What's new

- Changelog 8.0 (Next VIP)


Version 8 (VIP) will release around ~~ november

This is only a (tiny) amount of our updates, we have around 14 pages of updates more!:

Fixed Quest: [Bring me the egg!]
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Added Jimmy's Horse.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Added the missing emotes to the Valiance Footmen.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Gave the Valiance workers Hammers to work with.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Removed the Quest tag from the cultist Stone.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Added weapons and shields to the Valiance.
Northrend - Borean Tundra -Amber Ledge - Added Animations to Inquisitor Salrand
Northrend - Borean Tundra -Amber Ledge - Added Way-points for Beryl mage Hunters
Northrend - Borean Tundra -Amber Ledge - Fixed Quest "rescuing avanor" Working as intended.
Northrend - Borean Tundra -Amber Ledge - Fixed Quest "a race against time"
Removed duplicate spawns of various gameobjects, mainly herbs and mining deposits (3000+ in all).
Fixed teleportation of Bloodstone Teleporter in Blasted Lands
Fixed spawn(s) of Thorium Brotherhood Lookout
Fixed spawn(s) of Dark Iron Pillow for quest: Kill 'em With Sleep Deprivation
Fixed spawn of Taskmaster Scrange in The Slag Pit (Questgiver)
Fixed spawn of Overseer Oilfist in the Slag Pit (Questgiver)
Fixed spawn(s) of Throium Brotherhood Lookout near Overseer Oilfist.
Fixed spawn of Evonice Sootsmoker in The Slag Pit (Questgiver)
Fixed the level of npc: Image of Archduke Calcinder - It's now level 50 instead of 1.
Fixed spawn of Dig-Boss Dinwhisker for quest: Dig-Boss Dinwhisker
Added pathing for Margol the Rager

Corrected loot percentage of quest item: Dark Iron Memo
Fixed an issue where creature: Glassweb Spider didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Tempered War Golem didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Margol the Rager didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Dig-Boss Dinwhisker didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Dark Iron Steamsmith didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Twilight Fire Guard didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Twilight Dark Shaman didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Twilight Geomancer didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Dark Iron Marksman didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Incendosaur didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where Vehicles couldn't talk to gameobject questgivers. (This was a deadly bug for Vashj'ir!)
Fixed an issue where a lot of defined auras on creatures wouldn't re-cast / re-apply upon death.
Fixed duplication spawn of: Illycor in Blasted Lands
Fixed missing creature spawn of Loramus Thalipedes
Felguard Sentry in Blasted Lands now visually shows it drops the quest item.
Felhound in Blasted Lands now visually shows it drops the quest item.
Fixed missing spawn of John J. Keeshan
Fixed missing spawn of Gor'tesh
Fixed missing spawn of Colonel Troteman
Fixed an issue where enchanting items in trade cancelled trade.

Fixed achievement: Flirt with Disaster
Fixed achievement: You'll feel right as rain
Fixed achievement: Fungal Frenzy
Fixed achievement: The Fishing Diplomat (Most likely)

The Looming Threat Quest Fix
Backed Into a Corner Quest Fix
Rundown Quest Fix
Don't be Shellfish Quest Fix
Slippery Threat Quest Fix
A Distracting Scent Quest Fix
Undersea Inflation Quest Fix
Totem modification Quest Fix
Vengeful Heart Quest Fix
Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar Quest Fix
A Pearl of Wisdom Quest Fix
Nespirah Quest Fix
Making Contact Quest Fix
Stick it to Them Quest Fix
Capture the Crab Quest Fix
Breaking Through Quest Fix
Cold Welcome Quest Fix
A Powerful Need To Eat Quest Fix
Clamming Up Quest Fix
Bellies Await Quest Fix

Swift Approach Quest Fix
Caught Off-Guard Quest Fix
An Occupation of Time Quest Fix
Piece of the Past Quest Fix
The Call of the Blade Quest Fix
Upon the Scene of Battle Quest Fix
Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir Quest Fix
Reoccupation Quest Fix
The Revered Lady Quest Fix
To the Fathom-Lord's Call Quest Fix
Built to Last Quest Fix
Not Soon Forgotten Quest Fix
Looking Forward Quest Fix
Clear Goals Quest Fix
Not Entirely Unprepared Quest Fix
Properly Inspired Quest Fix
Swift Action Quest Fix

Gauging Success Quest Fix
Fallen But Not Forgotten Quest Fix
Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge Quest Fix
By Her Lady's Word Quest Fix
No Trespass Forgiven Quest Fix
Setting An Example Quest Fix
Stolen Property Quest Fix
Chosen Burden Quest Fix
The Culmination of Our Efforts Quest Fix
Losing Ground Quest Fix
Desperate Plan Quest Fix
Come Prepared Quest Fix
Unfurling Plan Quest Fix
Hostile Waters Quest Fix
Honor and Privilege Quest Fix
Welcome News Quest Fix
Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep Quest Fix
Devout Assembly Quest Fix
Her Lady's Hand Quest Fix
Blood and thunder! Quest Fix
Bring It On! Quest Fix
Finders, Keepers Quest Fix

Pay It Forward (Horde) Quest Fix
Rest For the Weary (Horde) Quest Fix
Buy Us Some Time (Horde) Quest Fix
Traveling on Our Stomachs (Horde) Quest Fix
Fixed missing OfferRewardText for quest: "Lunk Like Your Style"
Fixed spawn of quest-giver: "Lunk", for additional quests.
Fixed quest-complete objective for quest: From Whence He Came
Fixed missing QuestRewardText for quest: "From Whence He Came"
Sort of fixed quest: "From Whence He Came". Some conditions and clean-ups lacking.
Temp fixed quest: Sweet, Horrible Freedom: 50% working.
Fixed many exploits with quest item: Furnace Flasks for quest: "Heat That Just Don't Quit":
Added pathing for creature: Forsaken Courier, for quest: Just Like Old Times
Fixed Quest: "Watching Our Back"
Fixed Quest: "You Are Rakh'likh, Demon"
Fixed Quest: "Danger! Explosives"
Fixed Quest: "Mission Eternal Flame" in Howling Fjord

Fixed an exploit with the quest item: Malister's Frost Wand where it was useable on all NPC's instead of just Proto-Drake
Corrected loot drop of quest item: Shoveltusk Meat for quest: Shoveltusk Soup Again?
Fixed quest: The Delicate Sound of Thunder
Fixed missing spawn of: "loramus Thalipedes" for quest delivery of "The Altar of Storms"
Fixed missing spawn of: "Chief Prospector Hondo" for quest: "Some People Just Need Killing"
Corrected the amount of spawns of Ore Heap, for quest: It's All Mine
Corrected the amount of spawns of Ore Heap, for quest: It's All Mine
Fixed missing gameobject spawn for quest: Not Just Any Body
Fixed quest: The Amulet of Sevine
Properly fixed quest: "SEVEN! YUP!", now it reacts when you spellclick and rewards you with the quest credit.
Hackfix Abuse of Power until the quest-spell gets fixed.
Fixed Quest: Golem Training
Fix visual item drop of quest: Warlocks Have the Neatest Stuff
Fixed missing spawns of Blackrock Warlock
Fixed an issue with quest: "A Future Project" and "Stocking Up", where the quest item from the npc wouldn't show.
Fixed quest: Trust Is Earned
Fixed quest: Dead Man's Debt
Fixed quest: Lets go Surfing Now
Sort of fixed quest: Anguish of Nifflevar
Fixed and scripted quest: The Echo of Ymiron
Fixed quest: Guided by Honor, it's now complete-able from quest-end.

Northrend - Coldara- Fixed the script for quest "Drake Hunt"
Made LFG (Item Level counting) dynamic, so you don't have to relog. (Blizzlike)
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "There's Somthing going on in those caves!"
Northrend - Coldara - Fixed quest "Soragosa's end"

Fixed an issue where Felpaw Wolf didn't show the quest item objective for quest: "Culling the Corrupted"
Temp fixed an issue with the quest-giver of Welcome to the Brotherhood - Overseer Oilfist, where phasing is supposed to happen. The hack-fix will not be notice-able for the player at 99% of the cases.
Northrend - Coldara - Fixed various movement issues with the flying dragons
Fixed quest: Nature and Nurture
Fixed and scripted quest: Touch the Untouchable. The phasing part for the spell and creature also works properly now.
Fixed an issue where the quest: "Welcome to the Brotherhood" wasn't access-able.
Corrected drop percentage of Kiyuubi's Spherule
Fixed quest: A Hero's Headgear
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "The Gearmaster"

Owlkin Frenzy will no longer get removed when changing form.
Heart of the wild is now fixed. The part with the stamina boost for bear form and the attack power for cat form were not working.

Pet cooldowns, health and mana are now restored when entering a new bg/arena.
Players can no longer eat or drink while hexed.
Fixed an issue with two forms (worgen) it will now instantly transform the player upon entering combat if he's in human form.
Northrend - Borean Tundra -fixed quest "Your not so big now"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "emergency Protocol: Section 8.2 Paragraph c""
Northrend - Borean tundra - Fixed dead gaurds in Warsong Hold
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed multiple creature waypoints
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed the dead creature bug
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Added more Orca's in the Bay for quest "Succlent Orca Stew""
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "emergency Protocol: Section 8.2 Paragraph D""

Check if all members have group buff before allowing to auto cast spells specific SPELL EFFECT flags by pets.
[Druid] Flight Form will now be replaced by Swift Flight Form.
Implemented Shadowfiend passive aura (Priest)
Corrected hearthstone spawn mistake for Orc mages.

Totemic Staff should now show correct weapon speed.
Adept's Band should now show correct stats.
Colossal Menace quest should now work as intended.
Blood for Blood quest should now work as intended.
Mouldering Mirebeasts added correctly to Quest Mired in Hatred quest.
Claws from the deep should now complete upon requirements.
A Mother's Worries should now award objective for Acquiring quest objective.
Call of the Crusade achievement should now achieve as intended.
Killing Marrogar in ICC without anyone being impaled for more than 8 Seconds should now reward "Boned" Achievement.

Northrend-Borean Tundra - Airfield - Added the Pilot script
Ebon Hold - Added the DK Trainers
Commander Springvale should now use Desecration Ability.
Corborus should now have correct loot.
Ozruk should now have correct loot drops.
Glubtok's Fists of Flame should now cast correctly.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "Scouting the sinkholes"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "it was the Orcs, Honest!"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "Plan B"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed Kel'Thuzad's Hp to blizzlike
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "fueling the project"
Northrend - borean tundra - Fixed quest "Deploy the shake-n-Quake"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed the drop rate and chance of "Gnomish Grenade"
Stormwind - Fixed a display issue for "waters of Farseeing"

Deathknight runes will no longer consume runes if the target is invulnerable.
Death strike will no longer heal if the target is Invulnerable.
Charge will now only trigger an attack when charging current target.
Hand of guldan will no longer display the duration of the debuff.
Flare will no longer display duration of the debuff.
Hellfire will now be a buff instead of a debuff
Immolation aura will now be a buff instead of a debuff.
Fixed several spells which has spell forwarding, it will now properly forward the player (same logic as Typhoon basically)
Frenzied Regeneration can now crit.
Spell warding will now reduce damage for all spells instead of increasing it.
Fixed an issue where sunfire would not be reversed when the druid would lose the solar eclipse.

Spell pushback should work properly now.
Changes to damage Threshold.
Fix an area crash
QuestID: 26464 The Lost Gem - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
QuestID 12176: A minor substitution - adjusts drop chance for quest item. Thanks to Mastermind!
Fixed an issue where, when you used the quest item for quest: "The One That Got Away", 4 Frostfin's would spawn instead of 1.
Fixed Quest: We Call Him Steelfeather
Fixed Quest: The Yeti Next Door
Fixed quest: Preying Upon the Weak

ItemID: 6464 Wailing Essence - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
ItemID: 6443 Deviate Hide - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
temID 7128: Uncloven Satyr Hoof - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
ItemID 5481: Satyr Horns - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind.
QuestID 488: Kenn's Binding - fixes issue for quest items dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!

Fixed missing NPC in Ironforge: Geofram Bouldertoe (Mining trainer). Thanks to Mastermind!
Fixed missing NPC: Wounded Infantry in Gnome starting area. Thanks to Mastermind!
Added missing spawn of Shael'dryn. Thanks to Mastermind!
Added missing spawns of Warsong Lumber Pile gameobject. Thanks to Mastermind!
Added missing spawns of Satyrnaar Fel Wood gameobject. Thanks to Mastermind!
Added additional spawns for Muddy Crawfish, thanks to Mastermind!

