Hello, sorry my English, as the title says, I would like someone to help me with implementing an item in a npc, but the problem is the requirement or cost to buy that item, an example, the "tier 13 heroic", I tried to add The item to the npc (
http://www.wowhead.com/npc=44245/faldren-tillsdale) that sells it, but I noticed that it was not necessary the heroic token, I would like to know if it is possible to modify the cost or requirement to buy that item is the respective token?
I do not know if I explained.
an example:
You want to increase/decrease the tokens it requires?
If you mean changing it all around, meaning the item in general, then it shouldn't be too hard. I've only used this method with changing the gold cost of an item.
First, make sure you have HeidiSQL, or some other program to view the database of the repack.
If you don't know how to do that, I can't really help right now as I'm a bit low on time. Youtube might be able to help with that.
Basically, you want to go into the database and find the Items table. It will require a bit of navigation if you're not familiar with this, I can't really get pictures or anything to fully describe this.
At least with changing the gold cost, there should be a column titled "cost" or "itemcost" or "itemvalue" etc. Maybe changing that will help, or maybe there's a column for token cost, I'm not sure.
Hope I helped, and sorry for not being able to fully describe this. Also sorry if this is hard to understand due to language barrier.