't initialize the symbol handler for process.

Error [(null)].

Check the amount of space on your hard drive.

Exception code: E06D7363
Fault address: 76FCAA12 01:000D9A12 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNELBASE.dll

Check ur mermory chip space

Try to reinstall VC++ runtime and .net framework.

You may have some corrupt windows files, which could caused by big fragmentation.
> CCLeaner for ur Regestry
> Defrag ur hard disk.

maybe exo will find something else...


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Looks like that have nothing to do with the repack for me.

Check the amount of space on your hard drive.

Check ur mermory chip space

Try to reinstall VC++ runtime and .net framework.

You may have some corrupt windows files, which could caused by big fragmentation.
> CCLeaner for ur Regestry
> Defrag ur hard disk.

maybe exo will find something else...

Did everything, checked memory, hard disk. everything fine , still. server justs crashes after some time.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
So [MENTION=1]ExO[/MENTION] I Gave up, i'm going to transfer my char database to another one, and try again with 8.0. if it works i will talk to you


Gold Supporter
Senior User
So [MENTION=1]ExO[/MENTION] I Gave up, i'm going to transfer my char database to another one, and try again with 8.0. if it works i will talk to you
[MENTION=1]ExO[/MENTION] , news. server running on all new database, i only transfered character itens money and level to new db. working fine now with grid unload=1
lets see how much longer it will take to crash


Gold Supporter
Senior User
[MENTION=1]ExO[/MENTION] , news. server running on all new database, i only transfered character itens money and level to new db. working fine now with grid unload=1
lets see how much longer it will take to crash

it took 5 minutes, crashed again haha. no way.