Well, it would be a never ending report. Somehow in the past, Tons of stuff got added to loot tables that shouldn't be there. Such as when i was fixing undercity daily fishing and cooking quests, The lake outside UC had over 200 items in the fishing loot table, And Only 10 percent of that was loot that should actually be there. I found it easier to scrap the entire loot table for that area, And start fresh. The same with all of Tirisfal, And most other areas that i worked on fishing loot. However it is far from finished. I think were going to be fixing loot for a very long time. Unless someone invents a web parser that works with twinstar, I don't know any way to speed it up.
Oh I forgot to add, About objects that are always in use. You can export all fadeleafs, Or any other object into a large sql query. But don't export the guid data. Then run a query to remove all fadeleafs from the world. Then run your exported query that has no guid data to add them back into the world. And it should fix the problem with them always being in use. I've done this quite a few times in different areas already. It seems that a lot of objects got glitched somehow over time, And this fixes them.