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- Changelog (10-1) (VIP)


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im just trying to support forum this fixes aren't mine.
10.1 changelog tons of fixes.
Changelog post:
-- Misc & core & db fixes
-- Grim Batol:
- General Umbriss no longer turning around when casting Blitz.
- Azureborne Warlord no longer spawned adds by Conjure Twisted Visage are friendly.
- Correct stance (body position) during the shield phase for Forgemaster Throngus
- Correct movement Valiona Drake
- Erudax no longer lost his target at Enfeebling Blow

-- Blackrock Caverns
- Burning Heat now used by Conflaguration, instead Karsh
- Drain Essence no longer stack while corla not in combat
- Added Ascendant Lord Obsidius Defenders
- Added prev-event for Ascendant Lord Obsidius with Kaz
- Firelands is now playable to a small extent. Still requires a lot of rework. Especially Lord Rhyolith.

- Fix up typo-mistake that was causing removal of many legit conditions
- Fixed a map crash.
- Fix possible crash in Black Temple.
- Fix crash in Gilneas.
- Fixed another crash in Gilneas.

- Fixed a crash in Halls of Reflection.
- Fixed a crash in Alterac Valley.
- Fixed a possible crash with Shapeshift. Thx??.
- Fixed crash on Cho'gall.
- Fixed crash in Anublsath.

- Fixed some aggro issues.
- Don't set positionZ to ground for flying creatures. Thx TC.
- Fixed creature_formations. Now the MemberGuids follow the LeaderGUID properly
- Prevented crossover in formations.
- Solved an issue with wrong facing for creatures when it's casting non channeled or triggering spells.

- Implemented Mob Fanning. Thx Artamedes & Azerothcore.
- Fixed m_idleTimer in creature function.
- Fixed an issue where players would get "Exhaustion" in Twilight Highlands at zone 4922.
- Fixed some charge issues (pathing)
- Fixed an exploit that allows item spells to be casted without using the item due to spell queue. Thx Artamedes.
- Now upon reaching level 20 as Warlock / Paladin (and Worgen) you'll learn Apprentice Riding automatically.

- Fixed battleground XP gaining.
- Prevented a possible Instance Crash
- Fixed Ice Block Glyph
- Fixed auth exploit. Thx ??.
- Improved Unexpected Results slightly.
- Spells with TARGET_SELECT_CATEGORY_NEARBY requires a valid target. Thanks TC.

- Fixed possible never ending combat issues. Thx (??)
- Fixed the case where the last player leaving a LFG group would be stuck i nparty when porting out of the instance. Thx w1sht0l1v3.
- Readd players to queue when proposal fails because someone else declined it. Thx TC.
- Fixed LFG GS requirement not updated until relog.
- Fixed Minimum item level in Wotlk heroic dungeons.
- Implemented EVENT_CHRAGE_PREPATH. Thanks to Quadral.
- Charge move spline now continuously gets updated. Thanks to Quadral.
- Fixed flying master icon
- Fixed flying master discovery
- Fixed profession skill value.
- Fixed a guild issue.

- Continue updating creatures that own auras applided to players. Thx TC.
- Updated Test of Faith spell id's to Cataclysm, thx Ovahlord for pointing out.
- Fix Bloodthirst Herb, it should apply a con-buff after the pro buff has expired. Thx to Artamedes for partial inspiration.
- Made Penance a challenging spell
- Fixed range of Demonic Card.
- Prevented Skull Bash to prevent scenarios where the charge did not happen.

- Implemented Experience system on Archeology. Thx ??.
- Implement SetDurationIndex, SetRangeIndex, SetCastTimeIndex.
- Fix quest: Summing Ritual for quest: Black Heart of Flame. No longer says: "You are in the wrong zone"
- Only Teleport players who are not GM away from Molten Front if doesnt suit the criterias. Prevents GM's from having to complete the criterias to be in Molten Front

- Fix Flame Protection Rune Burst damage in Molten Front
- Updated Shatter talent to Cataclysm. Thanks Ovahlord.
- Implement opcode handling for SMSG_PET_TAME_FAILURE, thx Ovahlord

- Allow combat with same faction with specific flag extra. Useful for "fake combat events". Thanks Artamedes!
- Prevent Dragon Breath from being cancelled by Flame Orb.
- Decrease a risk at BuyItemFromVendorSlot
- Do not proc auras on SPEL_AURA_OBS_MOD_HEALTH healing ticks. Thx ??
- Fixed player spells with only spellpower scaling doing no damage. Thx Shauren.

