- 5,119
- 2014
- 1,639
Version 8 (VIP) will release around ~~ november
This is only a (tiny) amount of our updates, we have around 14 pages of updates more!:
Fixed Quest: [Bring me the egg!]
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Added Jimmy's Horse.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Added the missing emotes to the Valiance Footmen.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Gave the Valiance workers Hammers to work with.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Removed the Quest tag from the cultist Stone.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Added weapons and shields to the Valiance.
Northrend - Borean Tundra -Amber Ledge - Added Animations to Inquisitor Salrand
Northrend - Borean Tundra -Amber Ledge - Added Way-points for Beryl mage Hunters
Northrend - Borean Tundra -Amber Ledge - Fixed Quest "rescuing avanor" Working as intended.
Northrend - Borean Tundra -Amber Ledge - Fixed Quest "a race against time"
Removed duplicate spawns of various gameobjects, mainly herbs and mining deposits (3000+ in all).
Fixed teleportation of Bloodstone Teleporter in Blasted Lands
Fixed spawn(s) of Thorium Brotherhood Lookout
Fixed spawn(s) of Dark Iron Pillow for quest: Kill 'em With Sleep Deprivation
Fixed spawn of Taskmaster Scrange in The Slag Pit (Questgiver)
Fixed spawn of Overseer Oilfist in the Slag Pit (Questgiver)
Fixed spawn(s) of Throium Brotherhood Lookout near Overseer Oilfist.
Fixed spawn of Evonice Sootsmoker in The Slag Pit (Questgiver)
Fixed the level of npc: Image of Archduke Calcinder - It's now level 50 instead of 1.
Fixed spawn of Dig-Boss Dinwhisker for quest: Dig-Boss Dinwhisker
Added pathing for Margol the Rager
Corrected loot percentage of quest item: Dark Iron Memo
Fixed an issue where creature: Glassweb Spider didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Tempered War Golem didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Margol the Rager didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Dig-Boss Dinwhisker didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Dark Iron Steamsmith didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Twilight Fire Guard didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Twilight Dark Shaman didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Twilight Geomancer didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Dark Iron Marksman didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Incendosaur didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where Vehicles couldn't talk to gameobject questgivers. (This was a deadly bug for Vashj'ir!)
Fixed an issue where a lot of defined auras on creatures wouldn't re-cast / re-apply upon death.
Fixed duplication spawn of: Illycor in Blasted Lands
Fixed missing creature spawn of Loramus Thalipedes
Felguard Sentry in Blasted Lands now visually shows it drops the quest item.
Felhound in Blasted Lands now visually shows it drops the quest item.
Fixed missing spawn of John J. Keeshan
Fixed missing spawn of Gor'tesh
Fixed missing spawn of Colonel Troteman
Fixed an issue where enchanting items in trade cancelled trade.
Fixed achievement: Flirt with Disaster
Fixed achievement: You'll feel right as rain
Fixed achievement: Fungal Frenzy
Fixed achievement: The Fishing Diplomat (Most likely)
The Looming Threat Quest Fix
Backed Into a Corner Quest Fix
Rundown Quest Fix
Don't be Shellfish Quest Fix
Slippery Threat Quest Fix
A Distracting Scent Quest Fix
Undersea Inflation Quest Fix
Totem modification Quest Fix
Vengeful Heart Quest Fix
Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar Quest Fix
A Pearl of Wisdom Quest Fix
Nespirah Quest Fix
Making Contact Quest Fix
Stick it to Them Quest Fix
Capture the Crab Quest Fix
Breaking Through Quest Fix
Cold Welcome Quest Fix
A Powerful Need To Eat Quest Fix
Clamming Up Quest Fix
Bellies Await Quest Fix
Swift Approach Quest Fix
Caught Off-Guard Quest Fix