Scarlet Enclave - DeathKnight Starting zone - Added missing spawns and corrected multiple duplicate spawns @ phase1
Scarlet Enclave - DeathKnight Starting Zone - Added missing "Scourge Sky Darkener's" and added some animations.
Changed "Deadstate" on "Aged Clefthoof" - It is now alive and walking around as should be.
Fixed Quest: "The Ring of Blood: The Blue Brothers" - Now requires both twins to be slain.
Changed droprate on item: "Aged Clefthoof Blubber". For quest: Vision of the Dead
Corrected drop rate of item "Head of Cho'war".
Corrected drop rate of item "Warmaul Prison Key".
Corrected drop rate of item "Eye of Gutripper".
Fixed quest: Diplomatic Measures
Deleted multiple duplicates of "Dreaming Glory"

Added waypoints to "Durn the Hungerer".
"Gutripper" is now flying instead of walking.
"Sparrowhawk Net" can now only be cast at Wild Sparrowhawk.
Fixed "Shattered Rumbler" - Scripted
Fixed "Minion of Gurok" - Scripted
Fixed "Lump" - Scripted
Fixed "Wild Sparrowhawk" - Scripted
Fixed "Lantresor of the Blade" - Scripted
Corrected movement speed of "Gutripper".
Added waypoints to "Gutripper".
Added waypoints to "Bach'lor".


Creature [Arcane Wraith] is now attack-able.
Creature [Feral Tender] is now attack-able.
Creature [Tender] is now attack-able.
Despawned an invalid Sunstrider Mana Tap Counter, for quest: [Thirst Unending]
Changed faction status of Deadly Crystalgazerfrom neutral to hostile.

Item [Felendren's Head] now has the correct drop chance.
[Satchel Of Exotic Mysteries] loots are now fixed.

Despawned duplicate of Magistrix Nizara
Despawned duplicate of Skymaster Skyles
Despawned duplicate of Lothan Silverblade
Corrected position of Wretched Captive
Despawned several duplicates of Bloodthistle, Silverleaf and Peacebloom

Night Elf Corpse is no longer attack-able
Spawned ~20 missing Spindleweb Lurker
Spawned ~35 missing Vampiric Mistbat
Creature Angershade is no longer spamming Enrage

Corrected drop chance of Otembe's Hammer
Corrected drop chance of Aldaron's Head

Several duplicates of Silver and Tin Vein has been despawned.
100+ Duplicate spawns of Bloodthistle and Silverleaf has been despawned

Fixed Quest: Whitebark's Memory

- Added waypoints to Dr. Whitherlimb
- Deatholme Necromancer no longer summons a pet
- Corrected movement speed of Ranger Vedoran
- Corrected movement speed of Apothecary Enith
- Corrected movement speed of Apprentice Varnis
- Fixed visuals of certain at the Chapel of the Crimson Flame
- Added more missing spawns in New Avalon
- Added more spawns in Death's Breach

- Corrected drop chance of Hexxer Stave
- Corrected drop chance of Knucklerot's Head
- Corrected drop chance of Luzran's Head

- Removed invalid quest: Friend of the Sin'Dorei
- Spawned missing Warchiefs Command Board in Silvermoon City
- Fixed quest: How To Win Friends And Influence Enemies
- Fixed wrong quest ender: Noth's Special Brew.
- Fixed quest: Into the Realm of Shadows
- Fixed quest: Grand Theft Palonimo

- Squirrely Clean is now available after completing Running Their Course quest.
- [Weeding the lawn] is now available after completing [Running Their Course] quest.
- Fixed Molten entrance issue. Now, you can enter in Molten raid.

- Deleted multi spawns of Felendor Accuser.
- Spawned entrance missing NPC.
- Spawned the NPC quest giver Exarch Larethor
- Spawned Shattered Sun Sentry NPC and added his waypoints.
- Corrected Health & Mana points for Sunblade Mage Guard with blizzlike values.

- Added missing mobs on first boss place.
- Firelord stats has been corrected with blizzlike values.
- Molten Giant stats has been corrected with blizzlike values.
- Lava Annihilator has been corrected with blizzlike values.
- Corrected damages of Ancient Hound
- Corrected damages of Flamewaker
- Corrected Health & Damages of Molten Bosses.

Felwood Fixes August 4th 2017

- Added random waypoints to Tainted Ooze (x35+)
- Added random waypoints to Entropic Horror (x40+)
- Added random wayponts to Infernal Sentry (x30+)
- Added waypoints to Immolatus
- Added random wayponts to Irontree Stomper (x15)
- Added random waypoints to 200+ around Whisperwind Grove.
- Added waypoints to Olm the Wise.

Exodar Peacekeeper POIs (issue #191) fixed

Spawned missing Archaeology Trainer in Exodar
Blackrock Battle Worg (Issue #917) fixed

Felwood & Ashenvale Fixes August 6th 2017

- Added random waypoints to Tainted Ooze (x17)
- Added random waypoints to Bloodvenom Slave (x22)
- Added random waypoints to Felpaw Scavenger (x21)
- Added random waypoints to Ironbeak Hunter (x9)
- Added random waypoints to Tainted Moth (x25)
- Added random waypoints to Felrot Courser (x14)
- Added random waypoints to Tainted Squirrel (x16)
- Added random waypoints to Rabid Screecher (x1)
- Added random waypoints to Angerclaw Mauler (x18)
- Added random waypoints to Irontree Stomper (x3)
- Added random waypoints to Oily Sludge (x2)
- Added wayponts to Death Howl
- Added random waypoints to Ironbeak Owl (x15)
- Added random waypoints to Withered Ancient (x18)
- Added random waypoints to Elder Shadowhorn Stag (x125)
- Added random waypoints to Crazed Ancient (x12)
- Added random waypoints to Ghostpaw Alpha (x101)
- Added random waypoints to Jadefire Felsworn (x22)
- Added random waypoints to Jadefire Satyr (x21)
- Added waypoints to Alshirr Banebreath
- Added random waypoints to Jadefire Imp (x38)
- Added random waypoints to Cursed Ooze (x32)

- 435 lines of Smart AI code added to of Felwood.

Added text to pages of book "Saga of the Sin'Dorei"
- Fixed droprate of item "Wooden Key"

Fix quest [An End To All Things...]
Fixed [A Special Surprise] for Worgens and Goblins
Added 280 more spawns in Death Knight start area
Fix Val'kyr flying visuals in Acherus
Fix Orbaz Bloodlane's gossip conditions and scripts
Fixed Glyph of Totemic Recall
Fixed Druid T11 Feral 4P Bonus

Deleted 100+ duplicate spawns of Herbs in Blade's Edge Mountains.
Deleted 57 incorrect spawns of Mana Thistle

Achievement: Nagrand Slam - Now available

Corrected drop chance of Thunderlord Clan Artifact
Corrected drop chance of Fel Cannon Activator (Fear & Hate)

Disabled movement for Fel Cannon MKI
Disabled movement for Legion Fel Cannon MKII
Disabled movement for Death's Door Fel Cannon
Disabled movement for Legion Fel Cannon
Disabled movement for Fel Cannon
Disabled movement for Fel Cannon: Fear
Disabled movement for Fel Cannon: Hate
Fixed movement of Aether Ray
Fixed Creature AI for Raliq the Drunk

Fixed Quest: Into the Soulgrinder
Fixed Quest: Grim(oire) Business
Fixed Quest: A Curse Upon Both of Your Clans
Fixed Quest: The Summoning Chamber
Fixed Quest: Vision Guide
Fixed Quest: Bladespire Kegger
Fixed Quest: Crackin' Some Skulls
Fixed Quest: Patience and Understanding

Fixed teleporter in Acherus

Val'Kyr Battle Maiden flight fixed
Patchwerk in Acherus is now scripted
Fixed damage values of Patchwerk in Acherus and trash mobs around him
Added +20 spawns in Acherus: The Ebon Hold
Arakkoa Egg no longer moves
Corrected movement of Lesser Nether Drake
Angered Arakkoa Protector is now hostile
Cosmetic Silkwing no longer falls to the ground

Quest Fixed: Warchief's Blessing
Quest Fixed: Where Kings Walk
Quest Fixed: There Can Be Only One Response
Quest Fixed: Gather the Orbs
Quest Fixed: The Stones of Vekh'nir

Deleted 50+ duplicate spawns of Felweed
Deleted 50+ duplicate spawns of Dreaming Glory

Added random waypoints to Blackrock Battle Worg (x30)
Winterspring Fixes August 10th 2017

- Added random waypoints to Shardtooth Bear (x20)
- Added random waypoints to Anguished Highborne (x11)
- Added random waypoints to Suffering Highborne (x12)
- Added random waypoints to Wretched Spectre (x8)
- Added random waypoints to Wretched Spirit (x8)
- Added random waypoints to Winterhorn Stag (x24)
- Added random waypoints to Winterspring Screecher (x35)
- Added random waypoints to Raging Owlbeast (x32)
- Added random waypoints to Moontouched Owlbeast (x40)
- Added random waypoints to Berserk Owlbeast (x30)

- Winterspring Screecher is now Attackable
Add 18 missing spawns in Death's Breach

Quest: Riding On, in Durotar, now properly completes you the quest.
Fixed Quest: The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Fixed Quest: The Endless Hunger
Improvements to Light of Dawn

Added the correct NPC for start and end of quest "Corki's Ransom"in Nagrand
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Return to Aviana] [#1497]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Defending The Vanguard, Curing The Incurable] [#1523]
[Fixed] [ Quest: How to Server Goblins] [#1445]

[Fixed] [ (NPC) Okrog - Duplicate NPC] [#1502]

[Fixed] [ NPC: Runetog Wildhammer] [#1388]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Fulgorge] [#1418]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Blistering Rot-Blistering Oozeling] [#1424]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Cleansing the Waters] [#1427]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Flamewalker Imp-Heckling Fel Sprite] [#1375]
No crawfish were spawned, they were attackable, not lootable. - Fixed. - Thanks to Eyerobot
Brightwater Snail Fixed - Thanks to Eyerobot

[Fixed] [ Item: Burning Legion Missive] [#1389]
[Fixed] [ Item: Avruu's Orb] [#1433]
[Fixed] [ Item Drop: Northwind Cleft Key] [#1544]
[Fixed] [ Item: Eroded Leather Case] [#1382]

[Fixed] [ Quest: The Finest Down] [#1431]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Outland Sucks!] [#1443]
[Fixed] [ Item Drop: Horn of Banthar] [#1545]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Cursed Talismans] [#1383]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Laying waste to the Unwanted] [#1379]
Fixed Quest: A Furious Catch - Thanks to Eyerobot
Quest loot fix - Tadpole Terror. - Thanks to Eyerobot
Fixed Quest: Fish Head - Drop rate was too low. - Thanks to Eyerobot

[Fixed] [ Fourth and Goal] [#414]
[Fixed] [ Fourth and goal.] [#1003]
[Fixed] [ Goblin quest - Necessary Roughness - Bug - Stuck] [#854]
[Fixed] [ Necessary Roughness - Game Breaking Bug] [#889]
[Fixed] [ Necessary Roughness quest in goblin starting zone] [#972]
[Fixed] All our friends are dead [#1464]
FIX Quest All our friends are dead 26248 [ID#1464] Thanks to Cubansephiroth
[Fixed] [ *FIXED BY ZAF* Message Board in Light's Breach (Zul'Drak)] [#1511]
Fixed Quest: Back So soon?
Quest Fix for Necessary Roughness 24502 Thanks to SonyC
Quest Fix for Fourth and Goal 28414 Thanks to SonyC
Quest FIX Quest Something that Burns 27135 Thanks to Cubansepiroth
[Fixed] [ Quest: Stealing Back the Mushrooms] [#1484]

[Fixed] [ *FIXED BY ZAF* Sergeant Riannah - QUEST NPC MISSING (Zul'Drak)] [#1509]
[Fixed] [ *FIXED BY ZAF* Mistcaller Soo-gan - QUEST NPC MISSING (Sholazar)] [#1520]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Blacktalon the Savage] [#1419]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Drillmaster Zurok] [#1423]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Arazzius the Cruel] [#1426]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Raging Colosus] [#1439]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Boglash] [#1456]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Rajah Haghazed] [#1457]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Rajis Fyashe] [#1458]

134 lines of SAI, Gossip and Conditions fixes for Zul'drak applied. Should fix several .

Completely revamped veins / ores in the following zones:

- Winterspring,
- Thousand Needles,
- Burning Steppes,
- Badlands,
- Felwood,
- Searing Gorge,
- Silithus,
- Blasted Lands,
- Swamp of Sorrows,
- Eastern Plaguelands,
- Tanaris,
- Un'Goro Crater,
- Arathi Highlands,
- Dustwallow Marsh,
- Feralas,
- The Hinterlands.

Revamped ores / veins:

- 2040 Mithril Ore Removed and Replaced.
- 2047 Truesilver Ore Removed and Replaced.
- 123309 Ooze Covered Truesilver Added to maps.
- 123310 Ooze Covered Mithril Added to maps.
- 324 Small Thorium Added to maps.
- 175404 Rich thorium Added to maps.
Big thanks to Eyerobot for his contribution.

