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(Beginner Tutorial) - How to change the loot of a creature


1. Open up the Creature_loot_template table
2. Make a new row and fill it out

the "entry" has to be a unique number, it doesn't matter what number it just has to be unique in that table, unless you are making more then 1 item to drop

the "item" is the Entry ID of the item that you want the NPC to drop (so you have to make a new row per item you want the npc to drop)

the "chanceorquestchance" is the percentage % for the item to drop (so 100 if you want it to always drop) you dont have to fill it in like : 100% just do : 100

"mincountorref" is the minimal amount of copies of the item the npc will drop on death

"maxcount" is the maximal amount of copies of the item the npc will drop on death

Now go to the creature_template table and go to your NPC that will need to drop the item(s), then go to the column named "lootid" and type in the "entry" of the Creature_loot_template you just made.

- Thanks to Jamey for the small tutorial.