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Auto updater using a FTP (online) service - for any game you want


Verified Member
Hello guy, I'm new here and I'm not an english native speaker... so take it easy.
The idea is pretty simple and we will use a software ready to use, so lets get started.

1° - Create a host domain. I like the free ones, of course.

2° - Create 2 files inside your FTP domain (URL) called: 'update' & 'news'.
This 'news' should contain the index.html file with the appearance of your updater (a background and news from the update/server whatever)
DONE: Your FTP is almost ready to contact your updater

3° - Now its the configuration of the updater. We need to stablish the following steps to conect with your FTP server.
So we need to create a file with this directions using the Encrypted.exe (It will generates a file called LaBaK.ini - with instructions for the Launcher)

4° - Now we just copy that file where is the Launcher ("..\Launcher Auto Updater\Launcher")

5° - You just need to insert those files (from ..\Launcher) into the game (main file) you want to update.

In this below video (its in portuguese, my native language - sorry - but it is very detailed) I'm showing all those steps and what you have to do to make an update.

***Someting here is very very very VERY IMPORTANT! Never put the original files to generate an update!! Those files will became useless for you! Just the Launcher can use them!!***
***Once those updates (.rar) files are inserted in your FTP server you can just delete them all.***

Launcher autoupdater com servidor FTP dedicado (para qualquer jogo) - YouTube

Thank you!
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