Added random waypoints to Rockjaw Goon (x9)
[Fixed] [ Rockjaw Scavanger] [#1398]
Added random waypoints to Hyjal Stag (x17)

[Fixed] [ Fishing - Stormwind] [#218]
[Fixed] [ Fishing - Darnassus] [#219]
[Fixed] [ Fishing - Orgrimmar] [#220]
[Fixed] [ Fishing - Thunder Bluff] [#221]
[Fixed] [ Fishing - Undercity] [#222]
[Fixed] [ Fishing - Ironforge] [#216]

[Fixed] [ Rockjaw Goon Bugged] [#1119]
[Fixed] [[The Return of Baron Geddon] Casting living bomb on himself] [#1408]
[Fixed] [ Galrond of the Claw is spamming €”yell] [#1407]
[Fixed] [[The Captured Scout] Scout Larandia isn't in a cage] [#1410]
[Fixed] [[Securing the Bait] (Sholazar)] [#1400]
[Fixed] [ Zedd's Probably Dead] [#1402]

Improved fishing in the following zones (Big thanks to Eyerobot):

- Tirisfal Glades
- Brightwater Lake
- Silverpine Forest
- Western Plaguelands
- Eastern Plaguelands
- Ghostlands
- Eversong Woods
- Stillwhisper Pond
- Hillsbrad Foothills
- Arathi Highlands
- The Hinterlands
- Wetlands
- Twilight Highlands
- Loch Modan
- Dun Morogh
- Helm's Bed Lake
- Badlands
- Burning Steppes
- Elwyn Forrest
- Thunder Falls
- Westfall
- Duskwood
- Redridge Mountains
- Deadwind Pass
- Swamp of Sorrows
- Blasted Lands
- Northern Stranglethorn
- Cape of Stranglethorn
- Teldrassil
- Rut'theran Village
- Bloodmyst Isle
- Azuremist Isle
- Winterspring
- Darkshore
- Felwood
- Mount Hyjal
- Ashenvale
- Azshara
- Durotar
- Northern Barrens
- Stonetalon Mountains
- Desolace
- Southern Barrens
- Mulgore
- Thunder Bluff
- Feralas
- Dustwallow Marsch
- Sillithus
- Un'goro Crater
- Tanaris
- Uldum
- Hellfire Peninsula
- Zangermarsh
- Nagrand
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Terokkar Forrest
- Netherstorm
- Howling Fjord
- Grizzly Hills
- Storm Peaks
- Icecrown
- Sholazar Basin
- Borean Tundra

[Fixed] [ Item: Crate of Left Over Spoils] [#1273]
[Fixed] [ NPC: War Reaver] [#1237]
[Fixed] [[GOB] Misplaced Solid Chest] [#1304]

[Fixed] [ (NPC) Lady Vespia Rare Duplicates] [#1276]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Oso Bramblescar - Duplicate Spawns] [#1280]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Sorrow Screecher] [#1298]
[Fixed] [ Duplicate spawn of npc Cragjaw] [#1308]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Huntress Davinia - Duplicate Spawns] [#1306]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Misty Grell] [#1293]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Sorrow SPinner] [#1296]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Shifting Mireglob] [#1294]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Purespring Elemental] [#1297]
[Fixed] [ Shadowhide Darkweaver Missing ] [#1303]
[Fixed] [ NPC:Dead Dwarf] [#1305]

[Fixed] [ Object not giving quest Beware of Cragjaw] [#1309]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Put Out The Fire - No option to summon Freezing Surger] [#1257]

[Fixed] [ (Quest) Between a Rock and a Thistlefur] [#1228]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Protect The Frontier] [#1021]
[Fixed] [ Ragged Young Wolf is too small] [#1120]
[Fixed] [ The Flameseer's Staff] [#534]

[Fixed] [ NPC: "Dead-Eye" Drederick McGumm] [#1151]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Harry No-Hooks ] [#1153]
[Fixed] [ NPC:Gelman Stonehand] [#1049]
[Fixed] [[NPC]Firetail Scorpid=Venomtip Scorpid] [#1205]

- Added random waypoints to Sea Crawler (x367)
- Added random waypoints to Sand Crawler (x15)
- Added random waypoints to Young Goretusk (x55)
- Added random waypoints to Fleshripper (x24)
- Added random waypoints to Coyote (x30)
- Added random waypoints to Young Fleshripper (x13)
- Added random waypoints to Greater Fleshripper (x35)
- Added random waypoints to Coyote Packleader (x12)
- Added random waypoints to Hulking Goretusk (x40)
- Cleaned up Longshore (Duplicates, spawns, etc)
- Cleaned up Westfall in general.

[Fixed] [[GOB] Floating Bruiseweed Gathering Node] [#1236]
[Fixed] [[GOB] Duplicate Gnoll Orders Spawned] [#1229]

- Westfall Veins cleaned up. ( Copper Vein, Tin Vein)
- Westfall Herbs cleaned up. ( Mageroyal, Peacebloom, Briarthorn, Earthroot)

- Spawns of Icecap (x297) - Reduced to (x75)

Winterspring Fixes August 13th 2017

- Added random waypoints to Shardtooth Mauler (x42)
- Added random waypoints to Alpine Hare (x728)
- Added random waypoints to Alpine Chipmunk (x516)
- Added random waypoints to Crazed Owlbeast (x24)
- Added random waypoints to Ragged Owlbeast (x12)
- Added random waypoints to Winterspring Owl (x22)
- Added random waypoints to Chillwind Chimaera (x26)
- Added random waypoints to Frostsaber Huntress (x66)
- Added random waypoints to Frostsaber (x27)
- Added random waypoints to Frostsaber Cub (x16)
- Added random waypoints to Boiling Springbubble (x10)
- Added random waypoints to Scalding Springsurge (x10)
- Added random waypoints to Frostshard Rumbler (x12)
- Added random waypoints to Altered Beast (x34)
- Added random waypoints to Frostsaber Pridewatcher (x27)
- Added random waypoints to Wintervine Lasher (x9)
- Added random waypoints to Frostleaf Treant (x6)
- Added random waypoints to Ice Thistle Yeti (x25)
- Added random waypoints to Ice Thistle Patriarch (x15)
- Added random waypoints to Ice Thistle Matriarch (x13)
- Added waypoints to Winterfall Runner (x2)
- Added waypoints to General Colbatann
- Added waypoints to Brumeran

- Complete overhaul of Winterspring Waypoints, spawns, etc.
- Complete overhaul of Timbermaw Hold. Waypoints, spawns, etc.

Spawned missing creature;
Injured Draenei
Fixed duplicate npc of Screamslash
Fixed missing spawn of banker in Orgrimmar; Perixa

[Fixed] [ (NPCs) Thistlefur Furbolgs in Ashenvale standing still] [#1223]
[Fixed] [ NPC: [Rare] Thauris Balgarr] [#1238]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Greater Obsidian Elemental] [#1254]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Giant Ember Worgen] [#1253]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Risen Wintergarde Miner] [#1717]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Blackrock Necromancer] [#1268]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Firegut Brute] [#1269]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Firegut Orge MAge] [#1270]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Dagrun Ragehammer - No option to sell€”buy] [#1271]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Sawtooth Crocolisk] [#1277]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Azure Drake-Azure Dragon] [#1701]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Emerald Skytalon] [#1703]
[Fixed] [[NPC] Barkeep Kann facing incorrect direction] [#1316]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Queen Silith - Duplicate spawns] [#1315]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Shadowsworn Adept] [#1332]
[Fixed] [ ALL Primordial Drakes (Sholazar)] [#1401]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Tainted Screecher] [#1369]
[Fixed] [ Avatar of Freya (Sholazar) ((Model bug))] [#1446]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Overseer Deathgaze] [#1710]
[Fixed] [ Missing waypoints for mobs in Arklon Ruins] [#1570]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Blighted Elk-Rabid Grizzly] [#1647]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Naseev] [#1714]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Nishera the Garden Keeper] [#1704]

[Fixed] [[Slaves of the Stormforged] (Storm Peaks)] [#1723]
[Fixed] [[Flown the Coop!] (Sholazar)] [#1444]
[Fixed] [ Quest: The Focus on The Beach] [#1657]
[Fixed] [[The Wasp Hunter's Apprentice] AND Elder Harhek (Sholazar) ((Quest and NPC issue))] [#1438]
[Fixed] [ Quest: The Plume of Alystros] [#1706]
Fixed Quest: Learning to Leave and Return: the Magical Way
[Fixed] [ Quest: The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran] [#1711]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Rescue From Town Square] [#1712]
[Fixed] [[Quest] By the Skin of His Teeth] [#873]
[Fixed] [ Worgen quest "By the skin of his Teeth" Bug] [#847]

[Fixed] [ (Quest Item Drop) Large Gjalerbron Cage Key] [#1672]
[Fixed] [ (Quest Item Drop) Gjalerbron Cage Key] [#1671]

[Fixed] [ Quest Start Item Drop: The Favor of Zangus] [#1649]
[Fixed] [ Quest NPC: Weakened Reanimated Frost Wyrm] [#1707]
[Fixed] [ Error Message] [#280]

[Fixed] [ Worgen Racials] [#731]

[Fixed] [ Quest: Atop the Woodlands] [#1688]
[Fixed] [ Quest: The End of the Line] [#1691]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Meet on the Hook] [#1697]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) The Frost Wyrm and its Master] [#1662]

[Fixed] [ NPC: Alystros the Verdant Keeper] [#1705]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Bjomolf - Duplicate Spawn] [#1680]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Glacion - No longer elite] [#1667]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Winterskorn Warrior - 1 HP bug] [#1658]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Winterskorn Woodsman - 1 HP bug] [#1659]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Winterskorn Tribesman - 1 HP bug] [#1660]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Winterskorn Shield-Maiden - 1 HP bug] [#1661]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Gjalerbron Warrior - 1 HP bug] [#1663]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Putrid Wight - 1 HP bug] [#1664]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Deathless Watcher - 1 HP bug] [#1665]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Fearsome Horror - 1 HP bug] [#1666]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Fanggore Worg - 1 HP bug] [#1679]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Deranged Explorer - 1 HP bug] [#1683]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Servitor Shade - 1 HP bug] [#1685]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Necrotech - 1 HP bug] [#1687]
[Fixed] [ NPC Elites: Wintergarde Keep ] [#1653]

[Fixed] [ (NPC) Thornvine Creeper - 1 HP Bug] [#1634]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Spore - 1 HP bug] [#1633]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Felspore Bog Lord] [#1366]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Doomguard Destroyer] [#1365]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Corrupted Darkwood Treant] [#1364]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Dreadlord Defiler] [#1363]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Darkwood Treant] [#1362]
[Fixed] [ NPC: The Leaper] [#1589]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Shadow Cultist] [#1590]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Nedar, Lord of Rhinos] [#1598]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Harold Lane] [#1600]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Plagued Dragonflayer Handler] [#1614]
[Fixed] [ Wrong NPC faction at The Shadow Vault] [#1588]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Loot Crazed Diver] [#1599]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Crazed Northsea Slaver] [#1619]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) "Mad" Jonah Sterling - No longer elite] [#1629]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Hozzer - No longer elite] [#1628]
[Fixed] [ Vyragosa - Rare Mob (Storm Peaks)] [#1627]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Island Shoveltusk] [#1621]
Fixed missing spawn of questgiver: "Image of Nexus-Prince Haramad"

Fixed Quest: Taking on All Challengers
[Fixed] [ Item: Drain Schematics] [#1479]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Naga at the Zoram Strand - No head drops] [#1266]
[Fixed] [ Seared Scourge] [#1617]
Fixed quest: Fel Reavers, No Thanks!
Fixed quest: Flora of the Eco-Domes
[Fixed] [ URGENT
(Quest) Mr. D's Wild Ride - Crashing Server] [#1311]

[Fixed] [[The sigil of Krasus ID 10188] 50-80% droprate instead of 100%] [#1564]
[Fixed] [[Rebuilding the staff ID 10300] Low droprate on quest item] [#1565]
[Fixed] [ Arcane annihalator low drop rate of - Annihalator servo (ID - 28787)] [#1571]
[Fixed] [[a Heap of Ethereals ID 10262] Drop rate non existing.] [#1567]
[Fixed] [ (Quest Item Drop) Giant Toxin Gland] [#1607]

[Fixed] [ Quest Start Drop Item: The Ultrasonic Screwdriver] [#1620]
[Fixed] [ Isle of Conquest (Crash)] [#1606]
[Fixed] [ Terrainswapping] [#1605]

Fixed waypoints and NPC movements in Ashenvale.
Removed duplicates of multiple NPC in Netherstorm, including Max a Million.
delete.png Added multiple NPC Enraged Crusher and fixed movement for themin Nagrand
Added 13 Murkblood Scavenger NPC and removed the incorrectly positioned ones in Nagrand
Added npc Netherrock in Netherstorm.

Added multiple Sunspring Villager quest objectives and fixed incorrectly positioned ones in Nagrand.

