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Azure-WoW | 49 Twink & Level 60 | PvE & PvP | Custom Content


Veteran Member
We have a new custom PvP 49 twink server called War Games (This is in Beta)
This server has:
- Custom Guild Houses
- Guild Leveling System
- Transmogrification
- Cross Faction Battlegrounds
- Beastmaster
- Custom Weapons
- New Zones
- World PvP
- Professions

You must have the patch to play!

Download here: www.mediafire.com/download/28ebdz538kic2c3/Patch.zip
VirusTotal Scan: www.virustotal.com/en/file/1cfb1db1...631a01718c0d67bea667135d/analysis/1404521108/

Our Main Realm:

The Eastern War is a great war between the forces of a resurgent Stromgarde and the Forsaken. The return of the King of Stormwind has inspired the forces of Stromgarde to unite and reclaim their kingdom, which they have but they are now pushing against the forces of the Forsaken who occupy a great number of settlements from Tirisfal Glades all the way to the Hillsbrad Foothills and the Alterac Mountains.
The forces of the Alliance have flocked to Stromgarde to assist them in their battle to achieve a new dream of a united Arathor Empire. Meanwhile the forces of the Forsaken have called upon their allies in the Horde to repel the new insurgent Stromgarde forces.

Now you must chose your side and fight for control over the lands in the Eastern Kingdoms.



Our world includes the following features:

- A New Custom Story Line
- 1-60 Questing for both Alliance and Horde
- Quest Phasing
- 8 Scripted New Dungeons
- 3 Scenarios (2-3 man dungeons)
- Cross Faction Dungeons
- Redesigned Items
- Redesigned Professions
- 4 up-gradable Tier Sets
- Reputation Zones
- Daily Quests
- Profession Daily Quests
- Legendary Quest Line
- Scripted World Bosses
- 2 Scripted New Raids
- PvE Title Quests
- End Game Quests

- Arenas
- Anti-Cheat (Warden)
- World PvP Zone
- Gurubashi PvP
- PvP Daily Quests
- Up-gradable PvP armor
- PvP Title Quests
- Top Five PvP Kills List
- Top Five Arena List

- Automated Weekend Events
- Play Without a Patch
- Donation and Vote System
- Forums
- Friendly GM's
- Active Staff
- No Donation or Vote Gear
- World Chat
- Learn Spells on Level-Up
- Beastmaster


- Dedicated Server
OS: Ubuntu Server 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)
Processor: Intel Xeon E3 1245v2
Cores/Threads: 4 cores/ 8 threads
Frequency: 3.4 GHz+
Disks: 2 x 2 TB SATA
RAID: Hard
Network connection: 1Gbps
Bandwidth: 200 Mbps

Q: Why is the max level 60?
A: This seemed to be a good stopping point during development as it would of taken much longer to create quests all the way to level 80. Rather I have decided to release content patches that will let you level to 70 and to 80.

Q: Do I need a patch to connect?
A: No.

Q: How long does it take to level?
A: About an hour, for both Alliance and Horde.

Q: How do I contact you?
A: Skype: Neccta@Live.com
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Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
When putting the patch in my Data folder, I launch WoW and get the login files are corrupted.

Good luck will def come back when the patch is fixed.

I didn't bother to log on because I know how servers are without the patches so I will log on if there's a fix to the patch of some sort. :)
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Veteran Member
When putting the patch in my Data folder, I launch WoW and get the login files are corrupted.

Good luck will def come back when the patch is fixed.

I didn't bother to log on because I know how servers are without the patches so I will log on if there's a fix to the patch of some sort. :)

Sorry about that, download the new patch zip file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/28ebdz538kic2c3/Patch.zip
This should fix your problem.


Looks very nice, good job setting up the thread design like this.

Which realm is the most populair one atm?

Also - I'll make sure to visit the server.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Alright I just played the PVP realm and my thoughts on it are: The mall is really unique and great, the gear is all honor which is sort of a problem as the population is low, but overall with the good population the realm could be a great success. I liked the concept of it all, but the realm doesn't make much sense without the correct population. My advice is to dial down on some stuff costing honor because of the low population problem and there's not many ways to get honor.

There is however a PvP quest to capture a base and I liked that very much! If there were more pvp around these areas that's a really good addition to the server. I like how you guys think, it's a good server. Good luck with the population.


Epic Member
Senior User
About the corrupted files it shouldn't be the patch that is the problem, you have to download a WoW.exe that supports the patches, at least that's what my problem when I made patches

However the server looks really nice, good luck :))