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Celestial-WoW 5.1 - PvE/PvP


Verified Member

Celestial-WoW is an i90 PvP/PvE server that focuses on making players happy, by doing this, we work hard to insure our content is well working.

- Features -

Instant 90

Maleovent and LFR gear on Start

Stable and lag free host

1v1 System

Instant Professions & Mats

Minimal amount of bugs

Transmogrification Mall

Free Glyphs, Gems, Enchants, and so on!

Working Dungeons and Raids

Stable Core

Active Staff

Daily updates

Competitive or laid-back PvP and PvE experience

Free Character Customize, Race, and faction change

And much more!


With our wide selection of Transmogrification items, players are sure to come up with a nice Transmog! We've got Raid items, Dungeons, Open world drops, and even quest items! You're sure to find exactly what you are looking for in our Transmog mall!


As well as active arenas, we are starting to get into doing Arena Seasons. At the end of each season the top 3 teams will be rewarded! Doing arenas reward you in, Gear, Mounts, fun items, and braging rights! Our arenas are well working, and they happen quite often on Celestial-WoW, come join the fun!


With our amazing Development team, we do over 50 fixes a day! We've gone from a buggy 5.0.5, to an amazingly well working 5.1! Don't believe us? Give the server a try, you'll see just how amazing our content really is!


Our community has social media, stay up to date with the latest!

Facebook: https://(fb link removed to possible scam)celestialwow

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WoWCelestial?lang=en-gb

- Helpful Links -

Homepage: http://celestial-wow.com

Forums: http://celestial-wow.com/forum

Top Arena and Kills: http://celestial-wow.com/pvp_statistics

How to connect: http://celestial-wow.com/page/connect


Trial Member
I was IP and banned ingame here for barely insulting a roleplayer. I'm not saying this server is terrible, because I know it has many good aspects, but the rules as stated in the forums do not explicitly state bannable offenses.

*Be aware of this before you join or say anything on this server, as a warning to others.*