In the Baradin Bastion raid
The 3 bosses, their spawn time is not 7 days, but 2 minutes, in addition to the adds that are in the raid that should also be 7 days. This causes a problem since it is the easiest raid to complete and the one that gives the best items that are armor pve 397 and pvp 403 of
the problem is that every 2 minutes you can repeat the boss over and over again infinitely.
Importance level 10/10
NPC ID in the images

Baradin Hold
Baradin Hold is the raid instance that opens when your faction controls Tol Barad, similar to the Vault of Archavon. A level 35 contested raid.

Alizabal skewers and stuns her current target for 8 sec. Skewer also inflicts 8 Physical damage every 2 sec. and increases the target's damage taken by 150%.

Importance level 10/10
NPC ID in the images