[Fixed] [ Dupe npc's Talramas Borean Tundra] [#1887]
[Fixed] [[Combat Bug]NPC: Magmoth Fire Totem] [#1602]

[Fixed] [ the sub chieftains] [#1886]
[Fixed] [ The Power of the Elements] [#1885]
[Fixed] [ The Horn of Elemental Fury] [#1884]
[Fixed] [ Weakness to Lightning] [#1883]
[Fixed] [ Blending In] [#1882]
[Fixed] [ Boiling Point] [#1881]
[Fixed] [ The Honored Dead, Plan B] [#1880]
[Fixed] [ Multiple Summoned Spawns] [#1879]
[Fixed] [ We Strike!] [#1878]
[Fixed] [ The Collapse] [#1877]
[Fixed] [ Foolish Endeavors] [#1876]
[Fixed] [[NPC Issues]Quest: Words of Power] [#1601]
[Fixed] [ Leading the Ancestors Home] [#749]

[Fixed] [ Quest Visual: Hampering Their Escape] [#1596]

[Fixed] [[Unfamiliar waters] Quest broken] [#1496]

[Fixed] [ Lou's Parting Thoughts] [#403]
[Fixed] [ (Q) Lou's Parting Thoughts [Westfall]] [#182]
[Fixed] [[NPC] Rellian Greenspyre + (Q) Resilliant Danger] [#163]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Rifle the Bodies] [#1655]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Planning for the Future] [#1692]
[Fixed] [ Gold Dust Exchange] [#1013]
[Fixed] [ Qust Start Item Drop: Emblazoned Battle Horn] [#1728]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Shaved Ice] [#1755]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Wanted Warlord] [#1738]

[Fixed] [ NPC: Bonesunder] [#1733]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Decrepit Necromance] [#1753]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Snowfall Glade Pup] [#1693]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Rattlebore] [#1758]

[Fixed] [ Visual Bug - Thorim] [#1863]
[Fixed] [ Quest Start Drop Item: Mikhail's Journal] [#1795]
[Fixed] [ NPC Quest Order: Woodsman Drake] [#1789]

[Fixed] [ (Quest Item Drop) Mezhen's Writings] [#1668]

Resistance is Futile 27423 - By SonyC
A Man Named Godfrey 27406 By Sonyc
Fix The Great Escape - 27438

[Fixed] [ NPC: Drakkari Shaman-Drakkari Warrior] [#1803]

[Fixed] [ Quest: Dun-da-Dun-tah!] [#1813]

[Fixed] [ GoB: Quest: The Damaged Journal] [#1817]

[Fixed] [ Quest: Raining Down Destruction] [#1818]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Rallying The Troops] [#1819]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Steady as a Rock?] [#1821]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Cultivating an Image] [#1827]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Blackwater Skrimish] [#1788]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Kick 'Em While They're Down] [#1805]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Muck Diving] [#1572]

[Fixed] [ NPC: Dragonblight Elites Removal and Stat Updates] [#1736]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Frigid Necromancer] [#1700]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Dragonflayer Flamebinder] [#1791]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Dragonflayer Huscarl] [#1790]
[Fixed] [ NPC: River Crockolisk] [#1065]

[Fixed] [[From the Ashes] (Blade's Edge Mountains)] [#1768]
[Fixed] [[Scratches] (Blade's Edge Mountains)] [#1769]
[Fixed] [ Quest: As The Crow Flies] [#507]
[Fixed] [ Disrupt Their Reinforcements] [#504]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Runes of Compulsion] [#1824]

[Fixed] [ Mana Tombs (H) Report] [#1832]

[Fixed] [ GoB: Third Rune Plate] [#1822]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Free At Last] [#1825]
[Fixed] [ Quest: The Iron Thane and His Anvil] [#1829]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Put on Your Best Face for Loken] [#1828]
[Fixed] [ Quest - Timber Worg Tails] [#1830]
[Fixed] [ DK quest: Death comes from on high bug on map and more..] [#825]
[Fixed] [ DK Quest - Massacre at Light's Point - Quest ID 12701] [#833]

Random waypoints added to 790 beasts throughout Northrend.
Added over 300 new spawns in Death Knight zone

[Fixed] [ Quest Drop: Dun Argol Cage Key] [#1826]

[Fixed] [ NPC: Shadow Cultist - incorrect faction] [#1641]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Commander Jordan - Duplicate] [#1800]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Deathguard Molder - Duplicate] [#1796]

Added some movement in Human starting zone for npc's, moved some that was stuck in objects.
Added random waypoints to 2 233 beasts throughout Azeroth.
[Fixed] [ Double spawn of Kreenig Snarlsnout] [#1089]
[Fixed] [[NPC] Flamescale Broodling] [#1206]
[Fixed] [[NPC] Obsidian Elemental] [#1211]
Removed unused Wastes Taskmasters and added Waypoints to remaning ones in Dragonblight.

Added missing Composite Ore Carts for Stocking Up in Dragonblight.

Added some missing Jormungar Tunneler in Dragonblight.

Updated and added Missing Splintered Bone Chunks in Dragonblight.

Cleaned up NPC'S in Maw of Nelthario in Dragonblight.

Added, moved Quest NPC'S in The Nexus.

Added Way Points to Azure Warder at the entrance of The Nexus.
[Fixed] [ NPC: Crystalline Ice Giant] [#1757]
all over Dragonblight have been added spawndistance / WP's instead of beeing stationary.

Also fixed duplicates along the way + moved npc's for fine-tuning to correct position instead of standing in low mobility places like cracks.

Fix Quest Preparations 24628 Closes #581 -- By Cubansephiroth
[Fixed] [ Preparations] [#581]
Eyerobot Fixes:

Quest Fish Fer Squirky fix

Quest Hand-me-downs 14469 Fix

Quest Military breakthrough Fix

Samantha shackleton 5700 missing speech fix

Quest King Of The Foulwealds 13989 fix

Quest A Quota To Meet 14197 fix

Quest Reclaiming Felfire Hill 26446 fix

Jeremiah Payson 8403 No longer quest associated. Quest, gossip flags were removed.

Wanda Henderson 47860

Nicolette Garner 47854

Franklin Lloyd 11031

Quest A Shameful Waste 26454 fix

Bleakheart Hellcaller HP fix

Whole zone - Northen Barrens - removed duplicate spawns, removed packed NPC, corrected multiple spawns of rares, corrected multiple spawns of gobjects, random movement to all that should have.

[Fixed] [ Return to Arcanist Vandril] [#1750]

Fixed and Added Missing NPC's in Froustmourne Cavern in Dragonblight

Added missing NPC's to the North side of Jinth'Kalar in Dragonblight
Cleaned up Onslaught Base Camp in Dragonblight added Missing NPC's Added Way points.
Fixed and Added some Wast Scavangers in Galakron's Rest
Added Some Way points to some of the Risen Wintergarde Defender. Dragonblight
Added Some Way points to some of the Risen Wintergarde Defender. Dragonblight
[Fixed] [ NPC: Ruby Keeper] [#1698]
Removed multiple duplicate spawns of Blackrock Soldier/Firegut flamespeaker Fields of honor. Blasted lands
Removed duplicates of flamekin rager and flamekin spitter. Valley of Ashes. Blasted lands
Removed duplicates of tained black bear and tained screecher. added movement. Tainted scar/blasted lands.
Added Way points spawns and "stuck" nether drakes. Netherstorm
Added multiple way points to Artifact seekers and felblade doomguard. Netherstorm.
Added multiple anub'ar ambusher. Positioned the rest into loose pairs as they should be. Dragonblight.
[Fixed] [ NPC: Helpless Wintergarde Villager] [#1651]

[Fixed] [ Visual: NPC (Possible GM Fix)] [#1652]
[Fixed] [ GoC: Strange Ore] [#1718]

[Fixed] [[Memories of Stormhoof] (Storm Peaks)] [#1640]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Withered Flesh] [#1517]
[Fixed] [[Recipe for Destruction ID 10437] Low drop rate] [#1681]

[Fixed] [ GoB: Cultist Shrine] [#1586]
Added movement to 350 different entries. (15.000 npc's affected)

Cleaned up Wetlands npc duplicates with 1hp(friendly)
Fixed raptor bug where they wielded 1h weapon
Fixed Yeti's using 2h axes
Fixed Spider's in Hillsbrad foothills having Undercity faction.

[Fixed] [ Worgen Infiltrator mob] [#1108]
[Fixed] [ Explosives Stockpile (ID=35296)] [#1099]

[Fixed] [ Highland Doe ID: 46971 120million HP] [#1985]

[Fixed] [ Class Trainers] [#1871]

[Fixed] [ Kaw the Mammoth Destroyer] [#858]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Disrupt Their Reinforcements] [#1932]
[Fixed] [ Illidan's Pupil] [#1978]

[Fixed] [ Stone trogg Geomancer] [#1923]
[Fixed] [ Consortium Crystal Collection] [#1979]

Stone Cold 14165 -- Refleshification 14194
-- The perfect prism -- crystal pendant prismbreak
Another Warm Body 14468
Through Fire and Flames 13878

[Fixed] [ Grulloc Has Two Skulls
Maggoc's Treasure Chest
Even Gronn Have Standards] [#1972]

Many creature movement fixes by scarr. Thank you.

[Fixed] [ Disgengage is taking you forward instead of backwards] [#1385]
[Fixed] [ Item CD: 35908] [#1804]
[Fixed] [ GoB: Wrecked Crab Trap] [#1695]

[Fixed] [ Disengage] [#877]

Fixed an overload in Life of the Party quest (goblin)
[Fixed] [ NPC: Wounded Westfall Infantry and Wounded Skirmisher] [#1761]
[Fixed] [ Rotbrain Berserker] [#976]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Librarian Garren] [#1593]

[Fixed] [ Report for Tryouts] [#1920]
[Fixed] [ Bouldercrag the Rockshaper] [#1722]
[Fixed] [ QUEST: He's Holding Out on Us] [#1875]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Evacuate the Merchant Square] [#1846]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Monitoring the Rift: Sundered Chasm] [#1592]

[Fixed] [ Wyrmcult Broodling] [#1963]
[Fixed] [ Silkwing Larva and Silkwing] [#1959]

[Fixed] [[Horde] There Can Be Only One Response] [#1964]

[Fixed] [ Ashyen and Keleth] [#1944]

[Fixed] [ Ango'rosh Souleater] [#1947]

[Fixed] [ The Final Code] [#667]

[Fixed] [ Cannot equip heirlooms] [#1872]

[Fixed] [ Defend the Gates - Azshara (ID=14146)] [#1076]
[Fixed] [ Up a Tree - Azshara (ID=14135)] [#1075]
[Fixed] [ The Captain's logs] [#1933]

Added WP's and made mobs non-stationary. (almost whole dungeon)
Removed some adds which were not supposed to be here.
Added missing NPC's.

[Fixed] [ Through Fire and Flames 13878] [#1927]

[Fixed] [ Missing quest iin Durotar zone : Back to the Den] [#998]
[Fixed] [ Seize the Ambassador] [#1925]

[Fixed] [ Loch Buzzards] [#756]
[Fixed] [ Emerald Bearkins and Jadefires Satyrs] [#774]
[Fixed] [ Stone Trogg Berserker] [#914]
[Fixed] [ Canyon Ettin] [#891]

[Fixed] [ Mounted Ironforge Mountaineer No Mounts] [#1921]

[Fixed] [ Quest No Tanks 26333] [#1917]
[Fixed] [ A Job for the Multi-Bot] [#1916]

[Fixed] [ Irradiated in Gnomeragen] [#1915]

[Fixed] [ Floating recruits???... (Blade's Edge Mountains)] [#1765]

[Fixed] [ Quest: Worm Wrangler] [#1759]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Let Them Not Rise!] [#1798]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) A Means to an End] [#1811]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) No Mercy for the Captured] [#1812]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Torture the Torturer] [#1814]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Fire Upon the Waters] [#1815]

Overmaster Pyron - Added WP's, making him non-stationary. Now walking the correct path.

Added movement to stationary adds outside BRC dungeon.

[Fixed] [ Burn it Up.. For the horde (Quest)-HORDE-] [#1450]
[Fixed] [ Goblin Escape Pods] [#418]
[Fixed] [ Pirate Party Crashers 14115] [#1911]
[Fixed] [ Life of the Party] [#994]
[Fixed] [ Unnecessary Roughness] [#1859]

[Fixed] [ Npc: Joren Ironstock] [#1906]

[Fixed] [ Quest: No Escape] [#1258]
[Fixed] [ Escaped From Gilneas & Annihilate the Worgen] [#1910]
[Fixed] [ Fresh out of the Grave] [#1908]
[Fixed] [ Ever so lonely] [#1105]

[Fixed] [[NPC] Blackrock Whelper] [#1207]

[Fixed] [ Trail-worn scroll] [#1909]

[Fixed] [[The Warm-Up] (Storm Peaks)] [#1861]
[Fixed] [ Human starting zone] [#928]

[Fixed] [ Foreman Dampwick - Falls through his barrel] [#1854]

[Fixed] [ Rockjaw Invader - Dwarf starting Zone] [#1907]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Murkblood Invaders] [#1579]
[Fixed] [ NPC - Ethereum Jailor - ID 23008] [#1744]

[Fixed] [ Magister's Terrace (Normal)] [#1839]

[Fixed] [ Droprate of grey ] [#1869]

[Fixed] [ Unfit for Death] [#1392]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty] [#1603]
[Fixed] [ Goods from Silvermoon City] [#1749]
[Fixed] [ Return to Sethiel] [#1751]
[Fixed] [ Greetings instead of Quest] [#1870]

Fixed Various hp mana fixes, Large amount of updated loots thanks to The real Mccoy.

