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Awsome morph ids wotlk


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WARNING *** All models are wotlk (wrath of the lich king) models ***

let's start
.morph 24001(meat)

.morph 24009 (Air Mount)

.morph 24015(BIG GIANT WHAT)

.morph 24022 (Tauren Warrior with a neat helm

.morph 24025 (Frozen Mage )

.morph 24028-24036 (Goblins with armor)
.morph 24037 (Warlock with neat shoulders)

.morph 24091 (troll with nice armor

.morph 24102 (Nerubian Queen)
.morph 24103 (little clockwork gnome )

NOTE: WoW TBC models

1# New Gryph Mounts - 22470 - 22474

2# Anami War bear Secret color's - 22462 - 22467

3# Death Knigh Spell - 22742

4# Spectrum cat or spectral - 22004

5# big big DEMON ! - 22711

6# Enginering Helicopter - 22719 - 22720

7# X-mas Dear With nice boots - 22724

8# Some nice cold monster - 22731

9# OMFG !!! BLOODELF WITH NAKED ^^ - 22741

10# Strange Box - 22750

11# X-mas hats - 22800 - 22805

12# Infernal Ball ! - 22814

13# Secret Dragon with Green Frost o_O - 22838

14# Death Knigh spell - 22862

15# Dont remember how its calld but its a nice stuff fro Shops - 22901

16# Robot rocket Chiken - 22903

17# Awesome Shoulders ! - 22905

18# Dark kealthas - 22906

19# Small Dragon Pet - 22966

20# shnizzleing STRANGE GUY ! - 22979

ADD: WoW TLK Models !

24802 - MountedDeathknightGreenGold_01
24800 - MountedDeathknightWhite_01
.morph 23006 appears to be Garrosh.
.morph 24143 looks to be Alexstrasza in an elf form.
.morph 24228 a ghostly Arugal.
.morph 1232 = giant kodo.
21976 = Paladin Arthas
21959 = Manager guy (not from wotlk but equally cool)
22217 = Lich king image(Transparent)
21975 = Orca
21965 = Vrykul
21978 = Undead Nerubian beast
24191 Death Kingh model id !
22217 = Lich king image(Transparent)
24875 - dragonish think
24880 - new armor ?
24906 - hound
24911 - black or chaos? dragon
24931 - spear
24935 - recolor armor
24992 - ghoul
25006 - lock armor
25010 - armor mage ?
25012 - undead giant
25082 - dyriad

Armors: (maybe new sets?)

.morph 244
.morph 24357
.morph 24355
.morph 24358
.morph 24361
.morph 24363
.morph 24366
.morph 24547
.morph 24548
.morph 24591
.morph 24642


.morph 24470 hovering obelisk
.morph 24712
.morph 24807 dragonhead with arrow


.morph 24620 dragon
.morph 24753 serpent
.morph 24751 skeleton
.morph 24862 strange worm
.morph 24905 fiery ghost
.morph 24926 strange flying thing
.morph 24946 boat with dragonhead
.morph 24698 penguin
.morph 24579 strange walking undead
.morph 24417 ghost statue
.morph 24710 rocket mount
.morph 24693 zebra mount with horn
.morph 24447 ghost gryphon
.morph 25006
Northrend Ice Giant:
.morph 24531

Northrend Giant:
.morph 24015
.morph 24102

.morph 24069
.morph 24126
.morph 24155
24770 - shows a new AWESOME helm.
.morph 25016

What on earth is that thing? O.O

.morph 25032 - 25053
Northrend Kel'Thuzad : .Morph 24787
Cute PolarBear : .Morph 23946
Undead Dog corrupted : .Morph 24803
New Kind of Frogdragon
.morph 23351

Dwarf fighter jet
.morph 23365
.morph 23970

Ohh and this armor is neat looking
.morph 24022

.morph 21682 (Tabard)
.morph 21774 (this made me laugh)
.morph 22326
.morph 22327 (new dragonkin?)
.morph 22470 - 22474 (hippogryphs)
.morph 22708 (snowball thing)
.morph 22771 & 2 (blue guys)
.morph 23206
.morph 23334 (wyrm)
.morph 24084
.morph 24324
.morph 24378
.morph 24453
.morph 24472
.morph 24513 (tabard)
.morph 24574 (ugly judgment)
.morph 24593 (demonform?)
.morph 24792
.morph 24930
.morph 24964 (Blizz working with wave mech.?)
.morph 22200 - Irulon Trueblade
.morph 22208 - Tirion Fordring as Cleric of the Hand
.morph 22209 - Tirion Fordring

