- 32
- 2015
- 0
- Location
- Georgia,Tbilisi
im just trying to support forum this fixes aren't mine.
10.1 changelog tons of fixes.
Changelog post:
-- Misc & core & db fixes
-- Grim Batol:
- General Umbriss no longer turning around when casting Blitz.
- Azureborne Warlord no longer spawned adds by Conjure Twisted Visage are friendly.
- Correct stance (body position) during the shield phase for Forgemaster Throngus
- Correct movement Valiona Drake
- Erudax no longer lost his target at Enfeebling Blow
-- Blackrock Caverns
- Burning Heat now used by Conflaguration, instead Karsh
- Drain Essence no longer stack while corla not in combat
- Added Ascendant Lord Obsidius Defenders
- Added prev-event for Ascendant Lord Obsidius with Kaz
- Firelands is now playable to a small extent. Still requires a lot of rework. Especially Lord Rhyolith.
- Fix up typo-mistake that was causing removal of many legit conditions
- Fixed a map crash.
- Fix possible crash in Black Temple.
- Fix crash in Gilneas.
- Fixed another crash in Gilneas.
- Fixed a crash in Halls of Reflection.
- Fixed a crash in Alterac Valley.
- Fixed a possible crash with Shapeshift. Thx??.
- Fixed crash on Cho'gall.
- Fixed crash in Anublsath.
- Fixed some aggro issues.
- Don't set positionZ to ground for flying creatures. Thx TC.
- Fixed creature_formations. Now the MemberGuids follow the LeaderGUID properly
- Prevented crossover in formations.
- Solved an issue with wrong facing for creatures when it's casting non channeled or triggering spells.
- Implemented Mob Fanning. Thx Artamedes & Azerothcore.
- Fixed m_idleTimer in creature function.
- Fixed an issue where players would get "Exhaustion" in Twilight Highlands at zone 4922.
- Fixed some charge issues (pathing)
- Fixed an exploit that allows item spells to be casted without using the item due to spell queue. Thx Artamedes.
- Now upon reaching level 20 as Warlock / Paladin (and Worgen) you'll learn Apprentice Riding automatically.
- Fixed battleground XP gaining.
- Prevented a possible Instance Crash
- Fixed Ice Block Glyph
- Fixed auth exploit. Thx ??.
- Improved Unexpected Results slightly.
- Spells with TARGET_SELECT_CATEGORY_NEARBY requires a valid target. Thanks TC.
- Fixed possible never ending combat issues. Thx (??)
- Fixed the case where the last player leaving a LFG group would be stuck i nparty when porting out of the instance. Thx w1sht0l1v3.
- Readd players to queue when proposal fails because someone else declined it. Thx TC.
- Fixed LFG GS requirement not updated until relog.
- Fixed Minimum item level in Wotlk heroic dungeons.
- Implemented EVENT_CHRAGE_PREPATH. Thanks to Quadral.
- Charge move spline now continuously gets updated. Thanks to Quadral.
- Fixed flying master icon
- Fixed flying master discovery
- Fixed profession skill value.
- Fixed a guild issue.
- Continue updating creatures that own auras applided to players. Thx TC.
- Updated Test of Faith spell id's to Cataclysm, thx Ovahlord for pointing out.
- Fix Bloodthirst Herb, it should apply a con-buff after the pro buff has expired. Thx to Artamedes for partial inspiration.
- Made Penance a challenging spell
- Fixed range of Demonic Card.
- Prevented Skull Bash to prevent scenarios where the charge did not happen.
- Implemented Experience system on Archeology. Thx ??.
- Implement SetDurationIndex, SetRangeIndex, SetCastTimeIndex.
- Fix quest: Summing Ritual for quest: Black Heart of Flame. No longer says: "You are in the wrong zone"
- Only Teleport players who are not GM away from Molten Front if doesnt suit the criterias. Prevents GM's from having to complete the criterias to be in Molten Front
- Fix Flame Protection Rune Burst damage in Molten Front
- Updated Shatter talent to Cataclysm. Thanks Ovahlord.
- Implement opcode handling for SMSG_PET_TAME_FAILURE, thx Ovahlord
- Allow combat with same faction with specific flag extra. Useful for "fake combat events". Thanks Artamedes!
- Prevent Dragon Breath from being cancelled by Flame Orb.
- Decrease a risk at BuyItemFromVendorSlot
- Do not proc auras on SPEL_AURA_OBS_MOD_HEALTH healing ticks. Thx ??
