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Can't defeat an enemy?


Verified Member
Hello. Now that I have my server working, I logged in to try out a Padaren character. Made a warrior. Got to the quest where I have to defeat Jaomin Ro, but he won't go down. I thought ok, maybe it's one of those you must experience defeat humility quests, but nah, he ends me and sends me to the graveyard. I tried talking to the trainer guy, he just has a blank window since the quest isn't done so it's not like "so you learned how to give up" or something lol.

I'm this close to using GM commands to kill him, lol, but I'd rather figure out why it is happening so when my kid goes to play she doesn't encounter the same issue. Any thoughts?



Verified Member

For anyone else who happens across this, when my sister joined she played a Pandaren shaman and was able to successfully defeat Jaomin Ro. I told her STOOOOOP as soon as she killed him, before she went to talk to Xi. I grabbed the database values, so if you have this problem log out of the game and open MySQL. Do

USE `mop_characters`;
SELECT * FROM `characters`;

In the resulting view, look for your character and make a note of the "guid" value. Assuming your guid is 5, you would then do:

UPDATE `character_queststatus` SET `status` = 1 WHERE `guid` = 5 AND `quest` = 29409;
UPDATE `character_queststatus_objective` SET `amount` = 1 WHERE `guid` = 5 AND `objectiveId` = 252375;

Once done, log back into WoW and enter the realm and it should show that you have defeated Jaomin Ro and you can go to Xi and complete the quest.

EDIT: Man I'm an idiot. All one has to do is, as a GM, say .quest complete 29409 :)
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