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Auth and world crashing.


Verified Member
Hello! I am having a bit of problem with an AzerothCore server. The AC server is working perfectly, except when I try to login a second time the auth server just dies. I'm not getting anything in the auth log, but I got something about "Asynchronous connections on DatabasePool" before, now it's not showing anything.

So to sum up. Logging in works one time, when I try to login again with the same account or another I get stuck at "Authenticating" and then the auth dies. If I restart the auth server, login and choose realm, the world server dies. It works to login one time if both auth and world is restarted, then after the next login the error appears.

This is the latest crash log - https://pastebin.com/BkmSpEjg

I got the same problem on TrinityCore so it shouldn't be any wrong with the server per say. I can't think of what the problem could be.

Another problem - I can't chat in /say but everything else works like /p or /g and so on. /say just doesn't show anything in chat window nor any chat bubble.