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Cannot create a new character and Invalid SQL if using with Website


Verified Member
First thing is the SQL database is bugged from a clean install of v6 Emucoach 4.3.4 if you are going to use a website to query the database with php.

The account table will not allow new entries without either inserting a value into 'mutereason' or set a DEFAULT value in the .sql file (I don't know how to do this on a running SQL server, I just dumped it, rewrote the auth.sql to include a DEFAULT value for 'mutereason')

Also, I cannot create new characters on this release. I am assuming it is the same problem, no DEFAULT values being set on certain columns. Due to the inability of the development team to recognize this issue, this server is absolutely unplayable because god knows how many more "No Default value" errors this server will go through, which in effect makes the whole script not change anything, which is why I think character creation DOES NOT work on a clean Emucoach v6 4.3.4 server.

Does anybody know a fix for this?


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Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I can't speak for the developers, but I get the impression they are trying to provide a free repack for personal enjoyment, which doesn't need a web page at all really. That is on us to set up, if it is wanted. But they have links, and self help sections here in the forum. Some are over my head, but many are quite helpful. :) All repacks have bugs/glitches, but overall? This repack runs pretty good, as did earlier versions. Please don't take offense? None is meant in any way. To dub it "unplayable" just isn't accurate at all though. We can let as many on as my pc/net will allow without lag. I am still learning, and never had interest in remote access. I actually disable all remote access except for playing on the server. I was on a private Cata server when it was "ping crashed repeatedly, and eventually hacked, and had their DB destroyed". Then another, it was WOLK, and the guy did it as a hobby, for fun. It was perfect, or as perfect as it gets. But he advertised it, and Blizz shut it down. :eek: I just have family/friends on mine generally, and create the accounts within the console [worldserver cmd] window for them using the name/pass they want. Most people who have a server that expanded generally compile their own servers. Not use repacks basically made to help "less technically advanced" people like me enjoy what Blizzard took. To be honest? I think most servers get hosed by Blizzard due to web sites to register/create accounts/take donations/advertise it is open/etc anyways eventually. The better it works, the more people it draws? The quicker they want to kill it. I run mine with a password protected connection, and no advertisement, or links in any way to it. It might just be my paranoid opinion. But I don't want excess attention=Blizz, the possible ability to access my DB by hackers, a donation server, strangers creating accounts, or joining on their own, or to modify my DB from anywhere but my machine anyways. Not much point in remote registration, or DB access, unless running a pro server where the DB has shared programmers, is going public, etc. I don't want 100's, or 1000's of strangers on it, and definately don't want some of the gankers I met on many private servers on mine. lol I can control who gets on. (no morons, or Blizz spies) It's for fun to us, I can often fix little things on my own pretty easily even with my limited knowledge, and we love the repacks here. Most people want to charge you for servers that are not even half this good, and offer no support at all. (some deliberatly break things then convienently provide a means to get what is needed with a donation=fee). :rolleyes: Good luck though with the registation/remote database access web site though. The repack is fun if you get on it, and try it out. And it is free. VIP is voluntary, and not needed to get a decent repack. It took me 2 years almost to join it. lol :)
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Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA