BlackBones WoW 2.4.3 - 2 realms

Blizzlike 2x Realm
Pure Blizzlike!
- Fully working, quests, spells, scripted and bug free raids and instances
- Arena seasons with unique rewards
- Dedicated server wide events, viewable on our monthly event calendar
- Donor & Vote shop scripts, buy & buy in-game!
- Interactive server events and planned events calendar
More information coming soon!
Instant 60 - 25x Realm
- Custom spawn location
- Instant level 60 with 25x rate untill level 70
- Starting vendors
- All spells learned including quest spells.
- Free riding trainer + free ground mount!
- Weapon Master spawned.
- Full content works (Raids, Dungeons, Spells, Quest, Proffesions etc....)

set realmlist wow.blackbones.net
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