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Can't connect, malformed packet


Trial Member
my client works fine with everything else, but when I launch worldserver.exe and login through the client it gets stuck on connecting, and the world server outputs this (the very last line):

Initializing InfoMgr...
>> Loaded base for 1 characters (0ms)
>> Loaded guild for 0 characters (1ms)
>> Loaded group for 0 characters (0ms)
>> Loaded 0 arena teams (0ms)
>> Loaded MMR for 0 characters (0ms)
>> Loaded RBG stats for 0 characters (0ms)
>> Loaded char count for 1 accounts (0ms)
Done initializing InfoMgr. (1ms)
>> Loaded 0 hotfix info entries. DB table `hotfix_data` is empty.
Loading missing KeyChains...
>> Loaded 4 KeyChain entries in 1 ms
>> Loaded 4886 report quest info entries in 2 ms
Validate all player spells...
World initialized in 0 minutes 11 seconds
worldserver process priority class set to HIGH
Starting Trinity RA on port 3443 on
Starting up anti-freeze thread (10 seconds max stuck time)...
EmuZealotNW ver. 0000-00-00 00:00:00 +0000 (Archived) (Win32, RelWithDebInfo) (worldserver-daemon) ready...
WorldSocket::handle_input_header(): client (account: 2, char [GUID: 0, name: <none>]) sent malformed packet (size: 10750, cmd: -1987149766)


MoP Premium
Verified Member
Malformed packets are generally a packet loss.

But considering you're communicating with yourself you shouldn't..

Only thing I can possibly thing of is an Anti Virus or some sort of Firewall blocking communication. Or simply blocking that program from running.

That or you need to open Realmlist.wtf and change your address to connect to ""