- Fixed player spells with only spellpower scaling doing no damage. Thx Shauren.
- Allow the table waypoint_data to use Takeoff and Land waypoints. Thx TC.
- Improved dead-lock error handling. Thx TC.
- Order group members before creating LFG group (leader > tank > healer > dps). Thx TC.
- Shadow Word Death Glyph reset cooldown fix.
- Fixed a crash with vehicles. Thanks Artamedes.
- Implemented an ew system (player_text). Thanks Artamedes.
- Avoid SendTimeSync spamming in Worldserver. Thx ??
- Set Guardian's mana and health to full when initialized their stats. Thx, Ovahlord.
- Update player position after being added to map. Thx TC.
- Update holiday code and remove misleading log (event date is the one from game_event)
add siign to DBC struct member CalendarFilterType as it was being used as such
kill localtime usage as it's deprecated. Thx TC.
- Fixed a posisble pet crash.
- Ensure owner is NULL on some companions.
- Define Opcode for CMSG_CANCEL_GROWTH_AURA , also fixes Worldserver error
- Define Opcode: CMSG_COMPLETED_ARTIFACTS - Also fixes a Worldserver error
- Implemented TARGET_UNK_120 as always used on caster.
- Avoid War Stomp (For quest: War Dance) to target the caster
- Add Frenzy spell-script. All credits goes to (Wilde)
- Added OnRemove for Focus_Fire. All credits goes to Wilde.
- Rework spell_dru_innervate_AuraScript to fix T13 restoration 2p. Thanks WIlde.
- Remove un-necessary code and handle it by DB. Thanks Wilde.
- Fixed an issue with money if you were to withdraw money from your character it would mess up and grant you a really high value.
- Type 10 GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBER - make spells castable on spellclick. Thx ??.
- Implemented Smooth Pathing possiblity. Big thanks to Jamey!
- Fixed delay on vehicle exit when using SMART_ACTION_FORCE_DESPAWN.
- Fixed pet movement on transports like Zeppelins. Thx G.
- Rares are now granting extra XP.
- Thonk's Spyglass can now only be used in the correct zone with the quest.
- Fixed up Battle for Gilneas text strings. Fixes <error>.
- Fixed up Twin Peaks text strings. Fixes <error>.
- Avoid quest spell for Striking Back to kill own player.
- Improved profession skill learn. Thx G.
- Improved vehicle behavior. Thx G.
- Fix T13 2P Healing set for Divine Hymn and Power Infusion. Thx Wilde!
- Load grid on creature teleport and relocate passengers on vehicle teleport. Thanks Mihapro
- Vehicle passenger actions. Added vehicle add/remove passenger actions. Thanks Mihapro.
- Fix call killed monster action. SMART_ACTION_CALL_KILLEDMONSTER rewritten to properly give kill credit when target type is set. Thanks Mihapro.
Some of the listed database fixes:
- Global mass database update to column:
- Title text
- Objective Text
- Details Text
- EndText
- OfferRewardText
- RequestItemsText
- CompletedText
- Quest_Poi (the quest objectives on the map)
- Ensured SoundAccept and SoundTurnIn columns for quests are always filled (on all quests)
Many rows/much data from these ^ were missing but are now added.
- Items from vendor globally corrected.
- Creature texts. Useful for upcoming scripting and saves a lot of time, or even fixes existing creature text scripts. ~~ 7220 new entries inserted(!). Yes. 7220.
- Fixed quest: Rallying Defender
- Fixed [ Trigore The Lasher Not Tamable]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Defend the Gates!]
- Fixed [[Durotar] The Wolf and the Kodo]
- Fixed [[Durotar] Furious Earthguard Teeming Waterguard]
- Fixed [[Duskwoods] Dawning Wood Catacombs]
- Fixed [[Duskwoods] A Curse We Cannot Lift]
- Fixed [ The Westfall Brigade]
- Fixed [ Reins of the Kor'kron Annihilator should Show Only With Correct Rep And Guild Achievements]
- Fixed [ Reins of the Golden King should Show Only With Correct Rep And Guild Achievements]
- Fixed [ Reins of the Dark Phoenix should Only Show With Guild achievement Glory of the Cataclysm Raider]
- Fixed several missing spawns
- Fixed several dungeon fixes. Big thanks to Ravish123
- Fixed issues between V9 - v.10
- Fixed big loot issues.
