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Attoric Gladiators 4.3.4 Blizzlike Server


Verified Member
Attoric Gladiators 3.3.5a Blizzlike Server

Hello and Welcome to the world of Attoric Gladiators!
We are a small gaming community that has come together the play the games we have all come to know and love. We currently feature a Highrate, blizzlike 3.3.5a Server.

Our mission is to be the best server of our kind, My team and I have the motivation to make this server last a long and prosperous future. We hope you decide to join this greatness with us as a player and friend :)

Our rates:
10x Experience, Quest, Exploring

2x Honor

2x Professions (Herbing, Engineering, Tailoring, Mining, etc.)

Max level is 80

We also have introduced Double XP Weekends! Friday 5pm to Monday 5pm (Server Time)

We hope you enjoy and have a great time @ Attoric Gladiators.

Links are below:
Gladiators 3.3.5a Registration
Realmlist: connect.attoric.net
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