Because my old report is marged as fixet but in raid nothing fixed, i create new report.
ulduar10man test 8.0 and 8.1 vip version
charr balance druid (alliance).
link to older report
01. NPC Lore Keeper of Norgannon [id 33686] not work. missing here text for aktivating second defend....
02. NPC Salvaged Demolisher [id 33109] not work
03. Object Storm Beacon [id 194414] need bigger hitbox but work
04. NPC Ulduar Gauntled Generator [id 33571] atack me near tower of storm and other towers. this npc is invisible , unkillable,.
05. Object Ulduar teleporter [id 194569] not work
06. NPC Boss Flame Leviathan [id 33113] is killable but on boss missing NPC Flame Leviathan Turret [id 33139] boss need script
07. after i start Combat with boss Flame Leviathan [id 33113], Object Lighting Door [id 194905] in place where boss destroy gate not activate
08. Object XT-002 door [id 194631] still opened if Razorscale and Ignis alive. This door is normal open after you kill boss Razorscale and Boss Ignis the Furnance
09. NPC Boss Razorscale [id 33186] spawn 2x boss is unkillable because point 10
10. Object Ulduar Broken Harpoon [id 194565] not work in player mode. work only in gm mode
11. NPC Boss Ignis the Furnance [id 33118] is killable but boss need script
12. NPC Boss XT-002 Deconstructor is killable. Hardmode part with kill NPC Hearth of Deconstruktor [id 33329] work, hearth is killable, but boss need script boss no use spells
13. Object Ulduar teleporter [id 194569] not work
14. for next parts i only copy old report because i dont see any change.
boss the assembly of iron id32857 is killable
npc's and quests in archivum room miss. obj archivum console id194555 empty,not work
boss kologarn missing i see only right arm
boss auriaya id33515 is killable but no achivement
boss freya id32906 is killable and again without achivements
boss hodir is killable. without loot and achivements. npcs near boss not frozen. boss is passive
boss thorim id32865 is normal unkilable. miss here npc near thorim and obj lever id194264 for open portkulis not work
2x obj runed stone door id194557 and id194558 in coridor to thorim not work open
if i attack npc's in The clash of thunder room obj lighting field id194559 is not activate (lighting wall)
npc clockwork mechanics id34184 in corridors of engeneers is untargetable,unkilable
in tram missing obj console but tram work
boss mimiron id33350 is buged boss progress not work(boss need script)
boss Algalon the Observer 32871 not work correct miss here planet object and npc brann bronzebeard (brann have in ulduar many id's i dont know right)in for interact with door and boss. and here is two obj doors id194910 spawned
again obj ancient gates of keepers id194255 to boss vezax not work (locked)
boss General Vezax id33271 is killable
boss Yogg-Saron id33288 is unavailable
npc sara id33134 is no scripted. miss here boses on pidestals. miss here many npcs.
so no one boss give other achivements only basic and give both 10 and 25 man achiv in tested 10man one boss have correct script(see i write here only killable or buged ) and miss here many npc's and objects,spells
thanks for reading and sorry for my bad english.
tested on version 8.0 and 8.1
ulduar10man test 8.0 and 8.1 vip version
charr balance druid (alliance).
link to older report
01. NPC Lore Keeper of Norgannon [id 33686] not work. missing here text for aktivating second defend....
02. NPC Salvaged Demolisher [id 33109] not work
03. Object Storm Beacon [id 194414] need bigger hitbox but work
04. NPC Ulduar Gauntled Generator [id 33571] atack me near tower of storm and other towers. this npc is invisible , unkillable,.
05. Object Ulduar teleporter [id 194569] not work
06. NPC Boss Flame Leviathan [id 33113] is killable but on boss missing NPC Flame Leviathan Turret [id 33139] boss need script
07. after i start Combat with boss Flame Leviathan [id 33113], Object Lighting Door [id 194905] in place where boss destroy gate not activate
08. Object XT-002 door [id 194631] still opened if Razorscale and Ignis alive. This door is normal open after you kill boss Razorscale and Boss Ignis the Furnance
09. NPC Boss Razorscale [id 33186] spawn 2x boss is unkillable because point 10
10. Object Ulduar Broken Harpoon [id 194565] not work in player mode. work only in gm mode
11. NPC Boss Ignis the Furnance [id 33118] is killable but boss need script
12. NPC Boss XT-002 Deconstructor is killable. Hardmode part with kill NPC Hearth of Deconstruktor [id 33329] work, hearth is killable, but boss need script boss no use spells
13. Object Ulduar teleporter [id 194569] not work
14. for next parts i only copy old report because i dont see any change.
boss the assembly of iron id32857 is killable
npc's and quests in archivum room miss. obj archivum console id194555 empty,not work
boss kologarn missing i see only right arm
boss auriaya id33515 is killable but no achivement
boss freya id32906 is killable and again without achivements
boss hodir is killable. without loot and achivements. npcs near boss not frozen. boss is passive
boss thorim id32865 is normal unkilable. miss here npc near thorim and obj lever id194264 for open portkulis not work
2x obj runed stone door id194557 and id194558 in coridor to thorim not work open
if i attack npc's in The clash of thunder room obj lighting field id194559 is not activate (lighting wall)
npc clockwork mechanics id34184 in corridors of engeneers is untargetable,unkilable
in tram missing obj console but tram work
boss mimiron id33350 is buged boss progress not work(boss need script)
boss Algalon the Observer 32871 not work correct miss here planet object and npc brann bronzebeard (brann have in ulduar many id's i dont know right)in for interact with door and boss. and here is two obj doors id194910 spawned
again obj ancient gates of keepers id194255 to boss vezax not work (locked)
boss General Vezax id33271 is killable
boss Yogg-Saron id33288 is unavailable
npc sara id33134 is no scripted. miss here boses on pidestals. miss here many npcs.
so no one boss give other achivements only basic and give both 10 and 25 man achiv in tested 10man one boss have correct script(see i write here only killable or buged ) and miss here many npc's and objects,spells
thanks for reading and sorry for my bad english.
tested on version 8.0 and 8.1