An Occupation of Time Quest Fix
Piece of the Past Quest Fix
The Call of the Blade Quest Fix
Upon the Scene of Battle Quest Fix
Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir Quest Fix
Reoccupation Quest Fix
The Revered Lady Quest Fix
To the Fathom-Lord's Call Quest Fix
Built to Last Quest Fix
Not Soon Forgotten Quest Fix
Looking Forward Quest Fix
Clear Goals Quest Fix
Not Entirely Unprepared Quest Fix
Properly Inspired Quest Fix
Swift Action Quest Fix
Gauging Success Quest Fix
Fallen But Not Forgotten Quest Fix
Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge Quest Fix
By Her Lady's Word Quest Fix
No Trespass Forgiven Quest Fix
Setting An Example Quest Fix
Stolen Property Quest Fix
Chosen Burden Quest Fix
The Culmination of Our Efforts Quest Fix
Losing Ground Quest Fix
Desperate Plan Quest Fix
Come Prepared Quest Fix
Unfurling Plan Quest Fix
Hostile Waters Quest Fix
Honor and Privilege Quest Fix
Welcome News Quest Fix
Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep Quest Fix
Devout Assembly Quest Fix
Her Lady's Hand Quest Fix
Blood and thunder! Quest Fix
Bring It On! Quest Fix
Finders, Keepers Quest Fix
Pay It Forward (Horde) Quest Fix
Rest For the Weary (Horde) Quest Fix
Buy Us Some Time (Horde) Quest Fix
Traveling on Our Stomachs (Horde) Quest Fix
Fixed missing OfferRewardText for quest: "Lunk Like Your Style"
Fixed spawn of quest-giver: "Lunk", for additional quests.
Fixed quest-complete objective for quest: From Whence He Came
Fixed missing QuestRewardText for quest: "From Whence He Came"
Sort of fixed quest: "From Whence He Came". Some conditions and clean-ups lacking.
Temp fixed quest: Sweet, Horrible Freedom: 50% working.
Fixed many exploits with quest item: Furnace Flasks for quest: "Heat That Just Don't Quit":
Added pathing for creature: Forsaken Courier, for quest: Just Like Old Times
Fixed Quest: "Watching Our Back"
Fixed Quest: "You Are Rakh'likh, Demon"
Fixed Quest: "Danger! Explosives"
Fixed Quest: "Mission Eternal Flame" in Howling Fjord
Fixed an exploit with the quest item: Malister's Frost Wand where it was useable on all NPC's instead of just Proto-Drake
Corrected loot drop of quest item: Shoveltusk Meat for quest: Shoveltusk Soup Again?
Fixed quest: The Delicate Sound of Thunder
Fixed missing spawn of: "loramus Thalipedes" for quest delivery of "The Altar of Storms"
Fixed missing spawn of: "Chief Prospector Hondo" for quest: "Some People Just Need Killing"
Corrected the amount of spawns of Ore Heap, for quest: It's All Mine
Corrected the amount of spawns of Ore Heap, for quest: It's All Mine
Fixed missing gameobject spawn for quest: Not Just Any Body
Fixed quest: The Amulet of Sevine
Properly fixed quest: "SEVEN! YUP!", now it reacts when you spellclick and rewards you with the quest credit.
Hackfix Abuse of Power until the quest-spell gets fixed.
Fixed Quest: Golem Training
Fix visual item drop of quest: Warlocks Have the Neatest Stuff
Fixed missing spawns of Blackrock Warlock
Fixed an issue with quest: "A Future Project" and "Stocking Up", where the quest item from the npc wouldn't show.
Fixed quest: Trust Is Earned
Fixed quest: Dead Man's Debt
Fixed quest: Lets go Surfing Now
Sort of fixed quest: Anguish of Nifflevar
Fixed and scripted quest: The Echo of Ymiron
Fixed quest: Guided by Honor, it's now complete-able from quest-end.
Northrend - Coldara- Fixed the script for quest "Drake Hunt"
Made LFG (Item Level counting) dynamic, so you don't have to relog. (Blizzlike)
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "There's Somthing going on in those caves!"
Northrend - Coldara - Fixed quest "Soragosa's end"
Fixed an issue where Felpaw Wolf didn't show the quest item objective for quest: "Culling the Corrupted"
Temp fixed an issue with the quest-giver of Welcome to the Brotherhood - Overseer Oilfist, where phasing is supposed to happen. The hack-fix will not be notice-able for the player at 99% of the cases.
