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[AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King


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Verified Member


Single Player Project Wrath of the Lich King Expansion (3.3.5a)​

Powered by AzerothCore

⦁ Patch 3.3.5a support.
⦁ Latest AzerothCore and will be updated monthly.
⦁ Latest AzerothCore Database and will be updated monthly.​


Last Update 2024-10-21

Most spells and talents are working. It can be 100% but nothing's perfect

# Estimate percentage of working classes.​

⦁ Death Knights are working 99% as intended.
⦁ Druids are working 99% as intended.
⦁ Hunters are working 99% as intended.
⦁ Mages are working 99% as intended.
⦁ Paladins are working 99% as intended.
⦁ Priests are working 99% as intended.
⦁ Rogues are working 99% as intended.
⦁ Shamans are working 99% as intended.
⦁ Warlocks are working 99% as intended.
⦁ Warriors are working 99% as intended.
⦁ Pets are working 99% as intended.

# Working Battlegrounds.​

⦁ Random Battlegrounds are available.
⦁ Warsong Gulch is available.
⦁ Arathi Basin is available.
⦁ Eye of the Storm is available.
⦁ Alterac Valley is available.
⦁ Strand of the Ancients is available.
⦁ Isle of Conquest is available.
⦁ Wintergrasp is available.

# Working Arenas.​

⦁ Blade's Edge Arena is available.
⦁ Nagrand Arena is available.
⦁ Ruins of Lordaeron is available.
⦁ The Ring of Valor is available.
⦁ Dalaran Sewers is available.

Working and scripted Dungeons and Raids.​

# List of working Vanilla dungeons and raids:​

⦁ Blackfathom Deeps is available.
⦁ Blackrock Depths is available.
⦁ Blackrock Spire is available.
⦁ Blackwing Lair is available.
⦁ Dire Maul is available.
⦁ Gnomeregan is available.
⦁ Maraudon is available.
⦁ Molten Core is available.
⦁ Ragefire Chasm is available.
⦁ Razorfen Downs is available.
⦁ Razorfen Kraul is available.
⦁ Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj is available.
⦁ Scarlet Monastery is available.
⦁ Scholomance is available.
⦁ Shadowfang keep is available.
⦁ Stormwind Stockade is available.
⦁ Stratholme is available.
⦁ Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is available.
⦁ Temple of Atal'Hakkar is available.
⦁ The Deadmines is available.
⦁ Uldaman is available.
⦁ Wailing Caverns is available.
⦁ Zul'Gurub is available.
⦁ Zul'Farrak is available.

# List of working TBC dungeons and raids:​

⦁ Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts is available.
⦁ Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs is available.
⦁ Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls is available.
⦁ Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth is available.
⦁ Black Temple is available.
⦁ Caverns of Time: Hyjal Summit is available.
⦁ Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad Foothills is available.
⦁ Caverns of Time: The Black Morass is available.
⦁ Coilfang Reservoir is available.
⦁ Gruul's Lair is available.
⦁ Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire Ramparts is available.
⦁ Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon's Lair is available.
⦁ Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace is available.
⦁ Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls is available.
⦁ Karazhan is available.
⦁ Magisters' Terrace is available.
⦁ Sunwell Plateau is available.
⦁ Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz is available.
⦁ Tempest Keep: The Botanica is available.
⦁ Tempest Keep: The Eye is available.
⦁ Tempest Keep: The Machanar is available.
⦁ Zul'Aman is available.

