[Name, Type] A Fowl Shortage, daily cooking quest
•[What it does] Unable to pick up Dun Morogh Chicken, can only kill them and then they are not available to pick up
•[What it should do] Similar issue to Feeling Crabby? Should be able to just pick them up.
Also, no quests were available in IF for daily cooking one day, next day, all 5. Same for UC, TB and Darn
•[What it does] Unable to pick up Dun Morogh Chicken, can only kill them and then they are not available to pick up
•[What it should do] Similar issue to Feeling Crabby? Should be able to just pick them up.
Also, no quests were available in IF for daily cooking one day, next day, all 5. Same for UC, TB and Darn