I Need to Cask a Favor
A Round for the Guards
A Fowl Shortage
Keepin' the Haggis Flowin'
Can't Get Enough Spice Bread
Remembering the Ancestors
Back to Basics
Ribs for the Sentinels
The Secret to Perfect Kimchi
Spice Bread Aplenty
All this quests should have cooking reward but some of them gives honor.... cooking rewardid 402 so easiest way to fix them just collect all id of quest and run Update quest_template set rewardcurrencyid1 = 402 where entry = 'questids'
Also raid entrance to fireland didn't work correctly when you trying to enter in ghost form
First Aid didn't learn from the wool bandages
Lfg or dungeon finder on 85 didn't give a reward on completion of dungeon leaving group after last boss kill cause debaff
Dancing-rune-weapon Didn't give a parry chance
Blood Parasite didn't explode and heal just get 8-9 stacks and dissapear
I Need to Cask a Favor
A Round for the Guards
A Fowl Shortage
Keepin' the Haggis Flowin'
Can't Get Enough Spice Bread
Remembering the Ancestors
Back to Basics
Ribs for the Sentinels
The Secret to Perfect Kimchi
Spice Bread Aplenty
All this quests should have cooking reward but some of them gives honor.... cooking rewardid 402 so easiest way to fix them just collect all id of quest and run Update quest_template set rewardcurrencyid1 = 402 where entry = 'questids'
Also raid entrance to fireland didn't work correctly when you trying to enter in ghost form
First Aid didn't learn from the wool bandages
Lfg or dungeon finder on 85 didn't give a reward on completion of dungeon leaving group after last boss kill cause debaff
Dancing-rune-weapon Didn't give a parry chance
Blood Parasite didn't explode and heal just get 8-9 stacks and dissapear