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Character Selection screen as long as you want after logged out for AFK


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I am taking a stress break from anything except "playing my repack" for awhile. I am not well. But this was something I meant to share BEFORE I decided that? So here it is. SOMEONE might want this, or not. I dunno, but I share it freely to everyone. If I share anything else for awhile. It will be random & simple.

First off? I am no tech. I can rarely share anything useable. I am like the guy who tweaks your carb on you 1969 AMC SST Javelin. A shadetree mechanic who maybe can't even read, but he can make a motor purr, and can't explain how he does it. I am like that guy. I get stuff to work, but rarely can explain how. But if I CAN explain how. My concious makes I share it. I am not selfish.

With that in mind? I will show 2 examples of Cataclysm. Worldserver.conf files. I only show a small section to show the spacing of the basic .conf files and where the file you want is located for the technically challenged, such as myself. This also comes in handy to know if you want to add, or remove a command line.I cannot share the entire Worldserver.conf file, as it contains VIP 8.1 files as well. Sorry about that.

Open your Worldserver.conf file with something like notepad [I prefer notepad 2, it is numbered, and allows easier spacing and locating]


In the Worldserver.conf file beloe I labelled. [[[ Worldserver.conf [normal] unmodified ]]] text below
You will see typical files from pretty much any Cataclysm Worldserver.conf file.
We are interested in only the ( SocketTimeOutTime ) section only at the moment.
You can find it faster by clicking into your Worldserver.conf file. Press Ctrl + F
In the search box that appears type SocketTimeOutTime and press Enter.
This will take you right to it. Or scroll & find. It is your choice.
The setting on SocketTimeOutTime is current set to 90000 0r 15 minutes.
90000x4=360000 or 1 hour. A day would be 24 hours so 360000x24=8600000 or 1 day.
You get my drift? This is how long you will remain in the [Character Selection Screen] of client.
After getting kicked for being AFK. The client will not log you off til the set time expires.

[[[ Worldserver.conf [normal] unmodified ]]]

# GridUnload
# Description: Unload grids to save memory. Can be disabled if enough memory is available
# to speed up moving players to new grids.
# Default: 1 - (enable, Unload grids)
# 0 - (disable, Do not unload grids)

GridUnload = 0

# SocketTimeOutTime
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) after which a connection being idle on the character
# selection screen is disconnected.
# Default: 900000 - (15 minutes)

SocketTimeOutTime = 900000

# SessionAddDelay
# Description: Time (in microseconds) that a network thread will sleep after authentication
# protocol handling before adding a connection to the world session map.
# Default: 10000 - (10 milliseconds, 0.01 second)

SessionAddDelay = 10000


The next Worldserver.conf file? Labelled [[[ Worldserver.conf [mine] ]]]
Shows how I changed the setting for 3 days
The client will stay in character login screen 3 days after clients kicks me for AFK.
I set it to 38880000=3 days
I will be kicked to charactet selection screen, but not out of the client for 3 days, unless I logout, or exit.

[[[ Worldserver.conf [mine] ]]]

# GridUnload
# Description: Unload grids to save memory. Can be disabled if enough memory is available
# to speed up moving players to new grids.
# Default: 1 - (enable, Unload grids)
# 0 - (disable, Do not unload grids)

GridUnload = 0

# SocketTimeOutTime
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) after which a connection being idle on the character
# selection screen is disconnected.
# Default: 900000 - (15 minutes)

SocketTimeOutTime = 38880000

# SessionAddDelay
# Description: Time (in microseconds) that a network thread will sleep after authentication
# protocol handling before adding a connection to the world session map.
# Default: 10000 - (10 milliseconds, 0.01 second)

SessionAddDelay = 10000


And that's it. Enjoy. I premade this in text docc to avoid having to modify the post 2 thousand times only 1 yay?... lol Enjoy