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- Changelog (9.1) - VIP Regular (OLD VIP RELEASE!)



This includes the changelog for VIP 9.1 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold. You can obtain access for just 16.95$ by clicking here.

Changelog (Note, this is from version 9 -> 9.1, not 8.1 to 9.1, you may find a changelog from 8.1 to 9.0 below):
9.0 Changelog

This time the changelog list may sound more technical, but we wanted to let the people who are interested in programming / wow emulation have an idea of the exact updates from Core (... and database)
It also gives you an exact idea of what has been worked on, especially core wise.

Get access to the release by becoming a VIP here:

9.1 Changelog list:

-- Core, Smart_Scripts expanding (many of them are based on TC work, so big thanks to them!):

- TC: AI/SmartScripts: Add action_param3 "disablePathfinding" to SMART_ACTION_MOVE_TO_POS
- Core/SAI: TC Import: Implement three more event phases which makes a total of 9 (from 6).
- Core/SAI: Allow dropping a specific amount of aura charges using SMART_ACTION_REMOVEAURASFROMSPELL (action_param2).
- TC: Core/SmartAI: Implement SMART_ACTION_SUMMON_CREATURE_GROUP (107). EG needed for BoT
- Core/SAI Fix missing part for SMART_ACTION_SET_ROOT. + implement SMART_ACTION_SET_GO_FLAG , SMART_ACTION_ADD_GO_FLAG , SMART_ACTION_REMOVE_GO_FLAG & re-order some action_types (sai)
- TC: Core/SmartAI: Add ability to modify UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS_2 to SAI actions.

- Core/Sai Fix a lot of DB SAI entries for: SMART_ACTION_SET_ACTIVE. Make it equal to Tc. Currently we have 117 DB rows using this action_type and they all base it on action_param1, so this should fix plenty of them as we base it from tc wiki.
- TC: Core/SmartAI: Implement SMART_TARGET_CLOSEST_ENEMY (25). Make our SAI closer to TC
- Core/SmartAI: Implement SMART_ACTION_SET_POWER, SMART_ACTION_ADD_POWER and SMART_ACTION_REMOVE_POWER (param1 = powertype, param2 = newPower). Credits to TC.
- Core/SmartAI: Implement SMART_TARGET_CLOSEST_FRIENDLY. Parameter is distance to search for. CRedits to TC.
- Core/SmartAI: Add a spellid to SMART_EVENT_TARGET_CASTING. If left on 0, it checks for all spells (like it did without these changes). Credits to TC.
- Core/SAI: Rename SMART_EVENT_TARGET_CASTING to SMART_EVENT_VICTIM_CASTING as that's what it actually does. It was often confused to use the target_type field instead of the victim. More equal to TC. Credits: TC

- TC: Core/SmartScripts: Add SMART_TARGET_LOOT_RECIPIENTS. Does what it says on the tin. Use this new target type to fix The Rider of Blood, The Rider of Frost, The Rider of the Unholy. Closes #17817.
- AI/SmartScripts: Add SMART_ACTION_DISABLE_EVADE (117). Thanks to TC
- Core/SmartAI: add param2 to SMART_ACTION_UPDATE_TEMPLATE, allowing to specify if creature's level should remain the same between entry updates. A value of 0 (default) forces the creature to keep its current level between entry updates. Credits to TC and reworked for Cata core
- Core/Creature Implemented "Fake" Creature Combat System / Sparring system & HITINFO_FAKE_DAMAGE. Big credits to Ovahlord (main author!), and ariel for logic.

- Vehicles: Root Catapult, Earthen Catapult. No longer possible to move it
- Core/Spells: Implemented Spell Queue System (Big thanks to Artamedes!)
- Core/Misc Fixed worldserver revision (Thanks to Artamedes!)
- Core/ObjectMgr: if spawn mask is 1 and we are a world map, there is no db error. (Thanks Artamedes)
- Core/Opcodes: Implemented CMSG_CANCEL_QUEUED_SPELL for /cancelqueuedspell macro for spell queue system (Thanks Artamedes)

- Core/Database: Implement new query callback system and fix some warnings and remove updaterealmchars (Thanks Artamedes)
- Core/CMake: Implement GroupSources for cleaner source tree (Thanks Artamedes)
- Scripts/Elwynn Forest: Rewrite hogger script, utilize creature_text (Thanks Artamedes)
- Scripts/Elwynn Forest: Fix possible crash in Hogger quest credit (Thanks Artamedes)
- Fixed a GetNextQuest Crash fix. (Thanks Artamedes)