.morph 24350 - Highlord Bolvar Fordragon

.morph 23033 - High Overlord Saurfang
.morph 23034 - Garrosh Hellscream

.morph 24424 - Possibly Muradin Bronzebeard (Ghostly appearance; Hillsbrad-Lordaeron tabard; Looks like a mountain king to me)

.morph 24413 - High General Abbendis
22235 - Lich King w/o Helm (neato)
22267 - BlizzCon Murloc Suit
22326 - Earthen
22352 - Headless Horseman

21976 - Arthas Small
24641 - Arthas Ghost
24949 - Arthas Regular
22235 - The Lich King without his helmet on
22234 - The Lich King With his Helmet on
24378 - EntSkinSoftBlue
23970 - KrakkenSkinGreen
23941 - FlyingNerubianRed
23942 - NerubianWarrior_Black
23943 - Nerubian_Black
23944 - FlyingNerubianYellow
23880 - CryptLordSkin_Scourge
23881 - CryptLordSkin_Dark
23882 - CryptLordSkin_Red
23884 - Forskaen Catapult
25082 - Frost Nyhm01
25083 - Frost Nyhm02
25084 - Frost Nyhm03
24978 - Penguin!!
24926 - LionSeal01
24927 - LionSeal02
24928 - LionSeal03
24929 - LionSeal04
23946 - PolarBearCub
23977 - Nerubian_Albino
24047 - TundraGiant
23681 - SuperZombieblack
23684 - AirElementalSkinBlue
23693 - MountainGiantCrystal_Skin_WhiteCrystal
23699 - FurbolgSkinBlue
23700 - FurbolgSkinWhite
23704 - DragonSkin1 Azuregoz
23772 - DireFurbolg_Red
23773 - DireFurbolg_Black
23774 - DireFurbolg_White
23835 - ArcaneVoidWraithBlue
23838 - WargenSkinBrown
24101 - Dragon_NorthrendGray
24102 - NerubianPriest_Green
24128 - NerubianPriest_Red
24129 - NerubianPriest_Blue
24130 - NerubianPriest_White
24137 - DragonSkin1Red
24139 - DragonSkin1Black
24140 - DragonSkin1Blue
24141 - DragonSkin1Bronze
24142 - DragonSkin1Green
24217 - KeeperOfTheGroveSkin3
24227 - StoneGolemSkinObsidian
24240 - SiegeTank
24273 - GhoulSkinGrey
24274 - SkeletonSkin
24275 - WightSkinWhite
24301 - NorthrendFleshGiant_Glow
24377 - BatSkinWhite01
24961 - AncientofWarSkinSnow
24954 - Magnataurblack
24942 - EtherialSkin_White
24873 - Magnataurblue
24834 - NecromancerGreen
24804 - NecromancerBlue
24803 - UndeadBeast
24802 - MountedDeathknightGreenGold_01
24800 - MountedDeathknightWhite_01
24789 - Regular CryptLordSkin
24793 - NecromancerPurple
24796 - GiantSpider
24795 - FungalMonster
24794 - MountedDeathknightDarkBlueBlack_01
24792 - FleshGiantSkin1
24787 - NewKel'Thuzad
24743 - BlueDragonFlight_01
24593 - Demon Hunter
24499 - SkeletonSkinGreen
24495 - SkeletonMage
24489 - CentaurWarriorSkinWhite
24484 - NorthrendFleshGiant_Glow
24101 - protodragon_NorthrendGray
24082 - SerpentSkinRuby
24083 - SerpantSkinBlue
24072 - FrostNymph2Winter
24071 - ArcticCondorWhite
24070 - CentaurWarriorSkinBlack
23749 - Velen
23684 - AirElementalSkinBlue
23709 - CarrionBirdSkinWhite
23723 - MountainGiant_Howling1
23730 - BoarSkinCrimson
23744 - StoneGolemSkinGrey
23745 - StoneGolemSkinPlatinum
23747 - NetherDragonPurple
23816 - NerubianSpiderlingSkinBlue
23819 - NerubianSpiderlingSkinBrown
23820 - NerubianSpiderlingSkinRed
23821 - NerubianCaster
23822 - StoneGolemSkinGold
23823 - StoneGolemSkinTurquoise
23829 - MountainGiant_Zangarmarsh
23912 - HarpyIvory
23918 - HarpyBlue
23931 - HarpyPurple
23951 - WapitiSkinArctic
23952 - WapitiSkinGreen
23984 - NerubianWarrior_Albino
25014 - Sappirion / Frost Dragon
25015 - Flame Dragon / Fire Dragon


Actually very nice! It's unique displayids, I haven't seen these on other lists / servers.