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Best WoW Private Server - Top WoW Private Server


Mythical User
Best WoW Private Server

Are you interested in finding your new Best WoW Private Server? In that case, you are of course seeking for the best one to play on, which this article will be helping you with.
We've sorted the best blizzlike servers (in our opinion) - and have done it for each expansion to find the Best WoW Private Server offered by each World of Warcraft version.

Best Vanilla Private Server
Although Blizzard is releasing their "Classic" version of Vanilla, there are still many WoW Private Servers that runs and will continue to run Vanilla. In that case, we will of course be sorting out the best Vanilla Private Server for you to play on.
Find the Best WoW Vanilla Private Server by clicking.

Best TBC Private Server
TBC is a rather popular expansion in the WoW Private Server Scene so of course we will be covering the best here as well, and there are quite a bit to choose between.
See the Best TBC Private Server by clicking.

Best Wotlk Private Server
Wrath of the Lich King is probably one of the most "stable" and played versions in the whole WoW Private Server scene. That means that there are a lot of different Wotlk Pservers to choose between, which is of course good news, but having more options also means that it can be even harder to find the "right" server. Hopefully this article solves that concern for you though.
Discover the Best Wotlk Private Server by clicking.

Best Cataclysm Private Server
There are a couple of different Cata servers to choose between. Not too many, but they should do the trick. Some of them are better than others quality wise, which will be discussed in the Cataclysm article.
Figure out the Best Cataclysm Private Server by clicking.

Best MOP Private Server
The quality between the Mist of Pandaria servers are very different. In this case, we will be recommending you the ones that have a higher quality, which can be seen in the MOP Article.
Learn about the Best MoP Private Server by clicking

Conclusion? Best WoW Private Server?
Hopefully this article has helped you finding your next favorite server server that you can call your best one and recommend. That is at least the purpose of this article, as we wish to make it easier finding the "best" WoW Private Servers on the market. There are topsites for this purpose, but they show a big list of all servers, not the hand-picked and recommended Private Servers, that are the Top favorite servers to play on.