- Fixed [[Fishing] No Dumping allowed]
- Fixed [[Cooking] Fungus Among Us]
- Fixed [[Fishing] Fish Head]
- Fixed [ Spelunking Gurrok missing]
- Fixed [ Sacrifices] [#248]
- Fixed [ The Land Is in Their Blood]
- Fixed [ Get Me Outta Here!]
- Fixed [[Fishing] Capital cities fishing tables]
- Fixed [ Feena Simplesap]
- Fixed [[Cooking] Crawfish Creole]
- Fixed [[Fishing] Time for Slime]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Winterhoof Cleansing]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Wildmane Totem]
- Fixed [[Fishing] Capital cities fishing tables]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Feed of Evil]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] The Restless Earth]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Rite of Vision]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] War Dance]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Rite of Wisdom]
- Fixed [[Ashenvale] To The Ramparts!]
- Fixed item reputation requirements on 10 different items.
- Fixed [ Reputation requirement for buying faction satchels.]
- Corrected a quest issue with Warchief's Blessing in Orgrimmar
- Fixed [[Eversong Woods] [Fishing] loot table bugged]
- Fixed [ Quest Item Potion of shrouding ID 58112]
- Added missing gameobject box spawn
- Added missing questgiver: Bombardier Captain Smooks
- Added missing creature: Gorek
- Wind Rider Gorsch now looks dizy
- Fixed Talrendis Glaive Thrower casting on general players instead of when the player is mounted on the wind only
- Added missing equipment/Staff to Mariel Dawnsong
- Added missing equipment/weapon to Captain Grunwald
- Fixed [[Azshara] Lightning Strike Assassination]
- Fixed [ Bombardier Captain Smooks Gorek Goblin Detonator]
- Fixed [ Warsong Assault Wind Rider Azshara Bombardier]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Commando Drop]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Blacken the Skies]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Rigged to Blow]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Solid Chest]
- Fixed [[Azshara] The Conquest of Azshara]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Extermination]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Airborne Again]
- Fixed [[Durotar] An Ancient Enemy]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Mop Up]
- Fixed [ Spitelash Warrior]
- Fixed [ Scalebeard]
- Fixed [[Azshara] There Are Many Like It]
- Fixed [ Balboa]
- Fixed [ Pygmy Surf Crawler]
- Fixed [ Azuregos]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Profitability Scouting Still Beating Heart]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Head of the Snake]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Fade to Black]
- Implemented creature text events to Honor Hold Defender in Hellfire Peninsula.
- Spawned two missing creatures: Honor Hold Defender
- Fixed an issue where two NPCS in The Blood Furnace were not selectable
- Fixed duplication spawn of creature: "Cenarion Observer Shayana"
- Improved Fei Fei event in Hellfire Peninsula
- Corrected Flame warden npc
- Improved Quest: "Fel Spirits"
- Fixed quest: "Gauging the Resonant Frequency"
- Fixed the quest: "Planting the Banner"
- Fixed quest: Aiding the Injured
- Fixed [Loch Modan] In Defense of the King's Lands]
- Fixed [Azshara] Azsharite Experiment Number One]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] A Pilot's Revenge]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Grimaxe's Demise]
- Fixed [[Ironforge] Find Bingles]
- Fixed [ Varo'then's Ghost]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Striking Back]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Entombed in Ice]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Dark Iron Scheming]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Extinguish the Fires]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Get to the Airfield]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] The Public Servant]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Strike From Above]
- Fixed [ Akma'hat World Boss]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Reinforcements for Loch Modan]
- Fixed [[Priority][Worgen] Save Krennan Aranas quest=14293]
- Fixed https://www.emucoach.com/showthread....laran-Fountain
- Fixed https://www.emucoach.com/showthread....36-Bug-fishing prolly
- Fixed https://www.emucoach.com/showthread....8-Bug-Dual-NPC
- Fixed creature entry 3652 not being tameable
- Fixed quest The Wardens are Wathing
- Fixed quest: "Get me Outa Here"
- Fixed quest: "Black Heart Of Flame"
- Fixed quest: The land is in their blood"
- Fixed quest bug regarding dismount not working on Sacrifices.
- Fixed quest: Backed into a corner
- Fixed quest: Wanted: Deathclaw.
- Fixed https://www.emucoach.com/showthread....rting-Zone-Bug
- Fixed Midsummer event. Big thanks to Titesusy for his contribution on this fix.
- Random DB fixes that are not listed here.
