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Chillmere :: New Instant 68 WotLK Progressive Realm May 22, 2021


Trial Member
Hello EmuCoach

We are proud and exuberant to announce a new Wrath of the Lich King realm. It's our favourite expansion and it has been etched in our minds for many years, a subject we were always keen on taking on but always stayed away. It has been only a faint dream for us, until now.

And so it was born, in summer of 2020. Over the many months since then, we have spent perfecting it until it lived up to the Chillmere name.

General Information

  • Core: https://github.com/Kittnz/Sunwell continuation
  • Type - PvP
  • Language: English
  • Dungeon Finder - Disabled
  • Starting Level - 68 (Hero class 55)
  • A set of level 68 (green) quality gear
  • Instant two Professions - 375
  • Expert Riding
  • Race-specific mounts
  • A little bit of gold and bags to start the journey
  • No pay to win - x2 Experience Boost is how far our store will go, we will never sell gold or gear (Store is disabled until all 80' RF achievements are taken).
Experience multipliers

  • 68 to 80 - x1
Other multipliers

  • Reputation - x1
  • Honor - x1
  • Gold - x1
  • Drop - x1
  • Profession - x1
  • Arena flush - Weekly
As months of development have been poured into the project, the realm design has been an ongoing subject of discussion among ourselves.

Chillmere has chosen to adopt a special, challenging progressive system for the realm.

This means that content is released gradually to the players ensuring the retail experience is mirrored as closely as possible. This will be in effect for both PvE and PvP.

How exactly the timeline and progressive system will work you can check at our website.

Common aim

Experienced and Passionate staff team who don't treat you like a number, but a family member.

To put it short, Chillmere isn't here to appear and dissipate.

Our project idea is clear; we aim to deliver the most complete, stable and optimized WotLK experience we can. It's your account and characters' value, effort and time.

We believe you deserve the time and the work we have invested in creating a long-term solution. Our first thought is always our community.

Remember you can give us your opinion about a certain point and we will consider every suggestion.

May 22, 2021 Launch Date

Website is still in the development stage, account register 100% complete.


Newly created discord server, you are about to experience the journey from the start which is an opportunity that you have to mark your name and make some great friends.


Hopefully we'll see you soon!

Humbly Yours,

Chillmere staff


  • chillmere logo.png
    chillmere logo.png
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