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Assistance with Editing Starting Items - EmuCoach v4 Repack


Trial Member

I am running a fairly fresh build of the EmuCoach repack, and while I have begun to grasp how to create custom items (custom bag made, yay!), I still cannot for the life of me figure out how to edit various things - this time being editing starting equipment.

I have found this link. And I believe bag slot is 18, but I cannot find where to edit the SQL to change starting equips. All I find is playercreateinfo_item which has 4 rows, all 4 are [ 0 | 6 | 40,582 | -1 ] Which I believe is Scourgestone and thusly is relevant to the deathknight class, but I cannot however find the starting info for Gear.

I am looking with HeidiSQL, and I'm sure there is an easy way, but I am still new and haven't been able to find the resources after several days of research. Help would be greatly appreciated.

- Using EmuCoach Repack v4
- Editing with HeidiSQL
- Need assistance editing starting items for all classes
- Custom item is spawn-able in game and is a bag slot item


Trial Member
Figured it out. It was actually as simple as it should have been.

For those curious:

-Open World with a SQL editor ( I used HeidiSQL)

-Go to playercreateinfo_item

- Add in Race / Class / ItemID / Amount

I.E.: | 1 (Human) | 1 (Warrior) | 80000 (my bag ID) | 4 ( 4 Open Slots) |

There is no need to put the slot type, as it seems to auto-default to the correct slot if able. Only issue is not being able to remove the Death Knight starter bags (as I did this for bags, I'm sure the issue would be there for equip slots already taken).

It really was straight forward to figure out, but different than what I have known. I just needed to test a little more.


Verified Member
These are all located serverside in charstartoutfit.dbc - thats why you cant remove the bags and they wont show in the SQL.