[Fixed] [ emergency supplies] [#1903]
[Fixed] [ drake hunt] [#1901]
[Fixed] [ hellscreams vigil] [#1899]
[Fixed] [ defense of warsong hold] [#1898]
[Fixed] [ Orabus the Helmsman] [#1896]
[Fixed] [ Magic Carpet Ride] [#1895]
[Fixed] [ Coward Delivery] [#1894]
[Fixed] [ Bring Em Back Alive] [#1892]
[Fixed] [ Quest start droprate in borean tundra too low.] [#1891]
[Fixed] [ Patching up] [#1890]
[Fixed] [ Stop The Plague] [#1888]

[Fixed] [ Warsong battleguard dead and attacking] [#1900]
[Fixed] [ Garrosh Hellscream wrong npc] [#1893]
[Fixed] [ Graveyard in Southern borean Tundra wrong for horde] [#1889]

[Fixed] [ Worgen starting zone multiple adds spawning infinitely - urgent] [#2072]

[Fixed] [[Horde] [Mage] A Rough Start] [#2111]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Dissension Amongst the Ranks...] [#2113]
[Fixed] [[Horde] [Druid] A Rough Start] [#2112]
[Fixed] [ Countdown to Doom] [#2106]

[Fixed] [ Dialogue after Among Humans Again] [#2115]

[Fixed] [[Alliance] All Hell Breaks Loose] [#2114]
[Fixed] [ In Service of the Illidari] [#2092]
[Fixed] [ Your Friend On The Inside] [#2093]
[Fixed] [ A Slow Death] [#2094]
[Fixed] [ Phasing problem in Gilneas] [#2036]
[Fixed] [ creature phase (Gilneas)] [#157]
[Fixed] [ Zuluhed the Whacked] [#2055]
[Fixed] [ The Cipher of Damnation - Borak's Charge] [#2065]
[Fixed] [ The Cipher of Damnation - Ar'tor's Charge] [#2068]
[Fixed] [ Heart of Rage] [#2004]
[Fixed] [ The Booterang: A Cure For The Common Worthless Peon] [#2069]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Make Them Bleed] [#2005]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Mind the Gap] [#2006]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Slaughter at Boulder'mok] [#2007]
[Fixed] [[Horde] A Boaring Time for Grulloc] [#2008]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Crush the Bloodmaul Camp] [#2009]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Since Time Forgotten...] [#2010]
[Fixed] [[Horde] He Will Walk the Earth...] [#2011]
[Fixed] [[Horde] When Spirits Speak] [#2012]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Once Were Warriors] [#2013]
[Fixed] [[Horde] The Impotent Leader] [#2014]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Material Components] [#2015]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Reinforcements for Garadar] [#2016]
[Fixed] [[Horde] War on the Ramparts] [#2017]

[Fixed] [ Ja'y Nosliw Bugged out in wrong location] [#2070]
[Fixed] [ Zen'tabra] [#2063]

[Fixed] [[Horde] Demons in the Citadel] [#2018]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Hitting Them Where It Hurts] [#2019]
[Fixed] [[Horde] An Unseen Hand] [#2020]
[Fixed] [[Horde] The Firewing Liaison] [#2021]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Magical Disturbances] [#2022]
[Fixed] [[Horde] And Now, the Moment of Truth] [#2023]
[Fixed] [[Horde] A Spirit Ally?] [#2025]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Advancing the Campaign] [#2029]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Invading the Citadel] [#2030]
[Fixed] [ Stasis Chambers of Bash'ir] [#2033]
[Fixed] [ Capturing the Keystone] [#2034]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Preparing the Salve] [#2031]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Report to Nazgrel] [#2032]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Impending Attack] [#2024]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Menacing Marshfangs] [#2027]
[Fixed] [[Horde] There's No Explanation for Fashion] [#2028]
[Fixed] [ Neltharaku - QUEST NPC (Shadowmoon Valley)] [#1802]
[Fixed] [ Terokk's Downfall
Terokk] [#2064]
[Fixed] [ Hungry Nether Rays] [#2060]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Divination: Gorefiend's Armor] [#2041]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Dissension Amongst the Ranks...] [#2052]
[Fixed] [ Moraya
Priest] [#2062]

Fixed missing npc questgiver: Chief Overseer Mudlump
[Fixed] [ Spirit of Ar'tor
Demonic Crystal Prisons] [#2058]
[Fixed] [ Borak, Son of Oronok] [#2059]
[Fixed] [ Gul'dan] [#2039]

[Fixed] [ Ancient Skull Pile] [#2061]

[Fixed] [[Horde] Divination: Gorefiend's Truncheon] [#2040]
[Fixed] [[Horde] When Worlds Collide...] [#2050]
[Fixed] [[Horde] The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance] [#2053]
[Fixed] [ Enraged Spirits of Fire and Earth
Enraged Spirits of Water
Enraged Spirits of Air] [#2057]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Jyoba's Report] [#2026]

[Fixed] [ Dragonmaw Peon] [#2046]
[Fixed] [ Enraged Fire Spirit] [#2051]

[Fixed] [ Overlord Or'barokh
Kor'kron Flate Gun] [#2054]

[Fixed] [ Eviscerate] [#1554]
[Fixed] [ Aimed shot doing 2 high dmg] [#1552]
[Fixed] [ Mage Damage @ lvl 1] [#1868]
[Fixed] [[NEED FEEDACK?!] 150k+ Crits for Feral Druid] [#1556]

[Fixed] [ Githyiss the Vile Not Attackable] [#2047]
[Fixed] [ Missing Trainers In Sen'jin] [#2044]
[Fixed] [ Nortet Warrior Trainer npcflag bug] [#2037]


Verified Member
Last edited by a moderator:


Verified Member
Question stupid, if I start to make the translation on the database 6.0 Free, will it be compatible with later versions?

I'm talking about tables locales_*


Verified Member
Question stupid, if I start to make the translation on the database 6.0 Free, will it be compatible with later versions?

I'm talking about tables locales_*

They wont be change.
So u r able to use them. There is nothing to do in locales_. Fieldnames will still the same.


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Hi there, how could i update to v8 easily? With all acc and characters and db changes like autobroadcast and a lot other..?


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Wow, this is amazing! You have definitely been busy. Ty so much for your dedication and I can hardly wait for the update!


Post #2 is now updated. I couldn't post all of the updates on one post (CAUSED BY TOO MANY UPDATES !)

[Fixed] [ Breaking the Line] [#2043]
[Fixed] [ Darkspear Isle Quest - Young and Vicious - Troll Druid] [#838]
[Fixed] [ Saving the Young minor bug] [#1002]
[Fixed] [ Troll starting zone: Lost Bloodtalon Hatchlings not disappearing] [#1014]

[Fixed] [ The Ring of Blood: The Blue Brothers] [#1986]
[Fixed] [ Red Snapper - Very Taste] [#604]
[Fixed] [[Horde] A Boaring Time for Grulloc] [#2001]

[Fixed] [ Lesser Scorching Totem] [#1037]
[Fixed] [ Crippler rare npc bugged.] [#2035]

[Fixed] [ A Fel Whip For Gahk] [#1998]
[Fixed] The mark of the Nexus-King ID 10976 [#1734]
[Fixed] [[Horde] The Stones of Vekh'nir] [#1997]

[Fixed] [ NPC: Starving Bog Lord] [#1482]
Cleaned up Mok'Nathal Village.

[Fixed] [ GoB: Mature Spore Sac] [#1481]
[Fixed] [ The Archmage's Staff - Netherstorm] [#1583]
[Fixed] [[The archamage's staff ID 10173] Spawning duplicates] [#1568]

[Fixed] [ Item : [Challange of the blue Flight] ID 29101] [#1770]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) The Slumbering King] [#1669]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) The Fallen Sisters] [#1632]
[Fixed] [ Against the Legion] [#1977]
[Fixed] [ Meeting at the Blackwing Coven] [#1971]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Protecting Our Own] [#1955]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Mmm... Amberseeds!] [#1786]

[Fixed] [ Foreman Dampwick Quest Marker] [#1918]
[Fixed] [ Anok'Suten] [#1752]
[Fixed] [ Flatland Cougar & Prowler are too slow] [#2137]
Deleted several un-mounted duplicates of "Dark Rider of Acherus".
Corrected spawns in Ebon Hold - Eastern Plaguelands (x2 Death Knight Initiate)

[Fixed] [ Kyle's gone Missing] [#1019]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Sacrafices] [#1851]
[Fixed] [ Worgen starting zone, by request] [#918]
[Fixed] [ Last Chance at Humanity [GILNEAS]] [#573]
[Fixed] [ Last Stand [ GILNEAS]] [#572]
[Fixed] [ Worgen quest "Last Stand"] [#850]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Last Stand] [#1853]
[Fixed] [ Quest - Last Stand - Worgen starting zone] [#2074]
[Fixed] [[Sabotage the warp gate! ID 10310] - NPC Doesn't start the escort] [#1673]
[Fixed] [ Worgen quest "Sacrifices" Bug] [#849]
[Fixed] [ Sacrifices [GILNEAS]] [#571]
Improved quest: Warchief's Revenge. Thanks to Sonic!
[Fixed] [[Conjurer Luminrath ID 10306] Quest not giving credit for completion] [#1560]
[Fixed] [[Cohlien Frostweaver ID 10307] Quest not completing.] [#1561]
[Fixed] [[Abjurist belmara ID 10305] Quest not completing] [#1562]
[Fixed] [[Battle mage Dathric ID 10182] Quest not completing] [#1563]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Blast the Infernals!] [#1996]
[Fixed] [ Teron Gorefiend, I am...] [#2042]
[Fixed] [ Showdown] [#1968]
[Fixed] [ Save Krennan Aranas] [#733]
[Fixed] [ Save Krennan Arenas] [#955]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Save Krennan Aranas] [#1850]
[Fixed] [ Goblin Escape Pods] [#2049]
[Fixed] [ Manhunt] [#263]
[Fixed] [ Quest Nugget Slugs missing quest end scripts] [#2134]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Spy Infestation] [#2130]

[Fixed] [ Ragefire Chasm] [#1222]
[Fixed] [ : Worgen Form] [#1845]
[Fixed] [ Phasing Problems in Worgen Starting Zone] [#732]
[Fixed] [[NEED FEEDBACK!] Reputation issue - Sons of Hodir (Storm Peaks)] [#1865]
[Fixed] [ Glitched Flying And Attacked Vehicles Out Of Control.] [#1994]

[Fixed] [ cap'n garvey's head loot chance too low, and drops from baron longshore] [#2133]
[Fixed] [ Verog The Dervish Does not loot his head often enough.] [#2132]
[Fixed] [ Carthok Stable Master Grol'dom farm invisible] [#2131]
[Fixed] [ 34563 Injured grol'dom grunts are not laying in their beds] [#2128]
[Fixed] [ Innkeeper Kerntis Grol'dom Farm not working] [#2126]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Krom'gar Quartermaster - No option to buy€”sell] [#1307]
[Fixed] [ Forsaken Invader] [#2116]
[Fixed] [ Arch Druid Fangral Staghelm animations] [#542]
[Fixed] [ Wretched Urchin] [#1739]
[Fixed] [ Sharth Voldoun NPC - Quest item not dropping] [#1953]
[Fixed] [ Tednub doesn't have his cat] [#2122]

[Fixed] [ (Quest) Counterattack! - Bugged] [#1128]
[Fixed] [ The Flesh Lies...] [#1990]
[Fixed] [ A Man Named Godfrey] [#1282]
[Fixed] [ The Emitter [Dranaei]] [#602]
[Fixed] [ Quest: One Draenei's Junk...] [#1345]
[Fixed] [ An Alternative Alternative] [#605]
[Fixed] [ The Final Code] [#667]
[Fixed] [ Barrier to Entry] [#2120]

Fixed some big issues regarding vehicle where the vehicles would act up when getting in combat
Most likely fixed a big issue where some Smart AI events would happen twice at particular quest flags
[Fixed] [ Phasing issue around hunter trainer in Gilneas starting zone] [#2071]
[Fixed] [ Duskhaven
Gilneas phasing issues] [#2117]
[Fixed] [ School of Red Snapper] [#984]
[Fixed] [ Trap Launcher] [#932]
[Fixed] [ : Cata Guild Vendor Heirlooms] [#1372]
[Fixed] [ Cataclysm Vendor: Talric Forthright - Stormwind City] [#1763]

