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Cata 4.3.4 Emucoach v7.0 (2) world auth crash if you change max allowed level.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I wasn't going drastic even. from 85 to 95. I even tried adding experience to level records in the DB up to 95. But still the same result. I changed the max level in many other repacks, "yours included", and it was fine. This repack refuses to allow level increase at all in the world.conf file. Even though it states like the rest can go to 255 (not over 100) recommended. I am aware of the client crash relating to druids 100+ when you open your character view panel. "have a working add-on for that if ever needed". I only bumped 10 levels though to allow more challenge. I opened the ability to build up all 3 talent trees for hybrids in all classes. Any idea why the world database is rejecting level increases. Not the end of the world? But VERY frustrating... :confused: I am not figguring it out. lol :confused: :eek: Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for the awesome repacks. :)
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Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
This is a legit bug guys IN 7.0 (2) You cannot increase the allowed level for players at all in world.conf | If you do? The worldserver exe window will shut down after it loads. Repeatable every time. I see there been a few views. Noone know why? I just use GM command to get the 95 I wanted, but if non-GM players play? They cannot advance normally past 85. I just have a few random family & friends who get on the repacks, but 3 of them are kids. Cannot make them GM acccounts. Learned that the hard way with 1 curious nephew who googled just enough to make my server a mess! lol :rolleyes: :D
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