Aternion 20 | Mists of Pandaria | Twink Server (Blizzlike)
What is Aternion 20?
Aternion or Aternion 20 is a World of Warcraft private server with version 5.4.x. Our goal is to create the first
Mists of Pandaria Twink server with a level 20 scaled world. It will offer content for PvP (BGs, Arena,
Open World PvP, Gurubashi etc.) players as well as for PvE (Raids, Dungeons, World Bosses) players.
When will Aternion 20 launch?
There is no ETA at the moment. We plan a release in late 2019 (not sure yet!)
Will Aternion 20 contain custom Content? (Weapons, Mounts etc.)
No. Aternion 20 is a Blizzlike Twink Server with a Playermall but overall Blizzlike.
Discord Link (to follow progression):