What's new

- Changelog 6.3 (Old VIP Version)


28 October, 2016.
This is the update list for the upcoming VIP version, 6.3:

- Made some loot fixing and creature texts for some entries at the lower levels.
- Over 1700 of lines dedicated to creature scripting in Twilight Highlands. All credit goes to Cooler-Sai
- Fixed some spell procs of trinkets and what so ever.
- Over 7000 of lines dedicated to looting fixes at Draenei. Big thanks to Snuggles.

- Creature Woodlands Walker has been scripted.
- Creature Zalas Witherbark has been scripted.
- Creature Prismatic Exile has been scripted.
- Creature Alliance Guard has been scripted.

- Creature Core Hound has been scripted.
- Creature Core Rager has been scripted.
- Creature Firesworn has been scripted.
- Creature Flame Imp has been scripted.
- Creature Flamewaker Priest has been scripted.

- Creature Lava Annihilator has been scripted.
- Creature Lava Elemental has been scripted.
- Creature Lava Reaver has been scripted.
- Creature Lava Surger has been scripted.

- Creature Alexi Silenthowl <SI:7> has been scripted.
- Creature Alliance Captain has been scripted.
- Creature Alliance Paratrooper <Ironforge 127th Paratroopers> has been scripted.
- Creature Alliance Paratrooper <Ironforge 127th Paratroopers> has been scripted.

- Creature Alliance Sailor has been scripted.
- Creature Alliance Sailor has been scripted.
- Creature Alliance Sailor has been scripted.

- Creature scripting in Ahn'Qiraj. Big thanks to Cooler-Sai
- Creature scripting in Blackwing Lair Raid. Big thanks to Cooler-Sai
- Fixed a quest item loot in Southern Barrens

- Now Save Krennan Aranas will be completeable after you did it. Before you weren't able to click on the complete button.
- Fixed some missing objects for a quest in Ashenvale
- Fix a duplication creature issue at Ashenvale
- The Quest "West to the Strand" (ID 13617) can't be completed - The Quest should end by NPC Talen (ID 3846) at Blackfathom Camp. But Talen is missing there. So, I can't get the following quests he would give. (FIXED)

General/Core Updates:
- Prevent Equip & Unequip on logout for security reasons (Exploits).
- Script Spell - Racer Slam, Slamming
- The spell "Ancient Hysteria" can't be used in arenas now.
- The hit count is now added to the owner through totems.

- Fix some profession issues with primary & secondaries. Still some (visual) remaining issues left.
- 4.2 Patchnote Change: The Aggressive pet stance has been removed and replaced with the Assist stance. This stance will cause the player's pet to attack the player's target. The pet will not change targets unless the master attacks a new target for a few seconds.

- Fix missing "honk horn" and missing "radio" for kezan Hot Rod Car. Thanks to Frank from Arkania.
- Improved the DoS opcode size protection
- Added a new smart AI function (SMART_COMBAT_MOVE). Thanks to Cooler-Sai.
- Added Shamram core script.

- Now when you /reload, your UI actionbar of pet (hunter) will re-apply. Before it was just disappearing and not coming back. This is now fixed!
- Fixed achievement of "You alone?"
- Fix an issue with Pets, where they would not follow their owner on high terrains, climbs etc

- Anticheat, fixed crash at Worgen zone due to Anticheat (cannons etc)
- Anticheat, fixed crash at Badlands zone due to Anticheat (teleporters etc)

- Added a few different core fixes from TrinityCore that I refrain from listening. But big thanks to them!


- Hellfire Ramparts:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Blood Furnance:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Slave Pens:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- The Underbog:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Mana Tombs:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Auchenai Crypts:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Durnholde:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Sethekk Halls:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Shadow Labyrinth:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Shattered Halls:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- The Botanica:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- The Mechanar:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- The Steamvault:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Utgarde Keep:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Fixed/Improved Bruggok. Now he's completeable. Not 100% blizzlike with the starting encounter, due to the gate, but overall, very improved and do-able.