10.1 changelog tons of fixes.
Changelog post:
-- Misc & core & db fixes
-- Grim Batol:
- General Umbriss no longer turning around when casting Blitz.
- Azureborne Warlord no longer spawned adds by Conjure Twisted Visage are friendly.
- Correct stance (body position) during the shield phase for Forgemaster Throngus
- Correct movement Valiona Drake
- Erudax no longer lost his target at Enfeebling Blow
-- Blackrock Caverns
- Burning Heat now used by Conflaguration, instead Karsh
- Drain Essence no longer stack while corla not in combat
- Added Ascendant Lord Obsidius Defenders
- Added prev-event for Ascendant Lord Obsidius with Kaz
- Firelands is now playable to a small extent. Still requires a lot of rework. Especially Lord Rhyolith.
- Fix up typo-mistake that was causing removal of many legit conditions
- Fixed a map crash.
- Fix possible crash in Black Temple.
- Fix crash in Gilneas.
- Fixed another crash in Gilneas.
- Fixed a crash in Halls of Reflection.
- Fixed a crash in Alterac Valley.
- Fixed a possible crash with Shapeshift. Thx??.
- Fixed crash on Cho'gall.
- Fixed crash in Anublsath.
- Fixed some aggro issues.
- Don't set positionZ to ground for flying creatures. Thx TC.
- Fixed creature_formations. Now the MemberGuids follow the LeaderGUID properly
- Prevented crossover in formations.
- Solved an issue with wrong facing for creatures when it's casting non channeled or triggering spells.
- Implemented Mob Fanning. Thx Artamedes & Azerothcore.
- Fixed m_idleTimer in creature function.
- Fixed an issue where players would get "Exhaustion" in Twilight Highlands at zone 4922.
- Fixed some charge issues (pathing)
- Fixed an exploit that allows item spells to be casted without using the item due to spell queue. Thx Artamedes.
- Now upon reaching level 20 as Warlock / Paladin (and Worgen) you'll learn Apprentice Riding automatically.
- Fixed battleground XP gaining.
- Prevented a possible Instance Crash
- Fixed Ice Block Glyph
- Fixed auth exploit. Thx ??.
- Improved Unexpected Results slightly.
- Spells with TARGET_SELECT_CATEGORY_NEARBY requires a valid target. Thanks TC.
- Fixed possible never ending combat issues. Thx (??)
- Fixed the case where the last player leaving a LFG group would be stuck i nparty when porting out of the instance. Thx w1sht0l1v3.
- Readd players to queue when proposal fails because someone else declined it. Thx TC.
- Fixed LFG GS requirement not updated until relog.
- Fixed Minimum item level in Wotlk heroic dungeons.
- Implemented EVENT_CHRAGE_PREPATH. Thanks to Quadral.
- Charge move spline now continuously gets updated. Thanks to Quadral.
- Fixed flying master icon
- Fixed flying master discovery
- Fixed profession skill value.
- Fixed a guild issue.
- Continue updating creatures that own auras applided to players. Thx TC.
- Updated Test of Faith spell id's to Cataclysm, thx Ovahlord for pointing out.
- Fix Bloodthirst Herb, it should apply a con-buff after the pro buff has expired. Thx to Artamedes for partial inspiration.
- Made Penance a challenging spell
- Fixed range of Demonic Card.
- Prevented Skull Bash to prevent scenarios where the charge did not happen.
- Implemented Experience system on Archeology. Thx ??.
- Implement SetDurationIndex, SetRangeIndex, SetCastTimeIndex.
- Fix quest: Summing Ritual for quest: Black Heart of Flame. No longer says: "You are in the wrong zone"
- Only Teleport players who are not GM away from Molten Front if doesnt suit the criterias. Prevents GM's from having to complete the criterias to be in Molten Front
- Fix Flame Protection Rune Burst damage in Molten Front
- Updated Shatter talent to Cataclysm. Thanks Ovahlord.
- Implement opcode handling for SMSG_PET_TAME_FAILURE, thx Ovahlord
- Allow combat with same faction with specific flag extra. Useful for "fake combat events". Thanks Artamedes!
- Prevent Dragon Breath from being cancelled by Flame Orb.
- Decrease a risk at BuyItemFromVendorSlot
- Do not proc auras on SPEL_AURA_OBS_MOD_HEALTH healing ticks. Thx ??
- Fixed player spells with only spellpower scaling doing no damage. Thx Shauren.
