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Bag slot size


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Does anyone know if it is possible to create a bag that has more than 36 slots? I'd like to create a legendary bag that has 40 (or possibly 44) slots.

Currently, I have duplicated the "woolen bag (item #4240)". I renamed it to "Bag of Holding", set the entryID to 300,000, changed it's displayID (#34779), set quality to 5, reset the item level to 1, reset slot size from 8 to 36. This works.

However, when I set the slot size to 40 and perform ".additem 300,000", the game tells me that the item will get mailed to me. When I open the mail item, while it shows a 40 slot, it tells me that it cannot equip an item with items inside it (or something along those lines). And yes, I am shutting down the worldserver, authserver, mysql, clearing the client cache, and restarting everything with each change. Like I said, 36 slots works with no problems. It only happens if I attempt to go larger.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Does anyone know if it is possible to create a bag that has more than 36 slots? I'd like to create a legendary bag that has 40 (or possibly 44) slots.

Currently, I have duplicated the "woolen bag (item #4240)". I renamed it to "Bag of Holding", set the entryID to 300,000, changed it's displayID (#34779), set quality to 5, reset the item level to 1, reset slot size from 8 to 36. This works.

However, when I set the slot size to 40 and perform ".additem 300,000", the game tells me that the item will get mailed to me. When I open the mail item, while it shows a 40 slot, it tells me that it cannot equip an item with items inside it (or something along those lines). And yes, I am shutting down the worldserver, authserver, mysql, clearing the client cache, and restarting everything with each change. Like I said, 36 slots works with no problems. It only happens if I attempt to go larger.

I believe this is a client issue. Technically the bag exists with 40 slots but the client can't handle it.
I wouldn't know if there's a way to change that in the client itself, but I don't think it's possible.