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Bug with npcbot (maybe)


Silver Supporter
Senior User
I posted this in under the release for version 8.1 post, which on second thought was not the brightest idea I ever had.

Thought it would be better to post it here.

Finally had a chance to test out the npcbot functionality in release 8.1.
All the files are fresh downloads with no modifications at all. Includes all the maps, dbc, vmaps, mmaps. Running on the same PC as the client.
I wanted to keep the setup as pure and out of the box as possible for the initial testing.

Things seem to be working well except for the bots mana regen. Made sure the party was not in combat.
Test with one one bot at a time. First a priest and a mage. Priest bot heals and shields until out of mana. Mage nukes away until out of mana
If I log out and back in the bot comes in with full mana but does not regen it once gone. I sit (the bot sits) I go into an Inn still no mana regen.

Am I missing something?

Not sure if it is a bug or not.

Thanks for any guidance.


Silver Supporter
Senior User
Some additional info. The npcbots while not regenerating mana they do drink potions for the lack of a better explanation. Their mana will just up a bit and they appear to be drinking.
It is random and hard to tell when they are going to get mana back which makes it a little challenging to know how long you need to wait between harder fights.

A few other observations during my testing.
I can not trade with the bots.
Mages will conjure food/water will not give it to the master character.

Still not sure if any of this is by designed or if it is a problem.


Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
I noticed this too, Right now the struggle has been to get them functional. Especially with spells. Then the fine tuning begins. Mostly I just ignore them, And play the game. But if i was in an instance I would probably worry about mana.


Silver Supporter
Senior User
So not a bug just a work in progress. Of course as a programmer that is my default line at work XD
Another good one is "That's not a bug but an undocumented feature." Not sure where I first heard that one.

It is a good start. Tested a group with a priest, mage, warrior and hunter. Main was a pally. The group did good. Cut through mobs our level like they weren't even there.
Wish the priest could be told to limit their activity to healing/buffing and not blow through mana by tossing out every damage spell in their spellbook.

Had a couple truly hilarious fights where the hunter (Dwarf) crit and drew aggro. So he is kiting around the main with the mob chasing him. Then he aggros a couple others since the distance is still set as the default of 30.
So picture this little dwarf with three mobs on him running in a big circle with the warrior chasing them. The mage and priest spinning in a circle trying to nuke and heal.

Meanwhile I am laughing so hard I can hardly target with the pally.
Wish I would have gotten video of that.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for this new addition to the repack.


Thanks for the feedback!

I'll be checking out the mana regen as fast as possible.

Trade will unfortunately not be possible atm, it would have to be entirely reworked because Trading with an Unit is not possible atm.

The future will surely bring new additions to this.