- Allow the table waypoint_data to use Takeoff and Land waypoints. Thx TC.
- Improved dead-lock error handling. Thx TC.
- Order group members before creating LFG group (leader > tank > healer > dps). Thx TC.
- Shadow Word Death Glyph reset cooldown fix.
- Fixed a crash with vehicles. Thanks Artamedes.

- Implemented an ew system (player_text). Thanks Artamedes.
- Avoid SendTimeSync spamming in Worldserver. Thx ??
- Set Guardian's mana and health to full when initialized their stats. Thx, Ovahlord.

- Update player position after being added to map. Thx TC.
- Update holiday code and remove misleading log (event date is the one from game_event)
add siign to DBC struct member CalendarFilterType as it was being used as such
kill localtime usage as it's deprecated. Thx TC.
- Fixed a posisble pet crash.
- Ensure owner is NULL on some companions.

- Define Opcode for CMSG_CANCEL_GROWTH_AURA , also fixes Worldserver error
- Define Opcode: CMSG_COMPLETED_ARTIFACTS - Also fixes a Worldserver error
- Implemented TARGET_UNK_120 as always used on caster.
- Avoid War Stomp (For quest: War Dance) to target the caster

- Add Frenzy spell-script. All credits goes to (Wilde)
- Added OnRemove for Focus_Fire. All credits goes to Wilde.
- Rework spell_dru_innervate_AuraScript to fix T13 restoration 2p. Thanks WIlde.
- Remove un-necessary code and handle it by DB. Thanks Wilde.

- Fixed an issue with money if you were to withdraw money from your character it would mess up and grant you a really high value.
- Type 10 GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBER - make spells castable on spellclick. Thx ??.
- Implemented Smooth Pathing possiblity. Big thanks to Jamey!
- Fixed delay on vehicle exit when using SMART_ACTION_FORCE_DESPAWN.
- Fixed pet movement on transports like Zeppelins. Thx G.

- Rares are now granting extra XP.
- Thonk's Spyglass can now only be used in the correct zone with the quest.
- Fixed up Battle for Gilneas text strings. Fixes <error>.
- Fixed up Twin Peaks text strings. Fixes <error>.
- Avoid quest spell for Striking Back to kill own player.

- Improved profession skill learn. Thx G.
- Improved vehicle behavior. Thx G.
- Fix T13 2P Healing set for Divine Hymn and Power Infusion. Thx Wilde!

- Load grid on creature teleport and relocate passengers on vehicle teleport. Thanks Mihapro
- Vehicle passenger actions. Added vehicle add/remove passenger actions. Thanks Mihapro.
- Fix call killed monster action. SMART_ACTION_CALL_KILLEDMONSTER rewritten to properly give kill credit when target type is set. Thanks Mihapro.

Some of the listed database fixes:

- Global mass database update to column:
- Title text
- Objective Text
- Details Text
- EndText
- OfferRewardText
- RequestItemsText
- CompletedText
- Quest_Poi (the quest objectives on the map)
- Ensured SoundAccept and SoundTurnIn columns for quests are always filled (on all quests)
Many rows/much data from these ^ were missing but are now added.

- Items from vendor globally corrected.
- Creature texts. Useful for upcoming scripting and saves a lot of time, or even fixes existing creature text scripts. ~~ 7220 new entries inserted(!). Yes. 7220.

- Fixed quest: Rallying Defender
- Fixed [ Trigore The Lasher Not Tamable]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Defend the Gates!]
- Fixed [[Durotar] The Wolf and the Kodo]
- Fixed [[Durotar] Furious Earthguard Teeming Waterguard]
- Fixed [[Duskwoods] Dawning Wood Catacombs]

- Fixed [[Duskwoods] A Curse We Cannot Lift]
- Fixed [ The Westfall Brigade]
- Fixed [ Reins of the Kor'kron Annihilator should Show Only With Correct Rep And Guild Achievements]
- Fixed [ Reins of the Golden King should Show Only With Correct Rep And Guild Achievements]
- Fixed [ Reins of the Dark Phoenix should Only Show With Guild achievement Glory of the Cataclysm Raider]

- Fixed several missing spawns
- Fixed several dungeon fixes. Big thanks to Ravish123
- Fixed issues between V9 - v.10
- Fixed big loot issues.

- Fixed [[Fishing] No Dumping allowed]
- Fixed [[Cooking] Fungus Among Us]
- Fixed [[Fishing] Fish Head]
- Fixed [ Spelunking Gurrok missing]
- Fixed [ Sacrifices] [#248]
- Fixed [ The Land Is in Their Blood]
- Fixed [ Get Me Outta Here!]

