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Bugged flight paths 7.0 2


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Barryton Michigan USA
Flight Paths Kill and Bugged flight paths 7.0 2

Some flight paths are giving damage upon landing, While other ones will kill you every time. This is not a slight intermittent problem, Last night in two hours of play i was killed this way six times. I have no idea what is causing this, But it sure seems like a code problem to me since the server is using the games flight paths for this data. Also we are not being dropped from high altitudes either, We are on the ground when it happens.

This same problem can be experienced when flying over stranglethorn in a baloon, But less often.

Some flight paths give the message "you don't know any flight paths connected to this one" Even if you have every surrounding flight path, And have all flight paths enabled in the world.conf file. So they are unusable.

I will add them as i find them.
Zoram'gar outpost ashenvale
Splintertree post ashenvale
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