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Come to Gul'dan!


Verified Member
For patch 6.2.3

For those of you that have a passionate love for warlords of draenor, I welcome you with open arms to the firestorms server gul'dan! (obviously this server is old and has been up for quite sometime) Our strong and tight community on the server would love to bring more people back!
We have strong raiders, pvp'ers, farmers, master crafters, ect... We've collectively gathered the majority of the English speaking players into one guild. The biggest guild on the server.

This upcoming weekend, we should be getting an NPC called Boris that'll offer you a free level up to 100 and some cool gear. This is for 1 character per account (no guarantees it'll be this weekend but we assume since Easter holiday).
Come join us and take advantage of a free level 100 if you're just starting new!

If you're new, our season players and farmers will help you gear up within days or even hours.

We can easily tell you the in's and out's of the server once you join and stick around. What works and what doesn't work. How to work around the things that don't work, ect... It's a fun experience and our loving community is just epic!

We would all love to see the pvp community brought back for battle grounds. Due to players leaving the server and never coming back, factions being imbalanced (not enough alliance/horde) or just the time of day.

With your help, we can rebuild what players have left behind. So come join us in gul'dan!

Click that link, download the full client for gul'dan! (never the minimal)

Discords for DM's to guild leaders: