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Best Cataclysm Private Server
Honest speaking, there are quite many different Cataclysm Private Servers to choose between, which can make it difficult to select the right server for you. But are you searching for the best? One that you can call your new favorite Cata server and can continue to play on? This article will be covering the different Cataclysm Servers on the market that you can choose between, and will help you decide. We are Cataclysm experts and have of course reviewed the different Cataclysm Servers. Keep on reading for more info!
What Cataclysm Private Server should I play on?
Of course you should be playing on the Best Cataclysm Server! No doubt about that. In that case, EmuCoach will help you figure out what the Best Cata Server for you is.
Honestly, there aren't too many Cataclysm Private Servers around, and many people have been seeking and asking for more Cataclysm Private Servers to come up, so that there are more Cata Servers to choose between. But the reality, which we at Emucoach can confirm, is that there aren't many OpenSource projects (like TrinityCore emulator) that works on Cataclysm / 4.3.4. It's honestly a dis-banded patch, development wise. This means that for the owners that wish to start a Cataclysm Private Server, there are tons of work required and a lot of development-work required especially, just to make it play-able.
Luckily, there are however a couple of options to choose between, so you don't have to give up, if you wish to experience a Top Cataclysm Server. In that case, keep on reading!
1) Project-Nightfall
Let me start by stating, that this is an upcoming Cataclysm Private Server, but one that looks very promising and fortunately, not like the other new Cataclysm Private Servers that comes up and closes after a short period.
Project-Nightfall states that they're going to be a 1x blizzlike Cataclysm Private Server focusing on delivering absolute quality. This means that they care about even the small details, and care for scripted quests, world events and scripted dungeons, classes and more.
They note that they are Cataclysm lovers themselves and simply want to provide a Cataclysm Server that people can enjoy. That itself sounds very promising, and they've informed that they'll provide weekly videos with show-offs of scripted quests, dungeons and features.
They estimate that they have some time left before they wish to release their Cataclysm Server, which is based on the fact - according to themselves, that they want to deliver a Cataclysm server right of the batch that works well overall.
Project-nightfall strives that they want to be the Best Cataclysm Private Server once released. One that you really can call your favorite Top Cata Server. If that's becoming a reality will be shown upon the release. I have high hopes as it sounds promising.
You can follow their discord by clicking Project-nightfall discord
2) Monster-wow
If you can't wait for option #1, and want to play on something that is already up and running, Monster-wow might be an option for you, IF you are not so concerned about the blizzlike part.
Let me first of all state that Monster-wow is not a complete blizzlike server, and is known to have many bugs and not a fully English speaking community. The population is however quite high (~~ 1000-2300)
- Monster-WoW (Cataclysm) offers the following:
12 XP rated server (high rates)
PvE realm-type
Main language is English, but they are unfortunately known to having a quite toxic community between different languages.
The shop is cash-shop, offering high-level gear, levels and gold. If you don't like cash-shops, you shouldn't play on Monster. If you don't like high rates servers, you shouldn't pick this server either.
Honestly, I wouldn't recommend Monster-wow based on their bug-state itself and they definitely aren't the Best Cataclysm Server, but if you can't wait for something better to come up, and you care about population, Monster-wow might be worth trying.
3) Apollo
Apollo is also a running Cataclysm Private Server, that is quite known at this point. It was previously called "hades-wow" but was lately merged together to the new name "Apollo".
- Apollo-WoW (Cataclysm) offers the following:
1x XP rated server
Fully progressed and has announced that they will progress MoP next. This means that all the content is opened right now, and that you will unfortunately experience that people are already fully geared, so you might feel like you are joining the realm a little too late.
Semi population (~~ estimated to 500-600), but they don't show their who-list officially, so it's based on calculations on addons.
The main language is said to be English, however they also have a local playerbase from czech, which means that you will most likely find a lot of players that don't speak English, unfortunately.
Apollo offers a well-scripted Cata realm however, they have fixed an incredible amount of quests, so good job on that.
Shop offers Vanity Items and character purchasing & transfers.
Some people will claim that Apollo is the Best Cataclysm Private Server offered at the moment because there aren't many other Cata Top Servers to choose between.
Overall, if you care about the community/language, and that you get into a fully progressed realm where people are fully geared, and where the future is unknown regarding their migration to MoP, I wouldn't recommend Apollo.
If you however don't care about the above, and you want to try a blizzlike Cataclysm Private Server that is much better (quality wise) than #2 (Monster-wow) and you can't wait for new Cataclysm Private Servers to come up (eg #1), I would recommend you to try it out.
So what should I do from here? I just want the Best Cataclysm Server
You might be asking yourself such a question. Let me give a short conclusion of the three listed Cata Servers, that are very different in terms of what they stand for.
- If you can wait for a new Cataclysm Private Server, and you care about server quality, community, blizzlike content and blizzlike XP rates, I would recommend #1 - Project-nightfall. It looks really promising, and could potentially be the next Big Cataclysm Server, and the next Top Cataclysm Server.
- If you care about Population, and like (non) blizzlike servers in terms of XP rates, I would recommend #2 - Monster-wow.
- If you don't want to wait for a new Cata Server coming up, eg #1 (Project-nightfall) and you don't care about server language, that the server is fully progressed and the future is unknown, but you care about blizzlike and scripted content, I would recommend #3 - Apollo.
Honestly, I really hope there will be more Cataclysm Private Servers offered to the communities. There are such a low amount of possibilities right now on Cataclysm which means that it can be hard to find your own Favorite Top Cataclysm Private Server, currently.
Hopefully this article has however made you known of the current possibilities offered right now on Cataclysm, and that you can soon call a new Cataclysm Private Server your "best" and favorite Top Cataclysm Server.
Is there in your opinion a Cataclysm Private Server that we've missed on our list or one that you would recommend above the other? Do you think Project-nightfall will be as good as it sounds, and the Best Cataclysm Private Server coming up?
Let us know in the comments below and voice your opinion!
Hmpf. Are you still reading? Are you searching for Private Servers on another World of Warcraft Expansion than Cataclysm? Something else than the Best Cata Server?
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