- Core/CreatureAI: m_ignoreEvade should be false on default, should fix that neverevade bug (Thanks Artamedes)
- Core/Vendors: Fix crash and buying currency with currency from vendors (Thanks Artamedes)
- Core/Database: Some more logging info for DB errors (Thanks Artamedes)
- Core/Player: Fix profession learning (Thanks Artamedes)
- Scripts/Rogue: Fix Blade Flurry not proccing on 2nd target (Thanks Artamedes)

- Core/Instances: SaveStream for instance data.
- Scripts/VortexPinnacle: Implementation of Vortex Pinnacle
- Core/AI: Implementation of Spec/Role Predicate.
- Core/Misc: Fix account create and freeze issue.
- Core/AI: Struct for cone/passive orientation spells.
- Scripts/BlackrockCaverns: Implemented Scripts for Instance.
- Scripts/Stonecore: Implemented Stonecore Scripts
- Scripts/Grimbatol: Implemented Grim Batol Scripts
- Core/Shared: Included TaskScheduler tools

- Core/Misc Fix minimal diff crash. (Thanks Artamedes)
- Core/Skills: Fix professions (inscription + Archeology) (Thanks Artamedes)
- Artamedes planning to proceed with Firelands.. soon!...
- Fixed Crash.

- Core/Unit: Update Guardian and Pet Speed with owner speedrate (Thanks Artamedes)
- Core/Creature: solved issue with fly/ground animation switch.
- Core/Spells: Implementation SpellDestination Hook
- Scripts/Commands: Npc info now shows currently unit_flags by nameplate
- Scripts/Stonecore: Many fixes for trash, cosmetic events etc.

- Scripts/Hogger: Tons of improvements to Hogger script (Thanks Artamedes)
- Scripts/Commands: Implement new ".npc get" command which will allow for easier getting of entry, and lootid (Thanks Artamedes)
- DB/npc_vendor: Remove invalid npc_vendor entries (affected rows : 224) (Thanks Artamedes)
- Scripts/Durotar: Fix/rescript quest "The Lazy Peons" ID: 25134 (Thanks Artamedes)
- Core/SAI Fix mEvadeDisabled wasn't set so it was an arbitrary value between 0 - 255 - (Thanks Jamey!)

- Core/Spells: Implemented personal summons (Thanks TC)
- Core/SpellAuras: Fix possible aura crash, thx Traesh
- Core/Spells: Fixed issue with not relocate TARGET_DEST_CASTER
- More fixes to Blackrock Caverns, Stonecore, Grim Batol, The Vortex Pinnacle
- Core/Scripts Durotar, Troll Zone - Naga now uses meele hits...

- Player/SpellQueue: Improvements to spell queue system, now if you're trying to heal yourself and have a hostile unit selected the spell will not try to heal the hostile unit but instead the player. (Thanks Artamedes!)
- Core/Unit: Name and implement UNIT_FLAG_NON_ATTACKABLE_2 (Thanks TC)
- Core/Player Fix possible money overflow, thx Hardcpp

- Database fixes:

- Fixed quest: "The Forgemaster's Log" from quest pop-up system. Before, it wasn't accessible.
- Fixed quest: "Quicksilver Submersion" from quest pop-up system. Before, it wasn't accessible.
- Fixed duplicate spawn of questgiver: "Stormcaller Mylra"
- Attached flying mount to questgiver: "Stormcaller Mylra"

- Fixed duplicate spawn of creature: "Seer Galekk"
- Scripted creature ai for creature: "Twilight Scalesister"
- Scripted creature ai for creature: "Scalesworn Cultist"
- Scripted creature ai for creature: "Twilight Dragonspawn"
- Fixed quest: "Block the Gates"

- Rescripted "The World Pillar Fragment" entirely, and it now works blizzlike-like.
- Added emote to questgiver: "Earthcaller Torunscar"
- Corrected spawn of Creature: "Earthmender Norsala"
- Fixed spawn of creature: "Greater Air Elemental"
- Added Weapon & Shield equipment to questgiver: "Earthcaller Torunscar"
- Fixed missing spawns of creature: "Greater Fire Elemental"
- Fixed missing spawn of creature: "Tharm Wildfire"

- Fixed missing spawns of creatures: "Servant of Therazane"
- Improved quest: "On Even Ground". It is however still having some issues as it gives credit too early. It is however complete-able.
- Added creature equipment to creature: "Earthmender Norsala"
- Fixed a quest that was incorrectly given by questgiver: "Quartz Stonetender"
- Fixed quest: "Loose Stones"
- Corrected spawn of "Dragul Giantbutcher"

- Scripted creature: "Dragul Giantbutcher"
- Added missing creature flags to creature: "Dragul Giantbutcher"
- Fixed wrong movement for creature: "First Mate Moody"
- Quest: Violent Gale will now be opened through the quest pop up system once completed.
- Added missing OfferRewardText to quest: Violent Gale
- Added missing OfferRewardText to quest: Depth of the Depths
- Added npc_text to questgiver: Kor the Immovable
- Scripted creature: "Jaspertip Swarmer"