Northrend - Coldara - Fixed various movement issues with the flying dragons
Fixed quest: Nature and Nurture
Fixed and scripted quest: Touch the Untouchable. The phasing part for the spell and creature also works properly now.
Fixed an issue where the quest: "Welcome to the Brotherhood" wasn't access-able.
Corrected drop percentage of Kiyuubi's Spherule
Fixed quest: A Hero's Headgear
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "The Gearmaster"
Owlkin Frenzy will no longer get removed when changing form.
Heart of the wild is now fixed. The part with the stamina boost for bear form and the attack power for cat form were not working.
Pet cooldowns, health and mana are now restored when entering a new bg/arena.
Players can no longer eat or drink while hexed.
Fixed an issue with two forms (worgen) it will now instantly transform the player upon entering combat if he's in human form.
Northrend - Borean Tundra -fixed quest "Your not so big now"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "emergency Protocol: Section 8.2 Paragraph c""
Northrend - Borean tundra - Fixed dead gaurds in Warsong Hold
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed multiple creature waypoints
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed the dead creature bug
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Added more Orca's in the Bay for quest "Succlent Orca Stew""
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "emergency Protocol: Section 8.2 Paragraph D""
Check if all members have group buff before allowing to auto cast spells specific SPELL EFFECT flags by pets.
[Druid] Flight Form will now be replaced by Swift Flight Form.
Implemented Shadowfiend passive aura (Priest)
Corrected hearthstone spawn mistake for Orc mages.
Totemic Staff should now show correct weapon speed.
Adept's Band should now show correct stats.
Colossal Menace quest should now work as intended.
Blood for Blood quest should now work as intended.
Mouldering Mirebeasts added correctly to Quest Mired in Hatred quest.
Claws from the deep should now complete upon requirements.
A Mother's Worries should now award objective for Acquiring quest objective.
Call of the Crusade achievement should now achieve as intended.
Killing Marrogar in ICC without anyone being impaled for more than 8 Seconds should now reward "Boned" Achievement.
Northrend-Borean Tundra - Airfield - Added the Pilot script
Ebon Hold - Added the DK Trainers
Commander Springvale should now use Desecration Ability.
Corborus should now have correct loot.
Ozruk should now have correct loot drops.
Glubtok's Fists of Flame should now cast correctly.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "Scouting the sinkholes"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "it was the Orcs, Honest!"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "Plan B"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed Kel'Thuzad's Hp to blizzlike
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "fueling the project"
Northrend - borean tundra - Fixed quest "Deploy the shake-n-Quake"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed the drop rate and chance of "Gnomish Grenade"
Stormwind - Fixed a display issue for "waters of Farseeing"
Deathknight runes will no longer consume runes if the target is invulnerable.
Death strike will no longer heal if the target is Invulnerable.
Charge will now only trigger an attack when charging current target.
Hand of guldan will no longer display the duration of the debuff.
Flare will no longer display duration of the debuff.
Hellfire will now be a buff instead of a debuff
Immolation aura will now be a buff instead of a debuff.
Fixed several spells which has spell forwarding, it will now properly forward the player (same logic as Typhoon basically)
Frenzied Regeneration can now crit.
Spell warding will now reduce damage for all spells instead of increasing it.
Fixed an issue where sunfire would not be reversed when the druid would lose the solar eclipse.
Spell pushback should work properly now.
Changes to damage Threshold.
Fix an area crash
QuestID: 26464 The Lost Gem - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
QuestID 12176: A minor substitution - adjusts drop chance for quest item. Thanks to Mastermind!
Fixed an issue where, when you used the quest item for quest: "The One That Got Away", 4 Frostfin's would spawn instead of 1.
Fixed Quest: We Call Him Steelfeather
Fixed Quest: The Yeti Next Door
Fixed quest: Preying Upon the Weak
ItemID: 6464 Wailing Essence - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
ItemID: 6443 Deviate Hide - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
temID 7128: Uncloven Satyr Hoof - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
ItemID 5481: Satyr Horns - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind.
