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bug quest Test AT Sea, Possible core bug 7.0


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Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
[Name, Type] Test at sea, Quest, Howling fjord, Vengeance landing, Horde
[What it does] The bat handler flies you over some ships to bomb some guys, But the npc's never seem to load, so you can't see them or get quest credit.
[What it should do] The ships should be full of guys to throw infection bombs at.

Ok heres the problem, When the player on the flight path is over the ships, He is in phase 4294967295. But the creatures that need to be killed are in phase 1. So I'm assuming something in the script is wrong?
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[Name, Type] Test at sea, Quest, Howling fjord, Vengeance landing, Horde
[What it does] The bat handler flies you over some ships to bomb some guys, But the npc's never seem to load, so you can't see them or get quest credit.
[What it should do] The ships should be full of guys to throw infection bombs at.

Ok heres the problem, When the player on the flight path is over the ships, He is in phase 4294967295. But the creatures that need to be killed are in phase 1. So I'm assuming something in the script is wrong?

I tested the quest on 7.0 (2), creatures were spawned, I was in phase 1. (Make sure you weren't having GM on at previous quest complete. Either way the quest was buggy as it didn't credit you when the spell was hit. That's now working, so quest works as intended now.


Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
Well, I never test with a gm. The only reason i brought in a gm for this one, was because i wanted to see what phase i was in during the quest. Other than that, I actually play the game in the correct order, Without using any gm's . if possible.
Gm's can see things that players can't see, And i run into invisible creatures sometimes that i would never notice if i was on a gm.

Anyway thanks for fixing this. I do love a good bombing quest.