[Fixed] [ Quest Go Home out of order] [#2121]
[Fixed] [ Unbidden Visitors] [#55]
[Fixed] [ Illidan's Pupil] [#2067]
[Fixed] [[Horde] [Rogue] A Rough Start] [#2108]
[Fixed] [[Horde] [Priest] A Rough Start] [#2109]
[Fixed] [[Horde] [ Warlock] A Rough Start] [#2110]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Blast the Infernals!] [#2079]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Find the Deserter] [#2081]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Kroghan's Report] [#2080]
[Fixed] [ Asghar's Totem] [#2082]
[Fixed] [ Sketh'lon Feathers] [#2083]
[Fixed] [ Imbuing the Headpiece] [#2084]
[Fixed] [[Horde] The Deathforge] [#2085]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Minions of the Shadow Council] [#2086]
[Fixed] [ To Netherwing Ledge!] [#2087]
[Fixed] [ The Force of Neltharaku] [#2088]
[Fixed] [[Horde] The Fate of Kagrosh] [#2089]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Bring Down the Warbringer!] [#2090]
[Fixed] [[Horde] News of Victory] [#2091]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Setting Up the Bomb] [#2078]
[Fixed] [[Horde] The Sketh'lon Wreckage] [#2077]
[Fixed] [ What Strange ...] [#2076]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Illidari-Bane Shard] [#2095]
[Fixed] [[Horde] The Hermit Smith] [#2096]
[Fixed] [ Additional Materials] [#2097]
[Fixed] [ Grom'tor, Son of Oronok] [#2098]
[Fixed] [ Borak, Son of Oronok] [#2099]
[Fixed] [ Of Thistleheads and Eggs...] [#2100]
[Fixed] [ To Catch a Thistlehead] [#2101]
[Fixed] [ The Mark of the Nexus-King] [#2102]
[Fixed] [ Stasis Chambers of the Mana-Tomb] [#2103]
[Fixed] [ The Outcast's Plight] [#2104]
[Fixed] [ More Feathers] [#2105]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Consort of the Sea Witch] [#2107]

[Fixed] [ Celestine of the Harvest] [#2073]
[Fixed] [ Sundered Rumbler
Sundered Shard] [#1983]

[Fixed] [ Item Drop Quest: Wintergarde Miner's Card] [#1719]
[Fixed] [ Vial of Void Horror Ooze
The Horrors of Pollution] [#2000]

[Fixed] Princess Must Die! [#2632]
[Fixed] [ Earthroots and Mageroyal floating in Southern Barrens, Honor's Stand] [#2626]
[Fixed] [ Baby Crocolisk] [#2610]
[Fixed] [ Dying in the southern part of northern barrens makes you spawn in southern barrens] [#2591]
[Fixed] [ Troll Charm] [#2633]
[Fixed] [ Ashenvale Outrunners] [#2629]
[Fixed] [ Delivery to Master Harris - Oliver Harris phased wrong or missing] [#2624]
[Fixed] [ A Helping Hand] [#2584]
[Fixed] [ King of the Foulweald] [#2611]
[Fixed] [ Simmer Down Now] [#2606]
[Fixed] [ What Book? I Don't See Any Book [Quest]] [#2501]
[Fixed] [ Competition Schmompetition] [#2601]
[Fixed] [ 614 - The Captain's Chest (Quest)] [#2602]
[Fixed] [[quest=13935 Defend the Tree !] [#2588]
[Fixed] [ Sharptalon's Claw] [#2582]
[Fixed] [[quest=13884] Put Out The Fire] [#2585]

[Fixed] [ A letter to Yvette - A drop item which should start a quest] [#2631]
[Fixed] [ Aggro Issues”Combat Bug] [#1031]
[Fixed] [[NPC] Jorb and Lizzarik (Not Fixed)] [#2433]

[Fixed] [ Blackrock Battle Worg Pulling Aggro in Alliance Starting Area] [#628]
[Fixed] [ Stormwind Guards aren't patrolling] [#875]
[Fixed] [ Theramore Sentry loot table] [#2496]
[Fixed] [ Dal Bloodclaw] [#2458]

[Fixed] [ Chest at northshire vineyard] [#2148]
[Fixed] [ just found a ilvl 170 blue item in durotar in a chest] [#2492]

[Fixed] [ Nugget Slugs] [#2562]
[Fixed] [ Harpy Lieutenants] [#2567]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Our Mortal Enemies] [#1154]
[Fixed] [ Our Mortal Enemies] [#2516]
[Fixed] [ Human Starter Zone Quest (2 issues)] [#82]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Flight to Theramore] [#2517]
[Fixed] [ Veil Lithic : Preemptive Strike [Quest]] [#2523]
[Fixed] [ A Damsel's (Bad) Luck] [#2506]
[Fixed] [ Thelsamar Blood Sausages] [#2409]
[Fixed] [ To Track a Thief] [#2444]
[Fixed] [ Drag it out of them - Northern Barrens] [#2459]
[Fixed] [ A Gowing Problem] [#2403]
[Fixed] [ object is not given out quest] [#2443]

[Fixed] [ Ragefire trash respawn] [#2311]

[Fixed] [ Eye of Kilrogg] [#2449]

[Fixed] [ Moon Priestess Lasara missing NPC] [#2282]
[Fixed] [ Astrid Langstrump missing NPC] [#2427]
Added random movement to Young Stranglethorn Tiger.
[Fixed] [ Festive €” event NPCs in Ironforge] [#2371]
[Fixed] [ Trixie Quikswitch] [#2369]
[Fixed] [ Overseer Glibby] [#2376]
Cleaned up spawns in Gol'Bolat Quarry, Dun Morogh.
[Fixed] [ Razormane Mystic problem] [#2358]
[Fixed] [ Grimtotem Defender (duplicate)] [#2291]

[Fixed] [ When This Mines' a-Rockin' [Quest]] [#2422]
[Fixed] [[Quest ID: 26310] All That Skitters] [#2415]
[Fixed] [ Smells like a Plan] [#2416]
[Fixed] [ Quest:Yowler Must Die!] [#1052]
[Fixed] [ Nethergarde Reigns [Quest]] [#2398]
[Fixed] [ Alchemy Trainer has quest to give but can only open the Recipe Window] [#2262]
[Fixed] [[Quest: ID 24440] Winterhoof Cleansing] [#2271]
[Fixed] [ Yelmak quest] [#2275]
[Fixed] [[Quest: ID 26397] Walk With The Earth Mother] [#2266]
[Fixed] [ Map Icon (and minimap icon) are glitchy] [#2343]
[Fixed] [ Out of Place [Quest]] [#2375]
[Fixed] [[Quest: ID 764] The Venture Co.] [#2268]
[Fixed] [ Lazy Peons npc with bugs] [#2150]
[Fixed] [ Lazy Peons Animation] [#2138]
[Fixed] [[quest=13508] Swift Response] [#2354]
[Fixed] [ Hunting the Huntress] [#2357]
[Fixed] [ Quest ID 881 Echeyakee] [#2350]

[Fixed] [ Missing Spirit Healer] [#2348]
[Fixed] [[NPC] Jorb and Lazzarik] [#2356]
[Fixed] [ Mage Trainer Crossroads] [#2366]

[Fixed] [ Druid trainer crossroads] [#2325]
[Fixed] [ NPC Keeper Karithus stacked 2 times] [#2213]
Fixed random movement for "Wild Clucker" in The Lost Isles.
[Fixed] [[NPC: ID 3058] Arra'chea] [#2198]
[Fixed] [ Luzran pathing] [#2210]
[Fixed] [ Razormane Geomance bug] [#2178]

[Fixed] [ William Saldean missing] [#2320]
[Fixed] [[quest=13605] The Last Refugee] [#2306]
[Fixed] [ Zul' Marosh] [#2261]
[Fixed] [ Durotar Missing NPC (QuestGiver)] [#2277]
[Fixed] [ See Raptor [Quest]] [#2244]
[Fixed] [[Quest: ID 24523] Wildmane Totem] [#2270]
[Fixed] [ Hero's Call: Darkshore!] [#2246]
[Fixed] [ To the Cape! [Quest]] [#2247]
[Fixed] [ Every Lazy Peon in Durotar €” Ork Starting area is giving the Quest: Lazy Peons] [#2237]
[Fixed] [ Dialog€”Quest Bug - Northshire Abbey (Human Starting Area)] [#635]
[Fixed] [ ID 14473 It€™s Our Problem Now and ID 14019 Monkey Business missing] [#2231]
[Fixed] [[Quest] Malfurion's Return missing] [#2215]
[Fixed] [[NPC: ID 6361] Varg Windwhisper] [#2191]
[Fixed] [[Quest: ID 24861] Last Rites, First Rites] [#2195]
[Fixed] [ Durator Quest Chain Broken] [#2166]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Burning Blade Medallion] [#2209]
[Fixed] [ a staggering efford] [#2201]
[Fixed] [ Lorna Crowley (The Battle for Gilneas City) duplicate NPC] [#2196]
[Fixed] [[Quest: ID 14449] The First Step] [#2194]
[Fixed] [[Quest ID: 3092] Etched Note] [#2193]

[Fixed] [ Wrong loot at starter mobs in Durotar€”Ork starter] [#2169]
[Fixed] [ Bristleback Thorncaller's too generous drops] [#2208]

[Fixed] [ no spirithealer valley of trials] [#2190]
[Fixed] [ Tauren Druid starts without any spell in Action Bar] [#2177]

[Fixed] [ Quest - Last chance at Humanity] [#2075]

[Fixed] [ (Quest) Firestarter] [#1404]
[Fixed] [ Not On My Watch! [Quest]] [#2531]
[Fixed] [ Early adoption quest spawns] [#2855]
[Fixed] [[Quest ID 10792] Zeth'Gor Must Burn! (Horde)] [#2887]
[Fixed] [ Quest ID 13923: To Hellscream's Watch - Flight master mission option] [#2869]
[Fixed] [ Neeru Fireblade Quest event] [#2898]
[Fixed] [ Skull Rock [Durotar quest]] [#2896]
[Fixed] [ Spirits of Stonemaul Hold] [#2879]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Whispers of the Raven God] [#2871]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Exorcising the Trees] [#2872]

[Fixed] [ Missing spirit healer] [#2922]
[Fixed] [ mobs in tauren starting area] [#2870]
[Fixed] [ Seyala Nightwisp < Shadebough Hippogryph Master >] [#2771]

[Fixed] [ Kezan and Lost Isles mobs with 1 hp] [#2917]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Flight Master Vhulgra in Splintertree Post] [#1170]
[Fixed] [ Southern Barrens NPCs] [#2908]
[Fixed] [ Gaivan Shadewalker Unattackable] [#2861]
[Fixed] [ Je'neu Sancrea] [#2884]
[Fixed] [[NPC] Duplicate and armed] [#2874]
[Fixed] [ Blackheart Hellcaller Health Pool] [#2865]
[Fixed] [ Kaldorei Assasin Health Pool] [#2868]
[Fixed] [ Protector Arminon and Protector Endolar Health Pools] [#2867]
[Fixed] [ Level 21 Ashenvale Scout Health Pool] [#2866]
[Fixed] [ NPC Rugfizzle doesnt spawn] [#2835]
Fixed Guthrum Thunderfist Fp To Andorhal
Fixed Deathstalker Invader Dead and attacking
[Fixed] [ Captain Elendilad] [#2819]
[Fixed] [ Kadrak] [#2820]
Fixed kotonga Gossip and teleport
Fixed Thornar Thunderclash Duplicates
[Fixed] [ Gammerita NPC 7977] [#2408]
[Fixed] [ Hive Controller ( That Smart One's Gotta Go )] [#2810]

[Fixed] [ Never Again !] [#2850]
[Fixed] [ Hastily Written Note] [#2851]
[Fixed] [ Dirty Deeds] [#2852]
[Fixed] [ Finding the soruce] [#2838]
[Fixed] [[Quest ID: 836] Rescue OOX-09€”HL!] [#2426]
[Fixed] [[Quest ID: 11636] Magic Carpet Ride] [#2828]
[Fixed] [ A Journey to Moonglade] [#2815]
[Fixed] [ Empty Quivers] [#2817]
[Fixed] [ Ursangous's Paw] [#2802]
[Fixed] [ Befouled Water Globe] [#2803]
[Fixed] [ Needs a Little Lubrication] [#2821]
[Fixed] [ Quest ID 25341 The Gordunni Orb] [#2823]
Fixed The Battle for Andorhal, Kellen Kuhn Fp from Hinterlands to Andorhal
Fixed Hunt The Keeper Quest Order
Fixed Darkcleric Marnal Quest Order, Item Requirements
Fixed Pupellyverbos Port Respawn timer
[Fixed] [[Quest ID: 26212] Lard Lost His Lunch] [#2407]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Gammerita, Mon!] [#2498]