Senior User
Superior Member
Currently Fixed for 6.3

-- Ongo'longo Revenge Quest Fix (99 % Blizzlike) --
-- Ambushed! (Eastern Plaguelands) Quest Rework (Phase Fix) --
-- Misc. Creatures Adjustments (Set to Fly some Creatures that was at the ground, removed some wrong sleep states, etc) --
-- Visual Improvements On KTC Waiter/Waitresses (Thanks to Arkania) --
-- Added Text to NPCs of The Good People of Hearthglen --
-- Adjusted Phasing For Quest The Battle Resumes --
-- Make Clickable Drink Trays of Kezan Waiter/Waitresess --
-- Don't go into the Light Quest Rework 100 % Blizz now (Removed Custom Content) --
-- A Fighting Chance Quest Fix (Solves the Hill Fawn Issues at Hillasbrad Foothills) --
-- Warchief Commands Board at Tarren Mill Fixed (Wasn't Selectable) --
-- Added Yetimus the Yeti Lord Movement --
-- Added Officer Jaxon Pathing (Thanks to alexkulya - JadeCore -) --
-- Eric, The Utility Dwarf, Olaf, the Big Fella, and Baelog the Glass Cannon Quests Fix --
-- The Sorrow and The Fury Quest Fix --
-- Added Credit For Dustbelchers Ogres Quest (Badlands) --
-- The Hidden Clutch Quest Fix --
-- Sigil of Strom Quest Drops Fixed --
-- Gorat's Vengeance Quest Fix --
-- The Truth of the grave Quest Rework (Added Conditions and Script Improvement) --
-- We're Here to Do One Thing, Maybe Two... Quest Fix --
-- Some Visual Improvements to Creatures at Silverwing Refuge and The Fold --
-- Corrected Ice Steppe Rinho Creature States (Was Appearing Dead and Attackable) --
-- Data Mining Quests Fix (Reworked From TC) --
-- Rheastrasza's Gift, Devastation and The Egg Lives On Quests Fix (Currently there are 3 quest for Alliance that doesn't work ¨The Day that Deathwing Came Chain Quests¨ rest of quest are working for Alliance Side --
-- The Absent-Minded Prospector Quest Fix --
-- The Titans' Terminal Quest Fix --
-- Sweeping Clean the Ruins Quest Fix --
-- The Devourer of Darkshore Quest Fix --
-- Spawned Balren of the Claw and Flight Master "Delanea" at Grove of the Ancients --
-- A New Home Quest Fix --
-- In Defense of Darkshore Quest Fix --
-- Spawned Aroom, Elder Brownpaw, Thessera and Selenn at The Eye of The Vortex --
-- The Emerald Dream Quest Fix --
-- The Waking Nightmare Quest Fix --
-- Leaving the Dream Quest Fix --
-- The Eye of All Storms Quest Fix --
-- Leave no Tracks Quest Fix --
-- Stepping Up Surveillance Quest Fix --
-- The Darkscale Warlord Quest Fix --
-- The Offering to Azshara Quest Fix --
-- The Battle for Darkshore Quest Fix --
-- An Ounce of Prevention Quest Fix --
-- The Seeds of Life Quest Fix --
-- War Supplies Quest Fix --
-- Twice Removed Quest Fix --
-- Delete Duplicated Spawns on Darkshore --
-- Set Midsummer NPCs at Darnassus to their proper Event Time --
-- Removed Zenn Foulhoof Equipped Weapons --
-- Grimclaw's Return Quest Fix --
-- The Ritual Bond Quest Fix --
-- The Ancients' Ire Quest Fix --
-- Coaxing the Spirits Quest Fix --
-- Against the Wind Quest Fix --
-- An Ocean Not So Deep Quest Fix --
-- Soothing the Elements Quest Fix --
-- Call Down the Thunder Quest Fix --
-- It's Only Poisonous If You Ingest It Quest Fix --
-- Set NightSaber Fang Drop Chance to Propper 100 % --
-- Spawned More Creatures for Excising the Taint Quest --
-- Honor the Dead Quest Fix --
-- Steel Thunder Quest Fix --
-- Rise, Forsaken Quest Fix --
-- No Escape Quest Fix --
-- Captives at Deatholme Quest Fix --
-- Set Horde Haulers and Horde Coffin Haulers As Vehicles --
-- Nowhere to Run Quest Fix (Need to Clear WoW Client Cache) --
-- Cornered and Crushed Quest Fix --
Last edited:


Newest fixes for version 6.3 (Next VIP version), have been added:

- Made some loot fixing and creature texts for some entries at the lower levels.
- Over 1700 of lines dedicated to creature scripting in Twilight Highlands. All credit goes to Cooler-Sai
- Fixed some spell procs of trinkets and what so ever.
- Over 7000 of lines dedicated to looting fixes at Draenei. Big thanks to Snuggles.