QuestID 488: Kenn's Binding - fixes issue for quest items dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
Fixed missing NPC in Ironforge: Geofram Bouldertoe (Mining trainer). Thanks to Mastermind!
Fixed missing NPC: Wounded Infantry in Gnome starting area. Thanks to Mastermind!
Added missing spawn of Shael'dryn. Thanks to Mastermind!
Added missing spawns of Warsong Lumber Pile gameobject. Thanks to Mastermind!
Added missing spawns of Satyrnaar Fel Wood gameobject. Thanks to Mastermind!
Added additional spawns for Muddy Crawfish, thanks to Mastermind!
Scarlet Enclave - DeathKnight Starting zone - Added missing spawns and corrected multiple duplicate spawns @ phase1
Scarlet Enclave - DeathKnight Starting Zone - Added missing "Scourge Sky Darkener's" and added some animations.
Changed "Deadstate" on "Aged Clefthoof" - It is now alive and walking around as should be.
Fixed Quest: "The Ring of Blood: The Blue Brothers" - Now requires both twins to be slain.
Changed droprate on item: "Aged Clefthoof Blubber". For quest: Vision of the Dead
Corrected drop rate of item "Head of Cho'war".
Corrected drop rate of item "Warmaul Prison Key".
Corrected drop rate of item "Eye of Gutripper".
Fixed quest: Diplomatic Measures
Deleted multiple duplicates of "Dreaming Glory"
Added waypoints to "Durn the Hungerer".
"Gutripper" is now flying instead of walking.
"Sparrowhawk Net" can now only be cast at Wild Sparrowhawk.
Fixed "Shattered Rumbler" - Scripted
Fixed "Minion of Gurok" - Scripted
Fixed "Lump" - Scripted
Fixed "Wild Sparrowhawk" - Scripted
Fixed "Lantresor of the Blade" - Scripted
Corrected movement speed of "Gutripper".
Added waypoints to "Gutripper".
Added waypoints to "Bach'lor".
This is only a (tiny) amount of our updates, we have around 14 pages of updates more!:
Fixed Quest: [Bring me the egg!]
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Added Jimmy's Horse.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Added the missing emotes to the Valiance Footmen.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Gave the Valiance workers Hammers to work with.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Removed the Quest tag from the cultist Stone.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Valiance Keep - Added weapons and shields to the Valiance.
Northrend - Borean Tundra -Amber Ledge - Added Animations to Inquisitor Salrand
Northrend - Borean Tundra -Amber Ledge - Added Way-points for Beryl mage Hunters
Northrend - Borean Tundra -Amber Ledge - Fixed Quest "rescuing avanor" Working as intended.
Northrend - Borean Tundra -Amber Ledge - Fixed Quest "a race against time"
Removed duplicate spawns of various gameobjects, mainly herbs and mining deposits (3000+ in all).
Fixed teleportation of Bloodstone Teleporter in Blasted Lands
Fixed spawn(s) of Thorium Brotherhood Lookout
Fixed spawn(s) of Dark Iron Pillow for quest: Kill 'em With Sleep Deprivation
Fixed spawn of Taskmaster Scrange in The Slag Pit (Questgiver)
Fixed spawn of Overseer Oilfist in the Slag Pit (Questgiver)
Fixed spawn(s) of Throium Brotherhood Lookout near Overseer Oilfist.
Fixed spawn of Evonice Sootsmoker in The Slag Pit (Questgiver)
Fixed the level of npc: Image of Archduke Calcinder - It's now level 50 instead of 1.
Fixed spawn of Dig-Boss Dinwhisker for quest: Dig-Boss Dinwhisker
Added pathing for Margol the Rager
Corrected loot percentage of quest item: Dark Iron Memo
Fixed an issue where creature: Glassweb Spider didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Tempered War Golem didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Margol the Rager didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Dig-Boss Dinwhisker didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Dark Iron Steamsmith didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Twilight Fire Guard didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Twilight Dark Shaman didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Twilight Geomancer didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Dark Iron Marksman didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where creature: Incendosaur didn't show the quest item objective.