# List of working WOTLK dungeons and raids:​

⦁ Naxxramas is available.
⦁ Wyrmrest Temple: The Obsidian Sanctum is available.
⦁ Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Keep is available.
⦁ Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Pinnacle is available.
⦁ Azjol-Nerub: Ahn'Kahet: The Old Kingdom is available.
⦁ Azjol-Nerub: Azjol-Nerub is available.
⦁ Drak'Tharon Keep is available.
⦁ The Nexus: The Nexus is available.
⦁ The Nexus: The Eye of Eternity is available.
⦁ The Nexus: The Oculus is available.
⦁ Caverns of Time: The Culling of Stratholme is available.
⦁ The Violet Hold is available.
⦁ Gundrak is available.
⦁ Vault of Archavon is available.
⦁ Onyxia's Lair is available.
⦁ Ulduar is available.
⦁ Ulduar: Halls of Stone is available.
⦁ Ulduar: Halls of Lightning is available.
⦁ Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Champion is available.
⦁ Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Crusader is available.
⦁ Icecrown Citadel: Halls of Reflection is available.
⦁ Icecrown Citadel: Pit of Saron is available.
⦁ Icecrown Citadel: Forge of Souls is available.
⦁ Icecrown Citadel is available.
⦁ Wyrmrest Temple: Ruby Sanctum is available.

# Misc.​

⦁ Dungeon Finder is available.
⦁ The Death Knight starting area is working.
⦁ The auction house is working.
⦁ Most Vehicles are working.
⦁ Most quests are working.
⦁ Most world events are working.
⦁ Most rare boss spawns are available.
⦁ Most creatures are scripted.
⦁ Most items are working.
⦁ Ore spawns are pooled according to Blizzlike standards.

# Extras:​

⦁ 1v1 Arena is available.
⦁ Custom Anticheat is available.
⦁ Cross Faction Battleground is available.
⦁ Dynamic XP is available.
⦁ AoE Loot is available.
⦁ Learn Spells Automatically is available.
⦁ Double XP Weekend is available.
⦁ Playerbots is available.
⦁ Progression System is available.
⦁ Solo Craft is available.
⦁ Solo LFG is available.

# Extras Information:​

1v1 Arena:
-This module runs over the 5v5. You can configure it to run over 4v4/3v3..etc As you desire.
-If you leave the default value at 3, you can have 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5. Unless you want to replace it with one of the existing ones.
Custom Anticheat:
-Passive Anticheat implemented and updated
-Automatic Moderation options
-False Positives Reduced Greatly
-Reports to GM's online or Automatically takes actions thru jail\kick\ban.
-Actual Detections improved upon drastically
-If you are in .GM on it should not flag you or report you.
-Configuration reloadable via .reload conf gm cmd
-Experimental Countermeasure is implemented.
Cross Faction Battleground:
-Change you faction in bg for balance faction.
Dynamic XP:
-Set xp per level range.
AoE Loot:
-The objective of this module is to allow players to obtain all items from various npc's within a certain distance range.
Learn Spells Automatically:
-Teach new spells on level-up, like in Cataclysm and up.
Double XP Weekend:
-This module is a xp module that will allow the server owner/host to select how much XP players can recieve on the weekend via a config file.
-The module primarily emphasizes the following key features, and we have implemented improvements in these areas:
-Bots in World (Random bot): We have enhanced the behavior of random bots to make them mimic real players more closely, creating a more authentic player server environment.
-Bots in Raid: We've empowered bots to conquer challenging raid content by implementing specific strategies for various bosses, making raid encounters more engaging. Additionally, we have enhanced bots' capabilities in various roles such as DPS, healing, and tanking, ensuring they contribute effectively to the success of raid groups.
-Bots in Battleground: Bots are now capable of actively participating in battlegrounds alongside real players, adding depth and excitement to these PvP scenarios.
-Interation with Bots: We have improved the interaction between real players and bots, enabling players to complete quests and level up with multiple characters while collaborating with the bot companions.
-Player Progression Path: We have designed an improved progression path for players, complemented by bots, to offer an alternative and engaging gameplay experience.
-Stability: Our efforts have focused on enhancing the overall stability of AzerothCore when using the Playerbots module. These improvements aim to prevent server crashes and ensure a smoother experience for all users.
-Configuration: We have introduced a range of configurable options to cater to players with varying requirements, allowing for a more personalized experience.
-It's essential to note that there is still a significant amount of work to be done as we continue to enhance the project. We welcome everyone to contribute in various ways.
Progression System:
-It allows to load scripts and sql files automatically dependent on level brackets. It means that once you defined in config which level brackets should be present, all c++ scripts from these brackets are loaded and replaced with "normal" scripts in AzerothCore.
Solo Craft:
-Adjusts player stats for raids based on the # of players in the group
-Configurable debuff for groups trying to overload the difficulty modifier for an instance
-Adjustable stats modifier in config
-Config: Difficulty settings for each instance and type
-Now includes a Spellpower buff: Adjustable modifier in config
-Saves your modifier settings in database.
-Max level thresholds can be set to not buff players whose level is too far over the dungeon level
Solo LFG:
-Allows for players to use dungeon finder solo or in groups less than and up to 5 players.
High Risk System Module:
-Kill players in the wild by picking up equipment dropped by each other, and the killed players will randomly drop the equipped items on their bodies.
-Eluna Lua Engine © is a lua engine embedded to World of Warcraft emulators.

