- 39
- 2015
- 0

Current release: v3.3.1
Next release: TBA
Power up your World of Warcraft forum with one of the most customizable World of Warcraft phpBB styles. It comes pre-packed with 100+ icons for you to choose from, detailed documentation and videos that will guide you through the installation process. Upload your own logo and background directly from your Admin Control Panel, without having to change any code.
You are in control of everything. Change the color to blue for the administrators, green for the moderators or choose your own style. The forum team is easily distinguishable with the custom image that you can place behind your avatar (you know that blue Blizzard logo behind the Community Manager's posts on the official WoW Forums? Yes, you can have that).
Your server is not international? No problems! Our theme has additional translation options on top of the already existing phpbb translations. We are making sure to make the theme 100% translatable.
The installation is super easy. We've also provided detailed documentation that will help you with the customizations. Don't know how to install the forum itself? No problem, we have video instructions for that! Oh, and all future updates are completely free!
The theme is super developer friendly. Nobody likes messy code, right? We've done our best to //comment every function. The default PHPBB Admin Panel has been completely redesigned to keep the World of Warcraft look and feel. However, you can switch back to the default admin style whenever you want.

Information: The alternative demo is not using the latest version of this theme. We will upload the current version on our website soon. You can contact us directly on Skype for everything we have to offer.

or copy emdlordcraft to be sure you are contacting the original seller.
Alternatively you can contact me on Discord: Envy#2681
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