Fixed an issue where Vehicles couldn't talk to gameobject questgivers. (This was a deadly bug for Vashj'ir!)
Fixed an issue where a lot of defined auras on creatures wouldn't re-cast / re-apply upon death.
Fixed duplication spawn of: Illycor in Blasted Lands
Fixed missing creature spawn of Loramus Thalipedes
Felguard Sentry in Blasted Lands now visually shows it drops the quest item.
Felhound in Blasted Lands now visually shows it drops the quest item.
Fixed missing spawn of John J. Keeshan
Fixed missing spawn of Gor'tesh
Fixed missing spawn of Colonel Troteman
Fixed an issue where enchanting items in trade cancelled trade.
Fixed achievement: Flirt with Disaster
Fixed achievement: You'll feel right as rain
Fixed achievement: Fungal Frenzy
Fixed achievement: The Fishing Diplomat (Most likely)
The Looming Threat Quest Fix
Backed Into a Corner Quest Fix
Rundown Quest Fix
Don't be Shellfish Quest Fix
Slippery Threat Quest Fix
A Distracting Scent Quest Fix
Undersea Inflation Quest Fix
Totem modification Quest Fix
Vengeful Heart Quest Fix
Fathom-Lord Zin'jatar Quest Fix
A Pearl of Wisdom Quest Fix
Nespirah Quest Fix
Making Contact Quest Fix
Stick it to Them Quest Fix
Capture the Crab Quest Fix
Breaking Through Quest Fix
Cold Welcome Quest Fix
A Powerful Need To Eat Quest Fix
Clamming Up Quest Fix
Bellies Await Quest Fix
Swift Approach Quest Fix
Caught Off-Guard Quest Fix
An Occupation of Time Quest Fix
Piece of the Past Quest Fix
The Call of the Blade Quest Fix
Upon the Scene of Battle Quest Fix
Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir Quest Fix
Reoccupation Quest Fix
The Revered Lady Quest Fix
To the Fathom-Lord's Call Quest Fix
Built to Last Quest Fix
Not Soon Forgotten Quest Fix
Looking Forward Quest Fix
Clear Goals Quest Fix
Not Entirely Unprepared Quest Fix
Properly Inspired Quest Fix
Swift Action Quest Fix
Gauging Success Quest Fix
Fallen But Not Forgotten Quest Fix
Visions of the Past: The Slaughter of Biel'aran Ridge Quest Fix
By Her Lady's Word Quest Fix
No Trespass Forgiven Quest Fix
Setting An Example Quest Fix
Stolen Property Quest Fix
Chosen Burden Quest Fix
The Culmination of Our Efforts Quest Fix
Losing Ground Quest Fix
Desperate Plan Quest Fix
Come Prepared Quest Fix
Unfurling Plan Quest Fix
Hostile Waters Quest Fix
Honor and Privilege Quest Fix
Welcome News Quest Fix
Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep Quest Fix
Devout Assembly Quest Fix
Her Lady's Hand Quest Fix
Blood and thunder! Quest Fix
Bring It On! Quest Fix
Finders, Keepers Quest Fix
Pay It Forward (Horde) Quest Fix
Rest For the Weary (Horde) Quest Fix
Buy Us Some Time (Horde) Quest Fix
Traveling on Our Stomachs (Horde) Quest Fix
Fixed missing OfferRewardText for quest: "Lunk Like Your Style"
Fixed spawn of quest-giver: "Lunk", for additional quests.
Fixed quest-complete objective for quest: From Whence He Came
Fixed missing QuestRewardText for quest: "From Whence He Came"
Sort of fixed quest: "From Whence He Came". Some conditions and clean-ups lacking.
Temp fixed quest: Sweet, Horrible Freedom: 50% working.
Fixed many exploits with quest item: Furnace Flasks for quest: "Heat That Just Don't Quit":
Added pathing for creature: Forsaken Courier, for quest: Just Like Old Times
Fixed Quest: "Watching Our Back"
Fixed Quest: "You Are Rakh'likh, Demon"
Fixed Quest: "Danger! Explosives"
Fixed Quest: "Mission Eternal Flame" in Howling Fjord
Fixed an exploit with the quest item: Malister's Frost Wand where it was useable on all NPC's instead of just Proto-Drake
Corrected loot drop of quest item: Shoveltusk Meat for quest: Shoveltusk Soup Again?
