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AutoWoW for 4.3.4 - Requires Lua Unlocker - Addon to automate PvP, PvE, & Multiboxing


Verified Member
AutoWoW for 4.3.4 - Requires Lua Unlocker - Addon to automate PvP, PvE, & Multiboxing



AutoWoW is an addon that uses protected functions such as CastSpellByName to automate your DPS, and healing in both PvP and PvE. Also has following and assisting functions to help with multiboxing multiple classes.

Could be used for tanking also, let me know if you have any requests. I've just never tanked before so I never bothered to write the profiles. (Besides a little bit of Protection Warrior)


Will not stun if already stunned
Will not use special attacks if target is under spells like Deterrence, Dispersion, Hand of Protection, etc.
Uses modifier keys to AoE, or use special abilities such as Ring of Frost (listed below)

-Assist focus and follow focus with auto-mounting (CLICK TO MOVE MUST BE ENABLED)
Great for BG's. Used for multiboxing, if both boxes are checked, player will assist and follow their focus. (For healers, only checking follow is needed)

-Easy UI

"/aw on" Toggles AutoWoW on
"/aw off" Toggles AutoWoW off
"/aw pvp" Toggles PvP (if available)
"/aw pve" Toggles PvE (if available)
"/aw show" Reopens UI
Class Support


-Death Knight Unholy (Autocast Death and Decay on mouse position)
-Druid Feral (Will cast Shred when behind target, Mangle if not)
-Hunter Survival
-Paladin Retribution
-*Rogue Assassination*
-Shaman Enhancement
-Shaman Restoration (Intended for PvP but does a good job, Heals lowest party or raid member, Shift to AoE heal, will cast Healing Rain on mouse position)
-Warlock Affliction
-Warrior Arms

-Death Knight Blood
-Death Knight Unholy (Auto casts Death and Decay where mouse is)
-Druid Feral (Shift to Prowl, will cast Shred when behind target, Mangle if not)
-Hunter Beast Mastery
-Mage Frost (Shift to Polymorph in Arenas, Autocast pet spell Freeze where mouse is, Ctrl to Freeze on mouse position and start casting Frostbolt out of combat)
-Paladin Retribution
-*Priest Discipline*
-*Rogue Assassination*
-Shaman Enhancement
-Shaman Restoration (Heals lowest party or raid member, Shift to AoE heal, will cast Healing Rain on mouse position)
-Warlock Affliction (Shift to Fear)
-Warlock Destruction (Shift to Fear)
-Warrior Arms (Alt to AoE)
-Warrior Protection (Shift to Charge out of combat or Intervene whenever, will auto Charge in combat)
*=Needs work

Assist and Follow
-All melee should work (sometimes they go a bit crazy when the target is moving too much, running back and forth past the target)
-Shaman Restoration (wont interrupt heals with a cast time when following)
-Hunter Beast Mastery

I know at one point I wrote Protection Warrior for tanking, Fire Mage PvE, Elemental Shaman PvE, Balance Druid PvE, Survival Hunter PvP, and Fury Warrior PvP but I couldn't find them. Could definitely write them again or any spec for that matter if you need! Most of these are very simple to convert to from PvE to PvP or vice versa. Let me know if you need help and can't do it, it's honestly pretty easy stuff.

It's a work in progress but let me know what you guys think or if you get any errors! Thanks

-Fixed endless frame creation error
-Removed 2 non-working profiles
- Credits to pvpviddys


Verified Member
hm is this a client-sided addon that players can use?

Been fiddling with it on 3.3.5. Just need to fix the rotations all things seems to work. And yes its client-side addon that requires u to use Lua unlocker.


Verified Member
AutoWoW for 4.3.4 - Requires Lua Unlocker - Addon to automate PvP, PvE, & Multiboxing



AutoWoW is an addon that uses protected functions such as CastSpellByName to automate your DPS, and healing in both PvP and PvE. Also has following and assisting functions to help with multiboxing multiple classes.

Could be used for tanking also, let me know if you have any requests. I've just never tanked before so I never bothered to write the profiles. (Besides a little bit of Protection Warrior)


Will not stun if already stunned
Will not use special attacks if target is under spells like Deterrence, Dispersion, Hand of Protection, etc.
Uses modifier keys to AoE, or use special abilities such as Ring of Frost (listed below)

-Assist focus and follow focus with auto-mounting (CLICK TO MOVE MUST BE ENABLED)
Great for BG's. Used for multiboxing, if both boxes are checked, player will assist and follow their focus. (For healers, only checking follow is needed)

-Easy UI

"/aw on" Toggles AutoWoW on
"/aw off" Toggles AutoWoW off
"/aw pvp" Toggles PvP (if available)
"/aw pve" Toggles PvE (if available)
"/aw show" Reopens UI
Class Support


-Death Knight Unholy (Autocast Death and Decay on mouse position)
-Druid Feral (Will cast Shred when behind target, Mangle if not)
-Hunter Survival
-Paladin Retribution
-*Rogue Assassination*
-Shaman Enhancement
-Shaman Restoration (Intended for PvP but does a good job, Heals lowest party or raid member, Shift to AoE heal, will cast Healing Rain on mouse position)
-Warlock Affliction
-Warrior Arms

-Death Knight Blood
-Death Knight Unholy (Auto lança Death and Decay onde o mouse está)
-Druid Feral (Shift to Prowl, lançará Shred quando estiver atrás do alvo, Mangle se não)
-Mestria da Besta do Caçador
-Mage Frost (Mudar para Polimorfo em Arenas, feitiço de estimação Autocast Freeze onde o mouse está, Ctrl para congelar na posição do mouse e começar a lançar Frostbolt fora do combate)
-Paladin Retribution
- * Disciplina Sacerdote *
- * Rogue Assassination *
- Aprimoramento de Shaman
-Shaman Restoration (Cura o membro do grupo ou raid mais baixo, Shift to AoE heal, vai lançar Healing Rain na posição do mouse)
- Aflição de Guerra (Mudança para Medo)
- Destruição de Guerra (Mudança para Medo)
-Warrior Arms (Alt para AoE)
-Proteção do guerreiro (Mudar para carregar fora de combate ou intervir quando quiser, carregará automaticamente em combate)
* = Precisa de trabalho

Assistir e seguir
-Todo corpo a corpo deve funcionar (às vezes eles ficam um pouco loucos quando o alvo está se movendo muito, correndo para frente e para trás passando o alvo)
- Restauração de Shaman (não interrompe a cura com um tempo de conjuração ao seguir)
-Mestria da Besta do Caçador

Eu sei que em um ponto eu escrevi Protection Warrior para tank, Fire Mage PvE, Elemental Shaman PvE, Balance Druid PvE, Survival Hunter PvP e Fury Warrior PvP, mas não consegui encontrá-los. Definitivamente poderia escrevê-los novamente ou qualquer especificação para esse assunto, se você precisar! A maioria deles é muito simples de converter de PvE para PvP ou vice-versa. Deixe-me saber se você precisar de ajuda e não puder fazê-lo, honestamente, é uma coisa muito fácil.

É um trabalho em andamento, mas deixe-me saber o que vocês acharam ou se houver algum erro! Obrigado

- Corrigido erro de criação de quadro infinito
-Removido 2 perfis que não funcionam
- Créditos para pvpviddys
Vou dar uma olhado nisso com mais tempo. obrigado