- Fixed quest: "Putting the Pieces Together"
- Corrected loot drop of quest item: 58845 on creature entry: 42524
- Added missing OfferRewardText to quest: Pebbel
- Sort of fixed quest: Clingy. It's however not fully blizzlike but is now complete-able.
- Added missing OfferRewardText to quest: Clingy
- Corrected creature scale of creature: "Petrified Stone Bat", for quest: "Petrified Delicacises"

- Scripted creature: "Stone Drake". Still some remaining issues though.
- Scripted creature: "Stone Trogg Beast Tamer"
- Corrected spawn of creature: "Earthmender Norsala"
- Scripted creature: "Earthmender Norsala"
- Scripted creature: "Fungal Behemoth"
- Corrected health of creature: "Doomshroom"

- Added correct aura to creature: "Doomshroom"
- Disabled movement on creature: "Doomshroom"
- Quest: "A Head Full of Wind" is now complete-able.
- Fixed missing spawns of creature: "Temperamental Rumbler
- Corrected spawn position of questgiver: "Ruberick" and fixed wrong phase
- Fixed spawns of creature: "Verlok Pillartumbler"

- The list has not finished! Eyerobot made tons of database fixes (Around 50 bugtracker issues fixed by him), so big big thanks to Eyerobot for his awesome SQL fixes.

Get access by donating here:
Version 9.2 (VIP) is on the way already.​


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Does VIP regular get access to this? or only gold?

If you read the post the very FIRST line says the following: "This includes the changelog for VIP 9.1 that is available for regular VIPS and VIP Gold."


Gold Supporter
Probably a bit of an odd question but how close is 4.3.4 to 'final'? I read on your front page you guys are moving to MoP soon, which I'm guessing that means 4.3.4 will be 'finished' at some point?


Probably a bit of an odd question but how close is 4.3.4 to 'final'? I read on your front page you guys are moving to MoP soon, which I'm guessing that means 4.3.4 will be 'finished' at some point?

No - 4.3.4 will still be developed on a weekly basis :) Even though MOP will be released.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I have 8 friends now playing this & having fun on it. I even got the cooking part of the thanksgiving event to work after spawning it! I finally learned how to add items to a vendor! lol
:D Thank you guys/gals as always for your hard work! :)


Verified Member
so i have a question this playerbots they lvling or can do raids with me or bgs with me ?

so i mean can i make a battleground with bots without any another real players ?
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so i have a question this playerbots they lvling or can do raids with me or bgs with me ?

so i mean can i make a battleground with bots without any another real players ?

You can do dungeon finder with them, leveling, playing around etc.
Battlegrounds, I can't remember atm.


Gold Supporter
Verified Member
Hello !

First thx you for your amazing work !

I am very interested by a cataclysm blizzlike server playable at home alone or with my friends. And I am ready to pay for this !

If I become vip, can I download your repack just for me ? Is it blizzlike and full playable ?

Sorry for my english it's not my native language.


Silver Supporter
Purchased VIP, but haven't recieved it yet, im just wondering, when i recieve it, how do i download the repack? is it in a hidden category?

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
Mythical User
Head Moderator
Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
Superior Member
World Martial Arts Championships
Correct. You'll be able to download it from the VIP section I believe?

Purchased VIP, but haven't recieved it yet, im just wondering, when i recieve it, how do i download the repack? is it in a hidden category?

Just bought VIP, I'm so excited to try this out.

Send [MENTION=1]ExO[/MENTION] a PM with your transaction ID. He will correct the issue for you. When you are VIP, your name with either be green or gold, depending on which option you chose, and you'll see a new rank image below your name instead of 'Initiate' or 'Member', etc.
Once VIP, there is a hidden forum section that you will be able to see titled 'Premium Releases'


Silver Supporter
Send [MENTION=1]ExO[/MENTION] a PM with your transaction ID. He will correct the issue for you. When you are VIP, your name with either be green or gold, depending on which option you chose, and you'll see a new rank image below your name instead of 'Initiate' or 'Member', etc.
Once VIP, there is a hidden forum section that you will be able to see titled 'Premium Releases'

Ahh i see, and im wondering, would i be able to download the free repack? and then when i get VIP download updates to it? or should i wait and just download the newest version?

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
Mythical User
Head Moderator
Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
Superior Member
World Martial Arts Championships
Ahh i see, and im wondering, would i be able to download the free repack? and then when i get VIP download updates to it? or should i wait and just download the newest version?

The VIP repack is it's own repack, so there wouldn't be updates to download and plug in to the current free repack. I would suggest to wait until you are set as VIP to download the latest version, which as of now is v10