Fixed quest: The Delicate Sound of Thunder
Fixed missing spawn of: "loramus Thalipedes" for quest delivery of "The Altar of Storms"
Fixed missing spawn of: "Chief Prospector Hondo" for quest: "Some People Just Need Killing"
Corrected the amount of spawns of Ore Heap, for quest: It's All Mine
Corrected the amount of spawns of Ore Heap, for quest: It's All Mine
Fixed missing gameobject spawn for quest: Not Just Any Body
Fixed quest: The Amulet of Sevine
Properly fixed quest: "SEVEN! YUP!", now it reacts when you spellclick and rewards you with the quest credit.
Hackfix Abuse of Power until the quest-spell gets fixed.
Fixed Quest: Golem Training
Fix visual item drop of quest: Warlocks Have the Neatest Stuff
Fixed missing spawns of Blackrock Warlock
Fixed an issue with quest: "A Future Project" and "Stocking Up", where the quest item from the npc wouldn't show.
Fixed quest: Trust Is Earned
Fixed quest: Dead Man's Debt
Fixed quest: Lets go Surfing Now
Sort of fixed quest: Anguish of Nifflevar
Fixed and scripted quest: The Echo of Ymiron
Fixed quest: Guided by Honor, it's now complete-able from quest-end.
Northrend - Coldara- Fixed the script for quest "Drake Hunt"
Made LFG (Item Level counting) dynamic, so you don't have to relog. (Blizzlike)
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "There's Somthing going on in those caves!"
Northrend - Coldara - Fixed quest "Soragosa's end"
Fixed an issue where Felpaw Wolf didn't show the quest item objective for quest: "Culling the Corrupted"
Temp fixed an issue with the quest-giver of Welcome to the Brotherhood - Overseer Oilfist, where phasing is supposed to happen. The hack-fix will not be notice-able for the player at 99% of the cases.
Northrend - Coldara - Fixed various movement issues with the flying dragons
Fixed quest: Nature and Nurture
Fixed and scripted quest: Touch the Untouchable. The phasing part for the spell and creature also works properly now.
Fixed an issue where the quest: "Welcome to the Brotherhood" wasn't access-able.
Corrected drop percentage of Kiyuubi's Spherule
Fixed quest: A Hero's Headgear
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "The Gearmaster"
Owlkin Frenzy will no longer get removed when changing form.
Heart of the wild is now fixed. The part with the stamina boost for bear form and the attack power for cat form were not working.
Pet cooldowns, health and mana are now restored when entering a new bg/arena.
Players can no longer eat or drink while hexed.
Fixed an issue with two forms (worgen) it will now instantly transform the player upon entering combat if he's in human form.
Northrend - Borean Tundra -fixed quest "Your not so big now"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "emergency Protocol: Section 8.2 Paragraph c""
Northrend - Borean tundra - Fixed dead gaurds in Warsong Hold
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed multiple creature waypoints
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed the dead creature bug
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Added more Orca's in the Bay for quest "Succlent Orca Stew""
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "emergency Protocol: Section 8.2 Paragraph D""
Check if all members have group buff before allowing to auto cast spells specific SPELL EFFECT flags by pets.
[Druid] Flight Form will now be replaced by Swift Flight Form.
Implemented Shadowfiend passive aura (Priest)
Corrected hearthstone spawn mistake for Orc mages.
Totemic Staff should now show correct weapon speed.
Adept's Band should now show correct stats.
Colossal Menace quest should now work as intended.
Blood for Blood quest should now work as intended.
Mouldering Mirebeasts added correctly to Quest Mired in Hatred quest.
Claws from the deep should now complete upon requirements.
A Mother's Worries should now award objective for Acquiring quest objective.
Call of the Crusade achievement should now achieve as intended.
Killing Marrogar in ICC without anyone being impaled for more than 8 Seconds should now reward "Boned" Achievement.
