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Applications Olympus WoW Server (3.3.5a)


Trial Member
Hi everyone,

I’m pleased to let you know that our custom Olympus server will soon be opening its doors to the public! Nevertheless, before that day, we need a stable and prepared workforce in our staff. This is reason why I’m writing this to you.

It consists of a SPANISH server, but none of the vacant posts are about customer service, which makes unnecessary (although recommendable) to understand and speak the language (the highest staff also speaks English and German; moreover, we have an interpreter when necessary).

We are looking for qualified GMs who have experience regarding the following posts:
-1 maper
-2 customizers
-1 bugs arranger

Documents to be attached: CV (personal and professional data and experience in other servers) along with a brief description about you and how you think you might contribute to our server.

We look forward to receiving your application in: servidorolympus@gmail.com