[Fixed] [ Killing XP drops to 10% again when dinging 70 (same bug as when dinging 60)] [#2836]
[Fixed] [ Splintertree Post Report] [#2833]

[Fixed] [[Quest ID: 10162] Mission: The Abyssal Shelf] [#2747]
[Fixed] [ Escape From Silverbrook [Quest]] [#2748]
[Fixed] [ QUEST BUG: ** Ever Watching From Above] [#2749]
[Fixed] [ Sharth Voldoun NPC - Quest item not dropping] [#2786]
[Fixed] [ Latent Demons of the Lands - Burning steppes quest bug] [#2753]
[Fixed] [ 27210 - [Traitors Among Us]] [#2577]
[Fixed] [ Chill Out, Mon [Quest]] [#2756]
[Fixed] [ Quest ID 14346 Cleansing Our Crevasse] [#2783]
[Fixed] [ Panther Prowess] [#2767]
[Fixed] [ Raptor Prowess] [#2766]
[Fixed] [ Not Just Any Body [Quest]] [#2413]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Not Just Any Body] [#2722]
[Fixed] [ blasted lands quest] [#2735]

[Fixed] [ Mob Experience [World Interaction]] [#2484]
[Fixed] [ Imp minion Damage in Satyrnaar and Bleakheart Hellcaller's HP] [#2784]
[Fixed] [ Gavis Greyshield ( The End of the Deserters )] [#2757]
[Fixed] [ Volatile Mutation] [#2763]
[Fixed] [ Brashtide Raider] [#2752]
[Fixed] [ Stormwind Royal Guard] [#2746]

[Fixed] [ Killing experience dropped to insignificant amounts.] [#2759]
[Fixed] [ Portal to SW at the Dark Portal] [#2755]
[Fixed] [ chest and herb flying] [#2778]
[Fixed] [ Wrong Repsawn point in northern stranglethorn] [#2742]
[Fixed] [ Spirit Healer missing at Southern Barrens] [#2768]

[Fixed] Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw) [#2750]

[Fixed] [ Quest bug: finding the source, ungoro] [#2751]
[Fixed] [ Challenge to the Black Flight] [#2579]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Thunder Peak - Turn in NPC missing] [#1247]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Blastranaar! - Kind of glitchy] [#1243]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Small Hands, Short Fuse - Not scripted] [#1239]
[Fixed] [ QUEST: Bar Fight!] [#2710]
[Fixed] [[Quest] Back to the Den] [#2721]

[Fixed] [ Flight master in mudsprocket doesnt work] [#2731]
[Fixed] [ Combat Bug Southern Barrens (Only in Southern Barrens?) €” Kalimdor (Priority High)] [#2630]
[Fixed] [ Zoram'Gar Outpost Flight Path Not Connected] [#2488]
[Fixed] [ Two "Unconnected" Flight Paths in Ashenvale (Horde) ++] [#690]

[Fixed] [ Painmaster Thundrak] [#2118]
[Fixed] [[] Flightpath Splintertree Post] [#2618]

[Fixed] [ Quest after Deceivers in Our Midst] [#2698]
[Fixed] [ 26697 - [The Final Voyage of the Brashtide]] [#2700]
[Fixed] [ Behind you!] [#2699]
[Fixed] [ Wanted board not working - Dustwallow Marsh: Brackenwall village] [#2685]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Behind You!] [#2642]
[Fixed] [ Hazard Disposal] [#2659]
[Fixed] [ Allies In Dalaran [Quest]] [#2661]

[Fixed] [[MOB] Sludge Anomaly Rare Spawn wrong name] [#2460]
[Fixed] [ Quest: The captain's chest - Gorlash missing] [#2660]
[Fixed] [ Valgarde Flight Master [NPC]] [#2664]

[Fixed] [ Oh Noes, the Tadpoles] [#740]
[Fixed] [ Escape from the Winterfin Caverns] [#3052]
[Fixed] [[Quest=12893] Free your mind] [#3015]
[Fixed] [[Quest=12886][Npc=29625] Hyldsmeet Proto-Drake] [#3017]

[Fixed] [ Putridus The Ancient] [#3062]
[Fixed] [ Goldtooth not Dying] [#3054]
[Fixed] [ King Ping Overpowered Multiple Spawns] [#3055]
[Fixed] [ Seething Hate One shot kills] [#3053]

[Fixed] [ Dispersion] [#960]
Possible improvement to aggro range. Thanks to Trinity

Fixed King Pink Multiple Spawns
[Fixed] [ Blackheart Hellcallers] [#2681]
[Fixed] [ Nesingwary Hired Gun] [#361]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Young Stranglethorn Tiger] [#1064]
[Fixed] [ Garley Lightrider] [#2714]
[Fixed] [ Jungle Stalkers on Northern Stv roads] [#376]
[Fixed] [ Duplicated NPCs in Northern Barrens] [#1080]
[Fixed] [ Concentration of mobs too dense] [#2336]
[Fixed] [ Elder Mystic Razorsnout (Northern Barrens Rare) has 2 spawned and is elite.] [#2690]
[Fixed] [ Razormane Wolf (Razormane Hunter's Pet) Does not deaggro, and respawned on top of its corpse.] [#2694]
[Fixed] [ Melika Isenstrider] [#3005]
[Fixed] [[npc=50258] Frostmaul Tumbler] [#3002]
[Fixed] [ Iron Rune Sage] [#2999]

[Fixed] [ Blue Straight line on map, Graphic bug] [#2171]
[Fixed] [ Flying Herb material] [#2619]
[Fixed] [ Fishing nodes Dustwallow Marsh] [#2975]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Dorak in Northern Barrens no quest to give] [#1078]
[Fixed] [[NPC] Gazrog] [#2438]
[Fixed] [ Blasted Lands Portal] [#3004]

[Fixed] [ shadowfang keep 20k hit] [#2607]

[Fixed] [ Singing in the Sun] [#2686]
[Fixed] [ Quest : Princess Must Die!] [#2984]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Vortex - Glitchy flight, can cause dizzyness] [#1261]
[Fixed] [ got wood?] [#2662]
[Fixed] [ Death To The Broodmother [Quest]] [#3006]
[Fixed] [ Quest: It's All Fun and Games] [#1526]
[Fixed] [ Too Big For His Britches [Quest]] [#2251]
[Fixed] [ Population Con-troll] [#341]
[Fixed] [ Deep Roots] [#342]
[Fixed] [ (Q) [Desolace] My Time Has Come +++] [#368]
[Fixed] [[Quest=12606] Cocooned!] [#2976]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Into The Wild Green Yonder , NPC: Argent Skytalon] [#1585]
[Fixed] [ (Q) [Desolace] The Emerging Threat] [#370]
[Fixed] [ Deadmire] [#2978]
[Fixed] [ Dorak's quest] [#1087]
[Fixed] [ Quest: The Ironwall Rampart] [#1527]
[Fixed] [[GENERAL] that are complete are not updating on map] [#2434]
[Fixed] [[Quest ID 14068] Waptor Twapping] [#2436]
[Fixed] [[quest=12422] Tectical Clemency] [#2946]
[Fixed] [[Kickin' Nass and Takin' Manes] (Zul'Drak)] [#1546]
[Fixed] [ Disrupt Their Reinforcements] [#2994]

[Fixed] [ (Item Drop) Blackened Defias Leggings dropping from Venture Co. Mobs in Nothern Barrens] [#1090]

[Fixed] [ Quest ID 10556 - Scratches] [#2965]
[Fixed] [ Foundation For Revenge [Quest]] [#2782]
[Fixed] [[Quest ID: 12655] The Blessing of Zim'Rhuk] [#2985]
[Fixed] [[=12029, 12038] Seared Scourge] [#2938]
[Fixed] [ 'The Embalmer's Request' - Major Bug] [#2948]
[Fixed] [ That's What Friends Are For... [Quest]] [#2774]
[Fixed] [[That's What Friends Are For...] (Zul'Drak)] [#1547]
[Fixed] [[quest=12504] Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving!] [#2939]
[Fixed] [[quest=12527] Gluttonous Lurkers] [#2940]
[Fixed] [ Proof of Treachery] [#2818]
[Fixed] [ Goblin Starting quest chain 'Forth and Goal'] [#2918]
[Fixed] [ Fourth and goal.] [#1003]
[Fixed] [ Fourth and Goal] [#1860]
[Fixed] [ Quest 'Goblin Escape Pods' undoable] [#2919]
[Fixed] [ Stocking the Shelves [Quest]] [#2773]
[Fixed] [[quest=12948] The Champion of Anguish] [#2950]
[Fixed] [ Quest: We Have The Technology] [#2954]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Scratches] [#2860]
[Fixed] [ Quest ID 9923 - Help!] [#2957]
[Fixed] [ 'A Curse We Cannot Lift' Quest] [#2968]
[Fixed] [ (Q) [Desolace] Translation] [#369]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Wetter Than Wet] [#1368]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Deep Impact] [#1370]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) A Revenant's Vengeance] [#1373]
[Fixed] [[quest=25513] Thunderdrome : Grudge Match !] [#2928]
[Fixed] [ Sholazar Basin quest] [#2959]
[Fixed] [[quest=25067] Thunderdrome: The Ginormus!] [#2688]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Blessing of Incineratus] [#1578]
[Fixed] [ Meatface npc] [#2953]
[Fixed] [[quest=24601] The Nightmare Scar] [#2949]

[Fixed] [ Quest: Reclamation. Mob missing: Urgreth of the Thousand Tombs] [#706]
[Fixed] [ Slitherblade Naga's In Desolace...] [#445]
[Fixed] [ Je'neu Sancrea] [#2885]
[Fixed] [ Southsea Scoundrel] [#2812]
[Fixed] [ 1hp underleveled mobd] [#2961]
[Fixed] [ Razormane mobs in southern barrens] [#2955]
[Fixed] [ Kaldorei Assassom] [#2682]
[Fixed] [ Mob Experience - Cata edition [World Interaction]] [#2947]
[Fixed] [ Vendors in first Feralas quest hub] [#2944]

[Fixed] [ Alto Stonespire NPC doesnt vendor] [#2945]

[Fixed] [[Quest=13906] They Grow Up So Fast] [#2931]
[Fixed] [[quest=24953] Just Trying to Kill Some Bugs] [#2925]
[Fixed] [ Quest ID 13628 - Got Wood?] [#2911]
[Fixed] [ Freedom to Ruul] [#2832]

[Fixed] [ Sharptalon] [#2824]
[Fixed] [ NPC Darkblade Cyn flags for PvP] [#2923]
Fixed Lost Peaks Spirit Healer
[Fixed] [ Shrine of Aessina Spirit Healers] [#2889]

[Fixed] [ Hyjal Stag] [#546]
[Fixed] [ Alysra-s] [#537]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Nightmare Terror- Borrow Dens Watcher-Twilight Assassin] [#1842]
[Fixed] [ Cataclysm mobs] [#3117]

[Fixed] [ Hyjal Barrow Dens phasing] [#541]
[Fixed] [ Hyjal Barrow Dens phasing] [#541]
[Fixed] [ As Hyjal Burns] [#152]
[Fixed] [ As Hyjal burns] [#934]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Return to Alysra] [#1428]
[Fixed] [ As Hyjal Burns] [#456]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) An Ancient Reborn] [#1498]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) The Third Flamegate] [#1499]
[Fixed] [ (Quest) Slash and Burn] [#1506]
[Fixed] [ Quest ID 3721 An OOX of Your Own] [#3142]
[Fixed] Measureing Warp Energies ID 10313 [#1772]
[Fixed] [[Quest] The Leaders Of Jin'Alai] [#2780]
[Fixed] [ Northern Barrens quest] [#1100]
[Fixed] [ () Caravan in Northern Barrens - Issues with Phasing?] [#1117]
[Fixed] [ Crossroads Carvan Delivery] [#2332]
[Fixed] [ Crossroads Caravan Pickup] [#869]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Lab Work] [#3104]

[Fixed] [ (Area) Shrine of Goldrinn - Phasing Issues] [#1455]
[Fixed] [ Phasing: Tranquil Grove] [#1841]
[Fixed] [ Vanish] [#939]
Shaman's feedback corrected for all ranks.

[Fixed] [ (Item) Warden's Arrow] [#1488]

[Fixed] [ Guardian of Ancient Kings - Retribution] [#656]
Skull bash is now usable while rooted but in range.
Gargoyle will now properly fly away when despawning.

