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Bug report


Verified Member
I Need to Cask a Favor
A Round for the Guards
A Fowl Shortage
Keepin' the Haggis Flowin'
Can't Get Enough Spice Bread
Remembering the Ancestors
Back to Basics
Ribs for the Sentinels
The Secret to Perfect Kimchi
Spice Bread Aplenty

All this quests should have cooking reward but some of them gives honor.... cooking rewardid 402 so easiest way to fix them just collect all id of quest and run Update quest_template set rewardcurrencyid1 = 402 where entry = 'questids'

Also raid entrance to fireland didn't work correctly when you trying to enter in ghost form

First Aid didn't learn from the wool bandages

Lfg or dungeon finder on 85 didn't give a reward on completion of dungeon leaving group after last boss kill cause debaff

Dancing-rune-weapon Didn't give a parry chance

Blood Parasite didn't explode and heal just get 8-9 stacks and dissapear


Verified Member
If mmaps are implemented and pathfinding switched on quest Sacrifices didn'twork correctly because horse can't go through wall
If mmaps are implemented and pathfinding switched on Bethtilac stays on web until someone will track her to holes
Spell 80129 (can't find proper link on wowhead) protection warrior talent that make Victory rush this spell usabale on 20% enemy hp - should heal 5% of warrior hp but heals 30%

Every npc that hase attack speed reduction spell can become the reason of bug : steps to reproduce
1) take 2 handed weapon
2)teleport tol barad
3) get fight with spirit orcs they have thunder clap spell
4) wait until you get tunder clap debuff equip unequip your weapon
5) look at character info you will get several millions damage but this is not true make sure you strike like that if no repeat step 4 until you damage will burst to several millions Unequiping all gear except weapon can help , spen about 20 min to find proper time and you will get unlimited damage
the same bug you can catch at every mob that slows you attack speed
-- Fixed in the next version already.

Quest Treat of winterfall killing mobs didn't give quest credit
Quest Goal if you didn't move and shoot you will get a huge chance to fall through textures and ther revive it crossroads(
after quest dont-go-into-the-light you are teleported into wrong phase so relog is needed to get to proper phase or loc
After quest Victory Gm need to make unaura all to get young goblin in proper phase


Verified Member
Quest line from Deepholm to Uldum is messed so here is a fix
First one for Horde:
1)Makes quests only accessible by horde:
UPDATE quest_template SET RequiredRaces = 946 WHERE id = 27953 or id = 27005 or id = 27041 or id = 27059 or id = 28293 or id = 28296;
2)Then restore quest line:
UPDATE quest_template SET NextQuestId = 27005 WHERE Id = 27953;
UPDATE quest_template SET NextQuestId = 27041 WHERE Id = 27005;
UPDATE quest_template SET NextQuestId = 27059 WHERE Id = 27041;
UPDATE quest_template SET NextQuestId = 28293 WHERE Id = 27059;
UPDATE quest_template SET NextQuestId = 27003 WHERE Id = 28296;
UPDATE quest_template SET NextQuestId = 27003 WHERE Id = 28557;
UPDATE quest_template SET PrevQuestId = 28293 WHERE Id = 28557;
3)And last one clean Exclusive group cause it's clean quest line 1 by 1 , step by step
UPDATE quest_template SET ExclusiveGroup = 0 WHERE id = 27953 or id = 27005 or id = 27041 or id = 27059 or id = 28293 or id = 28296;

Now Alliance
1)Makes quests only accessible by alliance:
UPDATE quest_template SET RequiredRaces = 2098253 WHERE id = 27952 or id = 27004 or id = 27040 or id = 27058 or id = 28292 or id = 28295;
2)Then restore quest line:
UPDATE quest_template SET NextQuestId = 27004 WHERE Id = 27952;
UPDATE quest_template SET NextQuestId = 27040 WHERE Id = 27004;
UPDATE quest_template SET NextQuestId = 27058 WHERE Id = 27040;
UPDATE quest_template SET NextQuestId = 28292 WHERE Id = 27058;
UPDATE quest_template SET NextQuestId = 27003 WHERE Id = 28295;
UPDATE quest_template SET NextQuestId = 27003 WHERE Id = 28558;
UPDATE quest_template SET PrevQuestId = 28292 WHERE Id = 28558;
3)And last one clean Exclusive group cause it's clean quest line 1 by 1 , step by step
UPDATE quest_template SET ExclusiveGroup = 0 WHERE id = 27952 or id = 27004 or id = 27040 or id = 27058 or id = 28292 or id = 28295;