- Allow the table waypoint_data to use Takeoff and Land waypoints. Thx TC.
- Improved dead-lock error handling. Thx TC.
- Order group members before creating LFG group (leader > tank > healer > dps). Thx TC.
- Shadow Word Death Glyph reset cooldown fix.
- Fixed a crash with vehicles. Thanks Artamedes.
- Implemented an ew system (player_text). Thanks Artamedes.
- Avoid SendTimeSync spamming in Worldserver. Thx ??
- Set Guardian's mana and health to full when initialized their stats. Thx, Ovahlord.
- Update player position after being added to map. Thx TC.
- Update holiday code and remove misleading log (event date is the one from game_event)
add siign to DBC struct member CalendarFilterType as it was being used as such
kill localtime usage as it's deprecated. Thx TC.
- Fixed a posisble pet crash.
- Ensure owner is NULL on some companions.
- Define Opcode for CMSG_CANCEL_GROWTH_AURA , also fixes Worldserver error
- Define Opcode: CMSG_COMPLETED_ARTIFACTS - Also fixes a Worldserver error
- Implemented TARGET_UNK_120 as always used on caster.
- Avoid War Stomp (For quest: War Dance) to target the caster
- Add Frenzy spell-script. All credits goes to (Wilde)
- Added OnRemove for Focus_Fire. All credits goes to Wilde.
- Rework spell_dru_innervate_AuraScript to fix T13 restoration 2p. Thanks WIlde.
- Remove un-necessary code and handle it by DB. Thanks Wilde.
- Fixed an issue with money if you were to withdraw money from your character it would mess up and grant you a really high value.
- Type 10 GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_GOOBER - make spells castable on spellclick. Thx ??.
- Implemented Smooth Pathing possiblity. Big thanks to Jamey!
- Fixed delay on vehicle exit when using SMART_ACTION_FORCE_DESPAWN.
- Fixed pet movement on transports like Zeppelins. Thx G.
- Rares are now granting extra XP.
- Thonk's Spyglass can now only be used in the correct zone with the quest.
- Fixed up Battle for Gilneas text strings. Fixes <error>.
- Fixed up Twin Peaks text strings. Fixes <error>.
- Avoid quest spell for Striking Back to kill own player.
- Improved profession skill learn. Thx G.
- Improved vehicle behavior. Thx G.
- Fix T13 2P Healing set for Divine Hymn and Power Infusion. Thx Wilde!
- Load grid on creature teleport and relocate passengers on vehicle teleport. Thanks Mihapro
- Vehicle passenger actions. Added vehicle add/remove passenger actions. Thanks Mihapro.
- Fix call killed monster action. SMART_ACTION_CALL_KILLEDMONSTER rewritten to properly give kill credit when target type is set. Thanks Mihapro.
Some of the listed database fixes:
- Global mass database update to column:
- Title text
- Objective Text
- Details Text
- EndText
- OfferRewardText
- RequestItemsText
- CompletedText
- Quest_Poi (the quest objectives on the map)
- Ensured SoundAccept and SoundTurnIn columns for quests are always filled (on all quests)
Many rows/much data from these ^ were missing but are now added.
- Items from vendor globally corrected.
- Creature texts. Useful for upcoming scripting and saves a lot of time, or even fixes existing creature text scripts. ~~ 7220 new entries inserted(!). Yes. 7220.
- Fixed quest: Rallying Defender
- Fixed [ Trigore The Lasher Not Tamable]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Defend the Gates!]
- Fixed [[Durotar] The Wolf and the Kodo]
- Fixed [[Durotar] Furious Earthguard Teeming Waterguard]
- Fixed [[Duskwoods] Dawning Wood Catacombs]
- Fixed [[Duskwoods] A Curse We Cannot Lift]
- Fixed [ The Westfall Brigade]
- Fixed [ Reins of the Kor'kron Annihilator should Show Only With Correct Rep And Guild Achievements]
- Fixed [ Reins of the Golden King should Show Only With Correct Rep And Guild Achievements]
- Fixed [ Reins of the Dark Phoenix should Only Show With Guild achievement Glory of the Cataclysm Raider]
- Fixed several missing spawns
- Fixed several dungeon fixes. Big thanks to Ravish123
- Fixed issues between V9 - v.10
- Fixed big loot issues.