Northrend-Borean Tundra - Airfield - Added the Pilot script
Ebon Hold - Added the DK Trainers
Commander Springvale should now use Desecration Ability.
Corborus should now have correct loot.
Ozruk should now have correct loot drops.
Glubtok's Fists of Flame should now cast correctly.
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "Scouting the sinkholes"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "it was the Orcs, Honest!"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "Plan B"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed Kel'Thuzad's Hp to blizzlike
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed quest "fueling the project"
Northrend - borean tundra - Fixed quest "Deploy the shake-n-Quake"
Northrend - Borean Tundra - Fixed the drop rate and chance of "Gnomish Grenade"
Stormwind - Fixed a display issue for "waters of Farseeing"
Deathknight runes will no longer consume runes if the target is invulnerable.
Death strike will no longer heal if the target is Invulnerable.
Charge will now only trigger an attack when charging current target.
Hand of guldan will no longer display the duration of the debuff.
Flare will no longer display duration of the debuff.
Hellfire will now be a buff instead of a debuff
Immolation aura will now be a buff instead of a debuff.
Fixed several spells which has spell forwarding, it will now properly forward the player (same logic as Typhoon basically)
Frenzied Regeneration can now crit.
Spell warding will now reduce damage for all spells instead of increasing it.
Fixed an issue where sunfire would not be reversed when the druid would lose the solar eclipse.
Spell pushback should work properly now.
Changes to damage Threshold.
Fix an area crash
QuestID: 26464 The Lost Gem - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
QuestID 12176: A minor substitution - adjusts drop chance for quest item. Thanks to Mastermind!
Fixed an issue where, when you used the quest item for quest: "The One That Got Away", 4 Frostfin's would spawn instead of 1.
Fixed Quest: We Call Him Steelfeather
Fixed Quest: The Yeti Next Door
Fixed quest: Preying Upon the Weak
ItemID: 6464 Wailing Essence - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
ItemID: 6443 Deviate Hide - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
temID 7128: Uncloven Satyr Hoof - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
ItemID 5481: Satyr Horns - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind.
QuestID 488: Kenn's Binding - fixes issue for quest items dropping even if you do not have the quest. Thanks to Mastermind!
Fixed missing NPC in Ironforge: Geofram Bouldertoe (Mining trainer). Thanks to Mastermind!
Fixed missing NPC: Wounded Infantry in Gnome starting area. Thanks to Mastermind!
Added missing spawn of Shael'dryn. Thanks to Mastermind!
Added missing spawns of Warsong Lumber Pile gameobject. Thanks to Mastermind!
Added missing spawns of Satyrnaar Fel Wood gameobject. Thanks to Mastermind!
Added additional spawns for Muddy Crawfish, thanks to Mastermind!
Scarlet Enclave - DeathKnight Starting zone - Added missing spawns and corrected multiple duplicate spawns @ phase1
Scarlet Enclave - DeathKnight Starting Zone - Added missing "Scourge Sky Darkener's" and added some animations.
Changed "Deadstate" on "Aged Clefthoof" - It is now alive and walking around as should be.
Fixed Quest: "The Ring of Blood: The Blue Brothers" - Now requires both twins to be slain.
Changed droprate on item: "Aged Clefthoof Blubber". For quest: Vision of the Dead
Corrected drop rate of item "Head of Cho'war".
Corrected drop rate of item "Warmaul Prison Key".
Corrected drop rate of item "Eye of Gutripper".
Fixed quest: Diplomatic Measures
Deleted multiple duplicates of "Dreaming Glory"
Added waypoints to "Durn the Hungerer".
"Gutripper" is now flying instead of walking.
"Sparrowhawk Net" can now only be cast at Wild Sparrowhawk.
Fixed "Shattered Rumbler" - Scripted
Fixed "Minion of Gurok" - Scripted
Fixed "Lump" - Scripted
Fixed "Wild Sparrowhawk" - Scripted
Fixed "Lantresor of the Blade" - Scripted
Corrected movement speed of "Gutripper".
Added waypoints to "Gutripper".
Added waypoints to "Bach'lor".