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Bug Lordanel taxi


Veteran Member
[Location, Faction, Race] Lor'danel : Darkshore , Night elf

[Name, Type] Lordanel hippogriff

[Problem Description] For a night elf, the travel between rutheran and lordanel is possible. But if a human or a Draenei for example is going to rutheran, the character has to swim to go to Darkshore and Kalimdor continent.

[How it should work] Lor'danel hippogriff should be always discovered to let others races from Alliance doing travel between ru'theran and lordanel.
Or an alternative soluce would be a boat between Lordanel and rutheran villages.
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Can you please send a video of how it should work / the location of it? I am not so familiar with Night elf / that route.

So I just need a way to reproduce the issue and where to find it :) @Titesusy

Eg - Is it the flight master that doesn't let anyone else but the night elf fly, or is it a boat transport?


Veteran Member
Infact, there are 2 ways to "repair" this issue. Choose one of both to repair this "small" issue. (the first should be the easier way)

1) You have to correct the flightmaster (npc entry: 3841) to let him discovered by native( = doesn't need to discover him to unlock him) for every race from the alliance (not only for the nightelves). He's located to Lor'danel (in darkshore, a bit to north to the destroyed Auberdine). Indeed, if you create a night elve, and you tp him directly to darnassus, there is a flightmaster next to darnassus tp who let you go to rutheran and lordanel. But if you go to darnassus (or rutheran) with another character from the alliance, you can't go to lordanel.... only by swim (and maybe die from tiredness).

2) to create a boat transport between rutheran and lordanel. There is already a parked boat in rutheran port (one is exodar access, the middle is stormwind, and the last is already parked here).

Some screenshots (because i can't create videos)

A new elf created, level 1, only used ".tele darna" and talking with the flightmaster in darnassus, you can tp (in a nightelf character) to rutheran, and lordanel. So let's try with another ally character...

Test with a draenei to same thing (new character, in tp darnassus) but the flightmaster doesn't know a way. It's not a problem let's go to rutheran by the purple night elf portal...

Here we are in rutheran , but we can't go to Lordanel (to join the continent safety). To note, even the character didn't go to Exodar, the flightmaster is already discovered (if draenei). But it's not a problem (because there is already a working transport boat between Exodar and rutheran, so everyone have access to draenei isles)

In rutheran, you can see the parked boat could be used for a boat transport if you want to choose the 2nd option...
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