[Fixed] [ Julia Sunstriker gossip text] [#3108]
[Fixed] [ Southsea Swabbie] [#3095]
[Fixed] [ What Lies Within] [#3096]
[Fixed] [ Gharley Lightrider in Booty Bay] [#2463]
[Fixed] [ No spirit healer at GY outside Booty Bay] [#2464]
[Fixed] [ Vehicle cannon behaviour] [#1820]

[Fixed] [[Quest=12622] The Leaders of Jin'alai] [#2970]
[Fixed] [ Cocooned!] [#3105]
[Fixed] [ A Fistful of Slivers (quest ID 8336)] [#3109]
[Fixed] [[Quest=12662] Bringing Down Heb'Jin] [#3097]
[Fixed] [ makes server crash] [#2423]
[Fixed] [[Quest=13549] Tails Up] [#3098]
[Fixed] [[Quest=12330] Anatoly Will Talk] [#3099]
[Fixed] [ Quest ID 13975 Crossroads Caravan Delivery] [#2346]
[Fixed] [ Crossroads Caravan Pickup] [#2172]
[Fixed] [ Quest ID 13949 Crossroads Caravan Pickup] [#2345]
[Fixed] [[Quest] Crossroads Caravan Pickup] [#2933]

[Fixed] [ Invisibility] [#660]
Bloodlust and similar effects will affect allies that are in range but not in LOS.
Elusiveness (Night elf racial) corrected.
Crowd control effects will be applied after charge effect ends.

Tsunami trinket proc corrected.
[Fixed] [ Scum Covered Bag] [#3101]

[Fixed] [ Eye of Kilrogg] [#2330]
[Fixed] [ Booty Bay Wrong Phase] [#1140]
[Fixed] [[Npc=26935] Sasha] [#3100]
[Fixed] [[Lua Exploit] Adding Icons €” Colors into chat] [#866]
[Fixed] [ Leaving guild] [#1112]
[Fixed] [ : Animation] [#1467]
[Fixed] [ Animation Bug ( Holding Invinsible Map )] [#985]
[Fixed] [ Retribution paladin: Divine purpose + Selfless healer (talent)] [#841]

[Fixed] [ Tanaris npc epic item drop rate] [#3077]
[Fixed] [ Line of Sight issues] [#2666]
[Fixed] [ Mobs get stuck on Evade when you attack them from an area they cannot reach.] [#1027]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Hillsbrad Sentry AND Hillsbrad Foreman AND Hillsbrad Miner.] [#1337]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) North Fleet Marine] [#1609]
[Fixed] [ Mob evade] [#2147]
[Fixed] [ Evade monster bugg] [#2182]
[Fixed] [ Worgen npc bugged] [#2317]
[Fixed] [ Infernus - Hillsbrad Foothills] [#2381]
[Fixed] [ Sharax the Defiler] [#2394]
[Fixed] [ Forsaken Sailor] [#2399]
[Fixed] [ A Dire Wolf in Duskwood bugged (evade every attacks)] [#2497]
[Fixed] [ Targeting Issues in Duskwood] [#2846]
[Fixed] [[Quest=24654] Silithissues] [#2977]
[Fixed] [ Target not in line of sight€”You are facing the wrong way!] [#2521]
[Fixed] [ Npc reset and evade] [#2733]

[Fixed] [ Tanaris Herb] [#3078]

[Fixed] [ Quest: A great Idea] [#3074]
[Fixed] [ chain quest problem] [#3034]
[Fixed] [ The Grimtotem Weapon quest] [#3056]
[Fixed] [[Quest=12893] Free Your Mind] [#2987]
[Fixed] [ disrupting their reinforcements] [#3060]
[Fixed] [[Quest=27418] Challenge Overlord Mok'Morokk] [#3061]
[Fixed] [ The Bait for Lar'korwi] [#2711]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Leave Nothing to Chance] [#3050]
[Fixed] [ (Shadowmoon Valley)] [#1801]
[Fixed] [ From the shadows (quest) npc evade bug] [#2324]

Charge path recalculation corrected.
[Fixed] [ Zealotry] [#650]
Players that are affected from "taunt" effects will now be set in combat.
Retribution paladin's cleanse(dispel) priority corrected - root effects will now be prioritised over slow effects.
Retribution's paladin guardian will no longer be select-able nor attack-able.
Feral's druid charge(cat form) will no longer cause initial aggro.
Feral's druid charge(cat form) will properly set the caster behind it's target back.
Army of the dead will now be immune to Heroism and similar effects.
Army of the dead following angle corrected.
Deahtknight's ghoul will no longer be able to move until it's spawning animation is finished.
[Fixed] [ Fear (Warlock Class)] [#947]

[Fixed] [[NEEDS FEEDBACK!] Celebras the Cursed (Maraudon)] [#1386]
[Fixed] [ Earthbind totem - Potential Exploit] [#3011]

[Fixed] [[Npc=46317] Neferset Crocolisk] [#3297]
[Fixed] [ Shimmershell snail] [#3316]
[Fixed] [[Npc=47410] Bound Groundshaker] [#3319]
[Fixed] [ NPC 42521 Jaspertip Swarmer] [#3288]
[Fixed] [ NPC 43171 Jaspertip Crystal Gorger] [#3289]
[Fixed] [ NPC 42524: Jaspertip Borer] [#3290]
[Fixed] [ NPC 43031 Agitated Tunneler] [#3286]
[Fixed] [ NPC 42671 Boden The Imposing] [#3285]
[Fixed] [ NPC 43456 Troggzor the Earthinator] [#3283]
[Fixed] [ NPC 44289 Abyssion] [#3284]
[Fixed] [ NPC 44151 Bouldergut] [#3282]
[Fixed] [[Npc=43026] Deepstone Elemental] [#3278]
[Fixed] [[Npc=44221] Scalesworn Cultist] [#3279]
[Fixed] [[Npc=43967] Twilight Scalesister] [#3280]

[Fixed] [ NPC 43344: Berracite] [#3292]
[Fixed] [ Quest: 26375 Loose Stones] [#3287]

[Fixed] [[Npc=44936] Murkstone Trogg] [#3281]
[Fixed] [ Neka] [#3240]
[Fixed] [ Too many Bags?] [#3156]
[Fixed] [ Mana Wyrm loot table] [#3118]
[Fixed] [ Lvl 13 Westfall Boar] [#3203]
[Fixed] [ Bloodmage Drazial] [#3245]
[Fixed] [ Salaran] [#3246]

[Fixed] [ Hell's Shells] [#597]
[Fixed] [ We're Surrounded!] [#3274]
[Fixed] [ Sethrias Demise] [#944]
[Fixed] [ The Twilight Overlook] [#3256]
[Fixed] [ Tak'arili] [#3243]
[Fixed] [ That's Not Us] [#3244]
[Fixed] [ Investigate the Wreckage] [#3247]
[Fixed] [ Quest : Jarl needs a blade] [#3261]
[Fixed] [ Root Samples] [#3238]
[Fixed] [ Agility Training: Run Like Hell! [Quest]] [#2941]
[Fixed] [ Better Late Than Dead] [#3253]
[Fixed] [ The Earth Claims All] [#3254]

[Fixed] [ Zul'Farrak bug report] [#1505]
[Fixed] [[Quest=12930] Rare Earth] [#3199]
[Fixed] [[Quest=29536] Heart of Rage] [#3139]
[Fixed] [ Hellfire Ramparts Loot crate] [#3136]
[Fixed] [ Shadow orbs generating] [#750]
[Fixed] [ Running Wild + Worgen Apprentice Riding] [#2430]

[Fixed] [ Mistcaller Yngvar] [#3223]
[Fixed] [[Quest=12949] Get the Key] [#3029]
[Fixed] [ Quest: Fel Spirits] [#1416]
[Fixed] [ I Work... For the Horde!] [#1352]
[Fixed] [ Building Your Own Coffin] [#3195]
[Fixed] [[Horde] A Spirit Ally?] [#1945]
[Fixed] [[Horde] Have You Ever Seen One of These?] [#1946]
[Fixed] [ Quest ID 9816 Have You Ever Seen One of These?] [#3183]
[Fixed] [ Mass Production] [#3182]
[Fixed] [ King of the Foulweald] [#3185]
[Fixed] [ Foulweald Pathfinder] [#3184]

[Fixed] [ Condition Critical !] [#3179]
[Fixed] [ Vortex] [#3178]
[Fixed] [[Quest=25487] The Grimtotem are Coming] [#3167]
[Fixed] [ Between a Rock and a Thistlefur] [#3174]
[Fixed] [ Set Us Up the Bomb] [#3176]
[Fixed] [ Put Out the Fire] [#3177]
[Fixed] [ A Hero's Burden] [#3147]
[Fixed] [ Going Bearback] [#3149]

[Fixed] [ Floating Truesilver Deposit] [#3134]
[Fixed] [ Item: Feralfen Idol] [#1512]
[Fixed] [ Unclickable poster] [#2614]

[Fixed] [ Caelyb] [#3194]
[Fixed] [ NPC: Sporelok] [#1477]
[Fixed] [ "Count" Ungula [NPC}] [#2478]
[Fixed] [[The Mosswalker Savior] (Sholazar)] [#1538]
Fixed 30275 Wild Wyrm

-- 29460 Frigid Proto-Drake Movement & Flight
Fixed Dead Frost Giant Movement
[Fixed] [ Ammo] [#3186]
[Fixed] [ Crossroads Caravan Pickup] [#3150]
[Fixed] [ A Rough Ride] [#3124]
[Fixed] [[Ample Inspiration] (Storm Peaks)] [#1575]
[Fixed] [[Bring the down high Shaman] Quest NPC has no spawn point] [#1535]
[Fixed] [[The crucible of Carnage: The bloodeyed bruisder] Spawning duplicates + Incorrect HP values] [#1537]
[Fixed] [ Disassembly] [#624]

[Fixed] [ Twilight Highlands Quest: Bait and Throttle] [#1521]
[Fixed] [[Total war] Bugged quest] [#1534]
[Fixed] [ The Hatchery must burn] [#627]
[Fixed] [[Quest=12892] it's All Fun and Games] [#2983]
[Fixed] [ I Sense A Disturbance] [#3129]
[Fixed] [ Reclamation] [#3132]
[Fixed] [[Sniffing Out the Perpetrator] (Storm Peaks)] [#1637]
[Fixed] [ Sniffing out the Perpetrator] [#3128]

[Fixed] [ It Could Be Anywhere! Item not droping: Golden Engagement Ring] [#707]
Fixed Time Lost Proto Drake Random Spawns
Fixed Vyragosa Random Spawns & Waypoints
Fixed Dirkee Random Spawns
[Fixed] [ Gurgthock - offers u 3 of the same ] [#1536]
[Fixed] [ Twilight Juggernauts] [#621]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Twilight Inferno Lord] [#1465]
[Fixed] [ (NPC) Druid of the Flame - Invisible] [#1425]
[Fixed] [ 4.2 content mobs in Hyjal] [#585]
[Fixed] [ Wolves in duskwood] [#3143]
[Fixed] [ Hyjal Huntress] [#565]
[Fixed] [ Hyjal Screecher] [#564]
[Fixed] [ Slave patrols in Hyjal] [#547]

[Fixed] [ Teleportation from Firelands Forgeworks to Lightning Ledge] [#1462]
[Fixed] [ Hyjal Map] [#590]
[Fixed] [ MT Hyjal] [#942]


- Rewrote Deadmines entirely, both Normal & HC Version will now be working at least 95%, and a lot of encounters will be blizzlike

- Rewrote Shadowfang Keep, both Normal & HC Version will now be working a lot better, and a lot of blizzlike encounters will now be working blizzlike.

Price the Deadmines & SFK fixes costed in total:


Fixes from Eyerobot has just been added to the VIP 8 release which comes out today:

-- 25001 Abyssal Flamewalker Abyssal Meteor Fall Forces him from Invisible to visible.
-- 39152 Bastia Waypoint Movement Fix
-- Gyrochoppah Movement
-- 34840 Hot Rod speed fix
-- 6491 Spirit Healer Wild Overlook Lost Isles
-- 24741 Trading Up
-- 201972 Raptor Trap
-- 201974 Raptor Egg
-- 50232 Wild Clucker Eggs Object
-- 38195 Wild Clucker Egg Npc
-- 56576 Wild clucker Spell
The traps will now despawn, But they don't do it instantly.

-- 24859 Naga Hide Drop Rate Fix
-- 50437 Intact Naga Hide
-- 38360 Vashj'elan Siren
-- 38855 Volcanoth Movement Fix
-- 24959 Fresh out of the Grave Placement Fix
-- The Wakening 24960
-- Deathknell Guards Health Mod Fix Stops them from laying dead
-- A Scarlet Letter 24979
Rewritten to correct problem with players being attacked.

-- Ever So Lonely 24974 Complete Rewrite
-- 24492 Escaped From Gilneas Have You Seen Anything Weird Out There? Quest Order Fix
-- 23973 Masked Orphan Matron added to hallows end
-- 26342 Paint it Black Cosmetic Fix
-- 313 Forced to Watch from Afar Cosmetic Fix
-- 25841 Strike From Above

-- 25978 Entombed in Ice
-- Dark Iron Invader (Corpse) 41899 Fix
-- 26094 Striking Back Taxi Path fix
-- 26102 Grimaxe's Demise

Saturday, 25th November version 8 will be released. (Today)


Senior User
Superior Member
As always Remember to delete de cache folder in order to many fixes can work propperly :)

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
Mythical User
Head Moderator
Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
Superior Member
World Martial Arts Championships