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Blackwing Descent Trash Mobs


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Currently I'm going through Blackwing Descent and finding issues to report to improve the quality of the repack. I've currently found bugs for most of the bosses and will report them when I finish going through the raid. I'll be doing this for all of them and will try to be as extensive as possible for reports on each raid. Although I'm unable to fix most of the stuff because it requires core edits, I am fixing what can be done through the database to reduce the work done by the developers here.
That being said, this post will include some pathing for trash mobs and correcting some positions.
Maimgor, Ivoroc & Pyrecraw
	-- I believe these npcs are supposed to be sleeping/flying around the place.
	-- Fix for flying (not pathing) - Pyrecraw
	UPDATE `creature_template` SET `InhabitType`='4' WHERE  `entry`=42764;
	INSERT INTO `creature_template_addon` (`entry`, `bytes1`, `bytes2`) VALUES ('42764', '50331648', '1');

	-- Fix for flying (not pathing) - Maimgor
	UPDATE `creature_template` SET `InhabitType`='4' WHERE  `entry`=42768;
	INSERT INTO `creature_template_addon` (`entry`, `bytes1`, `bytes2`) VALUES ('42768', '50331648', '1');

	-- Fix for flying (not pathing) - Ivoroc
	INSERT INTO `creature_template_addon` (`entry`, `bytes1`, `bytes2`) VALUES ('42767', '50331648', '1');

Trash Mobs
        -- Trash mobs don't seem to have waypoints/pathing. This should do the trick.
    	-- Pathing for Drakonid Slayer Entry: 42802 'TDB FORMAT' 
        -- Formation Leader
		SET @NPC := 173080;
		SET @PATH := @NPC * 10;
		UPDATE `creature` SET `spawndist`=0,`MovementType`=2,`position_x`=-58.55208,`position_y`=-146.7934,`position_z`=63.61993 WHERE `guid`=@NPC;
		DELETE FROM `creature_addon` WHERE `guid`=@NPC;
		INSERT INTO `creature_addon` (`guid`,`path_id`,`mount`,`bytes1`,`bytes2`,`emote`,`auras`) VALUES (@NPC,@PATH,0,0,1,0, '');
		DELETE FROM `waypoint_data` WHERE `id`=@PATH;
		INSERT INTO `waypoint_data` (`id`,`point`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`orientation`,`delay`,`move_type`,`action`,`action_chance`,`inverse_formation_angle`,`wpguid`) VALUES
		DELETE FROM `creature_formations` WHERE `leaderGUID` = 173080;
		INSERT INTO `creature_formations` (`leaderGUID`,`memberGUID`,`dist`,`angle`,`groupAI`,`point_1`,`point_2`) VALUES

		-- Pathing for Drakonid Slayer Entry: 42802 'TDB FORMAT'
                -- Formation Leader
		SET @NPC := 173081;
		SET @PATH := @NPC * 10;
		UPDATE `creature` SET `spawndist`=0,`MovementType`=2,`position_x`=-55.96875,`position_y`=-299.4462,`position_z`=63.65685 WHERE `guid`=@NPC;
		DELETE FROM `creature_addon` WHERE `guid`=@NPC;
		INSERT INTO `creature_addon` (`guid`,`path_id`,`mount`,`bytes1`,`bytes2`,`emote`,`auras`) VALUES (@NPC,@PATH,0,0,1,0, '');
		DELETE FROM `waypoint_data` WHERE `id`=@PATH;
		INSERT INTO `waypoint_data` (`id`,`point`,`position_x`,`position_y`,`position_z`,`orientation`,`delay`,`move_type`,`action`,`action_chance`,`inverse_formation_angle`,`wpguid`) VALUES

		DELETE FROM `creature_formations` WHERE `leaderGUID` = 173081;
		INSERT INTO `creature_formations` (`leaderGUID`,`memberGUID`,`dist`,`angle`,`groupAI`,`point_1`,`point_2`) VALUES
I currently have done bug reports for 3 bosses from BWD, and once I finish finding major bugs from the bosses I'll report them here. You can take a look at my progress on my github repository: https://github.com/Crypticaz/Emucoach-v10-Fixes



Great job with the fixes and the bug-reports sounds good!

We have a developer who's ready to fix instance/raid bugs, AS LONG as they're descriptive and easy to understand & reproduce.

So yeah, whenever it's ready - post it and we'll have a look! :)

Jack Sparrow

Gold Supporter
Senior User
Nice job. btw you should make sql updates useable more than once, so DELETE rows like in creature_template_addon, and use UPDATE when row exist