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- 2014
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Welcome to Covenant-WoW!
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Covenant-Wow is a 1x blizzlike server, our goal is to offer you high quality servers that are as blizzlike as possible.
Covenant-WoW servers are the official test servers for - What does this mean? This means that they will receive regular updates from the Mangos developers. There team is also well versed with in-game GM which allows us to give you the best possible experience.Website | Registration | Forums
Covenant-Wow is a 1x blizzlike server, our goal is to offer you high quality servers that are as blizzlike as possible.
- EU Servers Covering: Vanilla, The Burning Crusade & Wrath of the Lich King
- Up 24/7/364
Servers feature auto restart
GMs cover multiple time zones - Fully scripted dungeons and raids
Further enhanced by the eluna engine and the new SD3 engine by - PvE / 1x rates
All servers are PvE and 1x rates - Warden Anti-Cheat
Our servers have warden anti-cheat, this is still a wip. - Cross-faction
All servers allow cross-faction grouping and chat, allowing you to play with friends on the opposite faction. - Custom or max level on request for a limit time
We are currently accepting requests to level up characters in-game for a level time.
You can also request gold and gear with this offer. You will be allowed to level at the normal 1x rates if you wish. - Auction house system
Our auction house features a bot that posts auctions and even has a chance to buy items you post!
New "Living World" system
- Allows Mangos to load all NPCs and creatures in all areas of the world
- Allows creatures and NPCs to behave as they should
- Allows NPCs to path
- All creatures and NPCs are loaded into the world during startup
- System is designed to be more blizzlike
- You will never enter a grid and wait for something to realize it should be spawned in as a player is nearby! As happens with some other servers.
- Currently only on our Vanillia 1.12.1 server
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