- Fixed [[Fishing] Capital cities fishing tables]
- Fixed [ Feena Simplesap]
- Fixed [[Cooking] Crawfish Creole]
- Fixed [[Fishing] Time for Slime]

- Fixed [[Mulgore] Winterhoof Cleansing]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Wildmane Totem]
- Fixed [[Fishing] Capital cities fishing tables]

- Fixed [[Mulgore] Feed of Evil]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] The Restless Earth]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Rite of Vision]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] War Dance]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Rite of Wisdom]

- Fixed [[Ashenvale] To The Ramparts!]
- Fixed item reputation requirements on 10 different items.
- Fixed [ Reputation requirement for buying faction satchels.]
- Corrected a quest issue with Warchief's Blessing in Orgrimmar
- Fixed [[Eversong Woods] [Fishing] loot table bugged]
- Fixed [ Quest Item Potion of shrouding ID 58112]

- Added missing gameobject box spawn
- Added missing questgiver: Bombardier Captain Smooks
- Added missing creature: Gorek
- Wind Rider Gorsch now looks dizy
- Fixed Talrendis Glaive Thrower casting on general players instead of when the player is mounted on the wind only

- Added missing equipment/Staff to Mariel Dawnsong
- Added missing equipment/weapon to Captain Grunwald
- Fixed [[Azshara] Lightning Strike Assassination]
- Fixed [ Bombardier Captain Smooks Gorek Goblin Detonator]
- Fixed [ Warsong Assault Wind Rider Azshara Bombardier]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Commando Drop]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Blacken the Skies]

- Fixed [[Azshara] Rigged to Blow]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Solid Chest]
- Fixed [[Azshara] The Conquest of Azshara]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Extermination]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Airborne Again]

- Fixed [[Durotar] An Ancient Enemy]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Mop Up]
- Fixed [ Spitelash Warrior]
- Fixed [ Scalebeard]

- Fixed [[Azshara] There Are Many Like It]
- Fixed [ Balboa]
- Fixed [ Pygmy Surf Crawler]
- Fixed [ Azuregos]

- Fixed [[Azshara] Profitability Scouting Still Beating Heart]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Head of the Snake]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Fade to Black]

- Implemented creature text events to Honor Hold Defender in Hellfire Peninsula.
- Spawned two missing creatures: Honor Hold Defender
- Fixed an issue where two NPCS in The Blood Furnace were not selectable
- Fixed duplication spawn of creature: "Cenarion Observer Shayana"
- Improved Fei Fei event in Hellfire Peninsula

- Corrected Flame warden npc
- Improved Quest: "Fel Spirits"
- Fixed quest: "Gauging the Resonant Frequency"
- Fixed the quest: "Planting the Banner"
- Fixed quest: Aiding the Injured

- Fixed [Loch Modan] In Defense of the King's Lands]
- Fixed [Azshara] Azsharite Experiment Number One]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] A Pilot's Revenge]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Grimaxe's Demise]
- Fixed [[Ironforge] Find Bingles]
- Fixed [ Varo'then's Ghost]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Striking Back]

- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Entombed in Ice]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Dark Iron Scheming]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Extinguish the Fires]

- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Get to the Airfield]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] The Public Servant]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Strike From Above]
- Fixed [ Akma'hat World Boss]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Reinforcements for Loch Modan]
- Fixed [[Priority][Worgen] Save Krennan Aranas quest=14293]

- Fixed https://www.emucoach.com/showthread....laran-Fountain
- Fixed https://www.emucoach.com/showthread....36-Bug-fishing prolly
- Fixed https://www.emucoach.com/showthread....8-Bug-Dual-NPC
- Fixed creature entry 3652 not being tameable
- Fixed quest The Wardens are Wathing

- Fixed quest: "Get me Outa Here"
- Fixed quest: "Black Heart Of Flame"
- Fixed quest: The land is in their blood"
- Fixed quest bug regarding dismount not working on Sacrifices.
- Fixed quest: Backed into a corner
- Fixed quest: Wanted: Deathclaw.
- Fixed https://www.emucoach.com/showthread....rting-Zone-Bug

- Fixed Midsummer event. Big thanks to Titesusy for his contribution on this fix.
- Random DB fixes that are not listed here.
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Trial Member
What's the issue? Feel free to report it. Perhaps it's already fixed on the latest VIP version.

it is the only location in northrend that can't be discovered, therefore locking the universal explorer achievement. i looked it up on the forum, it's been reported, but never mentioned in any changelogs.


it is the only location in northrend that can't be discovered, therefore locking the universal explorer achievement. i looked it up on the forum, it's been reported, but never mentioned in any changelogs.

Oh that one, yes we fixed it. It's working as intended / fixed in the latest version (VIP though)
Is this 10.1 version available for the $16.95 donation price right now? Also, will the $16.95 donation attempt to auto-renew next year?