- Creature Woodlands Walker has been scripted.
- Creature Zalas Witherbark has been scripted.
- Creature Prismatic Exile has been scripted.
- Creature Alliance Guard has been scripted.

- Creature Core Hound has been scripted.
- Creature Core Rager has been scripted.
- Creature Firesworn has been scripted.
- Creature Flame Imp has been scripted.
- Creature Flamewaker Priest has been scripted.

- Creature Lava Annihilator has been scripted.
- Creature Lava Elemental has been scripted.
- Creature Lava Reaver has been scripted.
- Creature Lava Surger has been scripted.

- Creature Alexi Silenthowl <SI:7> has been scripted.
- Creature Alliance Captain has been scripted.
- Creature Alliance Paratrooper <Ironforge 127th Paratroopers> has been scripted.
- Creature Alliance Paratrooper <Ironforge 127th Paratroopers> has been scripted.

- Creature Alliance Sailor has been scripted.
- Creature Alliance Sailor has been scripted.
- Creature Alliance Sailor has been scripted.

- Creature scripting in Ahn'Qiraj. Big thanks to Cooler-Sai
- Creature scripting in Blackwing Lair Raid. Big thanks to Cooler-Sai
- Fixed a quest item loot in Southern Barrens

- Now Save Krennan Aranas will be completeable after you did it. Before you weren't able to click on the complete button.
- Fixed some missing objects for a quest in Ashenvale
- Fix a duplication creature issue at Ashenvale
- The Quest "West to the Strand" (ID 13617) can't be completed - The Quest should end by NPC Talen (ID 3846) at Blackfathom Camp. But Talen is missing there. So, I can't get the following quests he would give. (FIXED)

General/Core Updates:
- Prevent Equip & Unequip on logout for security reasons (Exploits).
- Script Spell - Racer Slam, Slamming
- The spell "Ancient Hysteria" can't be used in arenas now.
- The hit count is now added to the owner through totems.

- Fix some profession issues with primary & secondaries. Still some (visual) remaining issues left.
- 4.2 Patchnote Change: The Aggressive pet stance has been removed and replaced with the Assist stance. This stance will cause the player's pet to attack the player's target. The pet will not change targets unless the master attacks a new target for a few seconds.

- Fix missing "honk horn" and missing "radio" for kezan Hot Rod Car. Thanks to Frank from Arkania.
- Improved the DoS opcode size protection
- Added a new smart AI function (SMART_COMBAT_MOVE). Thanks to Cooler-Sai.
- Added Shamram core script.

- Now when you /reload, your UI actionbar of pet (hunter) will re-apply. Before it was just disappearing and not coming back. This is now fixed!
- Fixed achievement of "You alone?"
- Fix an issue with Pets, where they would not follow their owner on high terrains, climbs etc

- Anticheat, fixed crash at Worgen zone due to Anticheat (cannons etc)
- Anticheat, fixed crash at Badlands zone due to Anticheat (teleporters etc)

- Added a few different core fixes from TrinityCore that I refrain from listening. But big thanks to them!


- Hellfire Ramparts:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Blood Furnance:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Slave Pens:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- The Underbog:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Mana Tombs:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Auchenai Crypts:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Durnholde:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Sethekk Halls:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Shadow Labyrinth:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Shattered Halls:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- The Botanica:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- The Mechanar:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- The Steamvault:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Utgarde Keep:
-- Fixed the levels in the normal difficulty, and fixed looting of the bosses, in the normal difficulty.

- Fixed/Improved Bruggok. Now he's completeable. Not 100% blizzlike with the starting encounter, due to the gate, but overall, very improved and do-able.