- Fixed [[Fishing] No Dumping allowed]
- Fixed [[Cooking] Fungus Among Us]
- Fixed [[Fishing] Fish Head]
- Fixed [ Spelunking Gurrok missing]
- Fixed [ Sacrifices] [#248]
- Fixed [ The Land Is in Their Blood]
- Fixed [ Get Me Outta Here!]
- Fixed [[Fishing] Capital cities fishing tables]
- Fixed [ Feena Simplesap]
- Fixed [[Cooking] Crawfish Creole]
- Fixed [[Fishing] Time for Slime]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Winterhoof Cleansing]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Wildmane Totem]
- Fixed [[Fishing] Capital cities fishing tables]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Feed of Evil]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] The Restless Earth]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Rite of Vision]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] War Dance]
- Fixed [[Mulgore] Rite of Wisdom]
- Fixed [[Ashenvale] To The Ramparts!]
- Fixed item reputation requirements on 10 different items.
- Fixed [ Reputation requirement for buying faction satchels.]
- Corrected a quest issue with Warchief's Blessing in Orgrimmar
- Fixed [[Eversong Woods] [Fishing] loot table bugged]
- Fixed [ Quest Item Potion of shrouding ID 58112]
- Added missing gameobject box spawn
- Added missing questgiver: Bombardier Captain Smooks
- Added missing creature: Gorek
- Wind Rider Gorsch now looks dizy
- Fixed Talrendis Glaive Thrower casting on general players instead of when the player is mounted on the wind only
- Added missing equipment/Staff to Mariel Dawnsong
- Added missing equipment/weapon to Captain Grunwald
- Fixed [[Azshara] Lightning Strike Assassination]
- Fixed [ Bombardier Captain Smooks Gorek Goblin Detonator]
- Fixed [ Warsong Assault Wind Rider Azshara Bombardier]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Commando Drop]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Blacken the Skies]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Rigged to Blow]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Solid Chest]
- Fixed [[Azshara] The Conquest of Azshara]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Extermination]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Airborne Again]
- Fixed [[Durotar] An Ancient Enemy]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Mop Up]
- Fixed [ Spitelash Warrior]
- Fixed [ Scalebeard]
- Fixed [[Azshara] There Are Many Like It]
- Fixed [ Balboa]
- Fixed [ Pygmy Surf Crawler]
- Fixed [ Azuregos]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Profitability Scouting Still Beating Heart]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Head of the Snake]
- Fixed [[Azshara] Fade to Black]
- Implemented creature text events to Honor Hold Defender in Hellfire Peninsula.
- Spawned two missing creatures: Honor Hold Defender
- Fixed an issue where two NPCS in The Blood Furnace were not selectable
- Fixed duplication spawn of creature: "Cenarion Observer Shayana"
- Improved Fei Fei event in Hellfire Peninsula
- Corrected Flame warden npc
- Improved Quest: "Fel Spirits"
- Fixed quest: "Gauging the Resonant Frequency"
- Fixed the quest: "Planting the Banner"
- Fixed quest: Aiding the Injured
- Fixed [Loch Modan] In Defense of the King's Lands]
- Fixed [Azshara] Azsharite Experiment Number One]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] A Pilot's Revenge]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Grimaxe's Demise]
- Fixed [[Ironforge] Find Bingles]
- Fixed [ Varo'then's Ghost]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Striking Back]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Entombed in Ice]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Dark Iron Scheming]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Extinguish the Fires]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Get to the Airfield]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] The Public Servant]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Strike From Above]
- Fixed [ Akma'hat World Boss]
- Fixed [[Dun Morogh] Reinforcements for Loch Modan]
- Fixed [[Priority][Worgen] Save Krennan Aranas quest=14293]
- Fixed https://www.emucoach.com/showthread....laran-Fountain
- Fixed https://www.emucoach.com/showthread....36-Bug-fishing prolly
- Fixed https://www.emucoach.com/showthread....8-Bug-Dual-NPC
- Fixed creature entry 3652 not being tameable
- Fixed quest The Wardens are Wathing
- Fixed quest: "Get me Outa Here"
- Fixed quest: "Black Heart Of Flame"
- Fixed quest: The land is in their blood"
- Fixed quest bug regarding dismount not working on Sacrifices.
- Fixed quest: Backed into a corner
- Fixed quest: Wanted: Deathclaw.
- Fixed https://www.emucoach.com/showthread....rting-Zone-Bug
- Fixed Midsummer event. Big thanks to Titesusy for his contribution on this fix.
- Random DB fixes that are not listed here.
Last edited: