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Ashmane-WoW is recruiting Developers for BfA (unpaid)


Trial Member
We are currently recruiting Developers to expand our BfA Development Team!

We are looking for the following profiles:

- Core Developers:
+ Script PvE and PvP Content;
+ Corrections (Spells, Talents, Azerite System, Item Effects, etc.).

- Database Developers - SmartAI to script:
+ Zones;
+ Quests;
+ Scenarios;
+ Instances;

You need to know <C++> and/or <SQL / SmartAI> and have past experience with <TrinityCore>. But also being able to work very clean with TrinityCore.

Please keep in mind that quality is the most important factor for us.
We are aiming to be a qualitative blizzlike BfA Server.

if you are interested or know anybody that would be interested, dm me here or join our Discord Server
and message me there „Xangriffin“.

Discord: https://discord.gg/qEabnA8
Homepage: https://ashamane.com/

Best Regards,
Ashmane Team