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Content of the repacks


Verified Member
Hi everyone, this is my first thread in this page. Hopefully i can bring some useful ideas.

now, to the point of this post:

i understand that to create a repack is necessary a lot of time and effort; however, when it comes the time to share it, it would be really usefull for us (the ones who test the repacks) to actually know what does it have inside:

1) added modules (and how to locate them...sometimes they are hiden in weird places)
2) an aproximate % of completion for classes / races + spells and areas
3) which dungeons/raid are scripted (or not)
4) unique features of that repack
5) etc..

This is a suggestion for both unofficial and official repacks from this page.

Thanks for your time:eek:!


Hi everyone, this is my first thread in this page. Hopefully i can bring some useful ideas.

now, to the point of this post:

i understand that to create a repack is necessary a lot of time and effort; however, when it comes the time to share it, it would be really usefull for us (the ones who test the repacks) to actually know what does it have inside:

1) added modules (and how to locate them...sometimes they are hiden in weird places)
2) an aproximate % of completion for classes / races + spells and areas
3) which dungeons/raid are scripted (or not)
4) unique features of that repack
5) etc..

This is a suggestion for both unofficial and official repacks from this page.

Thanks for your time:eek:!

Hi there!

Thanks for your suggestion. The problem about estimated stuff is that it is really, really hard to say, without a huge team of testers. And in this case, the version 7 is quite a bit back meaning I can't exactly remember the details of what was exactly scripted back then at that time.
I tried giving the average estimates, like with starting zones, but it's right that we haven't went in depth in that. The users who downloaded it, can test that themselves :)

I think we can safely claim that there doesn't exist any other updated 4.3.4 repacks out there. The Emucoach repack is in my opinion the best option, if you're looking for a 4.3.4 repack.


Silver Supporter
Hi there!

Thanks for your suggestion. The problem about estimated stuff is that it is really, really hard to say, without a huge team of testers. And in this case, the version 7 is quite a bit back meaning I can't exactly remember the details of what was exactly scripted back then at that time.
I tried giving the average estimates, like with starting zones, but it's right that we haven't went in depth in that. The users who downloaded it, can test that themselves :)

I think we can safely claim that there doesn't exist any other updated 4.3.4 repacks out there. The Emucoach repack is in my opinion the best option, if you're looking for a 4.3.4 repack.

I posted a similar question elsewhere, but thought it might be better to follow up from your response here.

I would be interested in knowing how far the instance scripting has come since v7, are there changelogs that have been shared publicly?


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
I posted a similar question elsewhere, but thought it might be better to follow up from your response here.

I would be interested in knowing how far the instance scripting has come since v7, are there changelogs that have been shared publicly?

I can say from experience with the project that it's come a fair distance.

Dungeons are still fairly buggy, but the main sell raids are definitely well above and beyond anything available publicly and almost all the stuff available privately. I had a shoddy experience with Vash'jir, but everywhere else seemed fine except for some minor scripted cutscenes.
Goblin starting zone is very nice, didn't touched worgens yet.

All this said, you can't make a percentage estimate on this. I can look at raids and say "oh they work 99%," because scripted mechanics are in place. but what if they use a hackfix for a certain mechanic? or if something is off-timed? There's simply not enough data for this sort of thing.