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Bug The Dead Rise!


Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
Howling Fjord at the great lift. From Orfus of Kamagua
The quest The dead rise! should be available to horde and alliance with no prerequisite quests. But it does not show up to horde.
Changing the quest giver faction to friendly had no effect. Changing the id of the quest has no effect. The quest will not show up to horde players. But works just fine for alliance.
I can't find any problem with the quest or quest giver, And there is nothing in the conditions to disallow this quest.
Maybe if we can't find a solution, We could add the quest to one of the npc's in the horde base just north of the great lift. Until it can be fixed.

Edit **
I must have been very tired when i wrote this. A workaround has been submitted. https://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?3951-11504-The-Dead-Rise!-Renumbered&p=38087#post38087
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