[S.P.P] Smart AI Bots in game! Start Area! The bots are somehow like real players, they take quests, help kill mobs, loot, talk to other NPCs like quest givers, vendors and so on, they run around and level up on their own and are always helpful, but only when you are not too low level, and there are many more features that you can discover on your own! Bots will immediately teleport to you when invited to your group.​

[S.P.P] Solo Dungeon Finder, scales with player count! You don't have to play with bots if you don't want to, that's the good thing about Phoenix S.P.P. You have the choice to go alone or with a friend. Your stats are scaled depending on how many players you have. You can play a 5 man dungeon alone or with 5 players/bots or you can face Lich King alone, it depends on you!

Login Information:

# Database:

* Core:
⦁ Host: localhost
⦁ Username: acore
⦁ Password: acore
* Root
⦁ Host: localhost
⦁ Username: root
⦁ Password: FlyingPhoenix

# Extras**​

This rapack is using Trion Control Panel for updates and Easy to use. The TrionCP is still in alpha and im working on it!


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Trial Member
Thanks a lot, it seems very very awesome i wanna try it <3 , but how i can get the repack in the Trion Control Panel?


Trial Member
I cannot see the download link for repack in the Trial Control Pannel, could you help me please? Sorry, i never used this programm, ah i saw it , is in Core section xD
Hmm i dont understand very well the programm, it not goes on, maybe i´m doing something wrong
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Trial Member
Quick question about the bots. What I would like to do is level up multiple characters on my own. Say two tanks, 3 healers and 5 dps. Then use those as my bots in dungeons and raids. Is that something you can do with the bot module, use actual characters as bots? Thank you in advance


Veteran Member
Verified Member
Quick question about the bots. What I would like to do is level up multiple characters on my own. Say two tanks, 3 healers and 5 dps. Then use those as my bots in dungeons and raids. Is that something you can do with the bot module, use actual characters as bots? Thank you in advance
the bots are playing for themself, you can invite them and do dungeons or quest together. the best ist to take a look at Bots Wiki, here is all explained good and detailed.


Gold Supporter
sorry i dont see your files
Sorry, was supposed to edit the post, its all downloaded ok now but mysql opens and shuts almost straight away, i can't seem to find any logs to see what the issue could be.

this is all i have to go by


  • err2.jpg
    69.8 KB · Views: 215
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Veteran Member
Verified Member
Sorry, was supposed to edit the post, its all downloaded ok now but mysql opens and shuts almost straight away, i can't seem to find any logs to see what the issue could be.

this is all i have to go by
what windows version do you use? and did you change something? if you want joing the discord server so we can communicate better


Gold Supporter
what windows version do you use? and did you change something? if you want joing the discord server so we can communicate better
im using windows 10 pro, i have tried on 2 different pc's and they have the same issue. i will join discord and ping you a message.