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Compile Latest TrinityCore 3.3.5a on Windows


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Programs You Need:
Visual Studio 2013
Git Extensions
MySQL Server 5.5.9
NET Framework 3.5 or higher (you should already have this installed over Windows Update)
Boost (64bit download) (32bit download)

Getting the Server Source

Before you can compile the core, you need the source. Pretty obvious... You can't compile something without a source...
Open up Git Extensions
  • Close the first window that pops up, a new one will open directly after
  • Click on "Clone Repositody" at the left links
  • Fill in the following data

Repository to clone:  https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore.git
Destination: Chosen-Drive:/Trinity
Subdirectory to create: Source
Branch: master
Repository Type:  Personal repository

Hit "Clone" and let it finish.

Okay, now we got the source itself. Now we are gonna build the source to a Compile Version.

Using Cmake & Visual Studio 2013:
Now we are gonna Build the source so we can get the Compile version.
Open up Cmake (start program called "Cmake (cmake-gui)"
Fill out the following data:

Where is the source code: Chosen-Drive\Trinity\Source
Where to build the binaries:  Chosen-Drive\Trinity\Build

  • Press Configure
  • Locate "Visual Studio 12 2013" (yes it's called like that)
  • Then chose option "Use default native compilers (default)
  • Press Finish and let it load
  • When it has loaded there is a check-list. Add the option "TOOLS"
  • Press Generate

Now we got the Compile version, let's compile the core!

Compiling the Core:
Now, let's compile! This is the step everyone has whaited for!
Open up the folder Build in the Trinity folder
Open up the file "TrinityCore.sln" with Visual Studio 2013
At the menubar at the top,you should see some options.
Edit "Debug" to "Release" then press "Build" at the menu just above it and then "Build Sulotion". Now, just whait until it's finished. This can take some time depending on your computer or Server PC.

Okay, now the core is compiled and you have the main server files. Let's get the databases.

Getting the databases:
Okay, let's get the databases. They are required for the server to start.
Login to the MySQL server with HeidiSQL. Username & password is "root" & "ascent"
Create 3 new databases: auth, characters & world
Go into "Chosen-Drive\Trinity\Source\sql" and take the databases. The World database must be download from TrinityCore Forum. The World database is NOT included in the source.
Import the databases in the right database you just created
Configure the Server Configs so it matches the MySQL login information you have. If you receive any errors and the import is canceld, there is a small "Warning Triangle" at the menu of HeidiSQL that is "pressed". Unpress it and run the import again.
Now, start your server and you have a working WoW 3.3.5a Server!

Now, we are almost finished! Now we just need to create an account for you to use in-game with admin access.
Creating In-Game Account(s):
This step is very easy. It is just a few commands you type in the WorldServer.exe...

Command 1:  account create USERNAME PASSWORD
Command 2:  account set gmlevel 3 USERNAME -1

Now, the server is finished and you have an admin account in-game. Enjoy

Boost Cmake problems
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