Hey, I am fairly new to Emu repacks (and the whole private server scene in general), and was just curious if the in-game cinematics work? I know the ones at 1st login do but I'm thinking more along the lines of Wrathgate and ones similar to that. And on the note of Wrathgate, what about the phasing stuff that is found in the real game, does that work as well?
I know I will eventually figure these things out on my own, just thought I'd ask and see what responses I get.
Also, if anyone has any tips for setting up a server that is more solo-able (while still posing somewhat of a challenge), I would welcome those as well.
So far I believe I've seen all the cinematics that I played through, but I guess I wouldn't know if a minor one slipped through.
As user 'dolgan' has stated, it relies mostly on the client, if it has those cinematic files packaged with it in the first place - I would imagine if you downloaded a 'full' client (torrent, or massive single download, etc) instead of a "client-downloader", then they should all be there.
As for solo-ing, it can be rather difficult to with the public/free version of the repack. Some options would be finding the proper calculations for item damage and stats, and making/modding some 'semi-custom' items. - Basically you would need some definite stamina and whichever damage stat depending on class, and maybe even armor as well - this would definitely take time to find the right balance though, but might also make simple fights outside of dungeons too easy. Maybe have 2 sets of equipment, 1 custom for dungeons, 1 normal for everything else?
With the VIP version, there are NPC Bots that can be helpful, but those still don't make it 100% solo-able on their own. These just provide a way to add some npc's to heal you, allowing you to not be wiped immediately in dungeons.
Also, these thread kind of belongs in the support section of EmuCoach, since you're asking a question about the repack's functionality - for future reference.