Note: 27059,27058,27040 and 27041 is autocomplete
Scripts tested and edited for navicat if you use another soft please make sure you correctly edited this script
P.S.[Horde questline
Alliance questline]

questdidn't work npc didn't react for quest item

quest catapult didn't work


Verified Member
Hi sorry didn't see this) so yeap 2 options as i can see in database most dungeons bosses from 60 - 85 lvl has their loot devided by 10 or more e.g item from blood furnance should drop with chance 15% in our database it's drops with 1.5% , second option it's just no loot, bosses has their loot in database and % is correct but after killing it several times nothing dropped (of course we grouped items and set % like wowhead so we have one item from first group with 100% loot chance and other with lower chance )
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Verified Member
Also Firemages Tier 12 two set bonus is bugged and works from all spells and even molten armor , so striking mage cause him to summon about 15 mirror images firing you for about 6000 damage)
And tier 12 two set bonus -for balance druid is also bugged he summons fire mobs that strikes 30 000 to all in area ( Players ,mobs all)


Verified Member
V4 Bugs
1)Deathknight Dancing rune weapon still didn't give a 20% parry chance like spell tooltip says
2)Deathknight blood parasite now can reach 10 except 7 charges but still didn't explode and heal for % of their Hp
3)DeathKnight Death strike heals for 10% of dk hp except it should heal for 20% damage done to dk in last 5 sec AND IF this Value lower than 10% of max dk hp heal for 10% dk hp
4)Alysrazor didn't summon Voracious HAtchling Also Alysrazor didn't have Molten Power and she stuck at stage burnout and lying on ground until die
5) riolit his legs didn't move wih him 2 npc right leg and left leg stay at one place after hitting one leg several times 4-6 strinkes they dissapear and last phase begins so riolit becomes very easy to kill
6) Bethtilac some times cast meteor burn to ground except web so but appears when you stay there you will fall through location
7)Baleroc - Shards of Torment didn't work without casting shards baleroc is easy to kill
8)Atramed when Airborne server crushes
9)Chimaeron Flinkles Mixture didn't work on MAssacre so first Massacre kills raid
10) Omnotron defence system works correctly but didn't have loot , there are data in database but no loot when you kill
11)Neffarian casts Elecrocute for every raid member it generate for every player so you get damages 10 times in every 10% hp nefferian losse but should just aoe one time < so first 10% hp neffarian losse raid get wiped(
12) Conclave of wind didn't enter the combat no casting no fighting nothing
That's all for now, a bit later will be more about talents and spells for all classes


Anticheat kicks when warrior performs charge or interception or mage perform blink
Fix for charge-dc:
INSERT INTO `spell_linked_spell` (`spell_trigger`, `spell_effect`, `type`, `req_aura`, `comment`) VALUES (34846, 66601, 0, 0, 'Fix Anticheat dc issue on - Charge (Warrior)');

While I couldn't confirm the others, should already be fixed.


Verified Member
Fix for charge-dc:
INSERT INTO `spell_linked_spell` (`spell_trigger`, `spell_effect`, `type`, `req_aura`, `comment`) VALUES (34846, 66601, 0, 0, 'Fix Anticheat dc issue on - Charge (Warrior)');

While I couldn't confirm the others, should already be fixed.
Warriors now get blue aura buff and leave blue glow after charge , but anticheat didn't kick )


Verified Member
most mobs in water didn't enter combat state eg: entry = 45182

Fixed myself all inwater creatures should have inhabbit type water see collab.kpsn.org
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