Welcome to AsterionWoW,
we are a fresh started Serverproject. We worked in past time with 2 members at our 1.12.1
core and now we are ready to publish. We want to go live! The PTR "Asterion 1.12.1 [PvP]" goes online on:
22.03.17 - 20:00 GMT+1 (Open Beta)
15.04.17 - 19:00 GMT+1 (Full Release)
So be prepared for our BETA Serverstart. At start we offer 250 Player Slots which we know never
gonna be filled but we hope some of you will join us!
What we offer
* Start at level 55
* All classes scripted
* All dungeons scripted (only Zul'Farrak needs some fixes)
* vMaps
* 250 Player slots
* Active GMs
* No custom content (100% Blizzlike)
* x4 Rates (out of dropping)
Why you start at level 55?
We heared from many players who are loving 1.12.1 or Classic that they
are want on one hand the level feeling but on other hand the endgame content.
So we decided to start our Chars at level 55. (If you want to start lower, create char
and make an ingame ticket.) You can directly go to Silithus or Winterspring or
something like this and can level to 60. Where the endgame content waits for you!
More informations!
JOIN our Discord: https://discord.gg/ePjvThc
+ Guildsystem is fully working
+ Classic Raids will be progressively open
+ Enemies (NPCs) and Dungeons/Raids are balanced
+ vMaps are added, means no buggy NPCs
+ Fast, friendly and reliable GM Team which helps you
with every problem.
+ An amazing Anti Cheat System
+ No Ingame Shop! (Cash-Shop)
So Hero! What are you waiting for? Be prepared! Our website will be released here as fast
as its ready! (at the 22.03.17 at 18:00 GMT+1). Start you adventure at Asterion today!
Your AsterionTeam! <3