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Bug Reports

Currently on 4.3.4 - V5

Magtheridon's Lair-

-Mobs missing up until the boss. Boss fight working as it should.

Black Temple-

- Drake riders before Supremus cannot be targeted or be killed.
- Teron Gorefiend: Missing "Shadow of Death" phase where he kills players and turns them to wraiths. Other than that the fight is working.
- Gurtogg Bloodboil: Died in 1 hit. Needs more testing on functioning abilities after the 1 hit kill is fixed.

Serpentshrine Cavern:

- The entrance elevator kills you when you jump up and down while descending into the cavern.
- Hydros the Unstable - Not summoning adds or casting "Mark of Corruption".
- Morogrim Tidewalker - "Watery Grave" doesn't get used and "Tidal Wave" stops mid cast.
- Lady Vashj - Can't use Tainted Cores on the pillars to remove the immune spell from Lady Vashj to finish the last of the fight.
- The bridge that connects the center of the instance to Lady Vashj landing is invisible. You can use the bridge, but the image doesn't exist.

The Eye:

- All of the fights work as they should, however there are some death animation glitches on Kael'thas Sunstrider's adds. When you kill his adds and while they fall to the floor to their death, they glide across the floor to their original spawning location. Also, during the phase of killing his adds, the boss is supposed to be ideal on the stage in his original spawn location. Instead he squares up to engage whoever holds the most threat.
- We didn't give the Void Reaver his 10 minute bench mark to see if his Enrage timer went off. We are going to go back in tonight to verify if this is working or not. I will update later when I do.

Update: Void Reaver did do his Enrage at 10 minutes. He's all good!
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To add to Black Temple, I can't kill Lady Malande and that group. I may be doing something wrong, but even with .die, it just does a little damage, and It is the only place I get killed at. Again, i have never ran it, so I may be doing something wrong.


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Blood Elf Starting Zone:

Thirst Unending quest is broken. When you try and use Arcane Torrent on a Mana Wyrm it doesn't give you credit.

Unstable Mana Crystals quest is broken. When trying to retrieve the mana crystals out of the baskets your character (no matter what class you are) instead casts a phantom Shaman lighting shield around them while automatically canceling the loot window. The only way to loot these baskets to complete the quest is by shift clicking the baskets to activate the "loot all" function. Even that sometimes didn't work.


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Eversong Woods:

The flight paths/masters that I came across in Eversong Wood are broken. This has been verified for 2/3 in Eversong Woods. I still have to check the one in Falconwing Square.

The one right outside of Silvermoon City only offers conversation text from the flight master. No flight paths are available to select.

The second one in Fairbreeze Village you see the flight beasts but no flight master.

I've made it to Tranquillien the first town in Ghostlands and when I talked to the flight master I was able to pick a flight to Silvermoon City, but I couldn't get back to Tranquillien once I was done turning in a quest inside Silvermoon City.
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